
class montreal_forced_aligner.data.WordType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Enum for types of words

bracketed = 5#

Words that are in brackets

clitic = 2#

Clitics that must attach to words

cutoff = 6#

Words that are cutoffs of particular words or hesitations of the next word

disambiguation = 10#

Disambiguation symbols internal to Kaldi

interjection = 11#

Set of words that can be added on the fly to transcripts

laughter = 7#

Words that represent laughter

music = 9#

Words that represent music

noise = 8#

Words that represent non-speech noise

oov = 4#

Words representing out of vocabulary items

silence = 3#

Words representing silence

speech = 1#

General speech words