Source code for

Data classes

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import enum
import io
import itertools
import math
import re
import typing
from pathlib import Path

import dataclassy
import pynini
import pywrapfst
from praatio.utilities.constants import Interval, TextgridFormats
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session

from montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions import CtmError

__all__ = [

OOV_WORD = "<unk>"
BRACKETED_WORD = "<bracketed>"
LAUGHTER_WORD = "[laughter]"
CUTOFF_WORD = "<cutoff>"
SIL_WORD = "<eps>"
SIL_PHONE = "sil"
OOV_PHONE = "spn"

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class DatabaseImportData: """ Class for storing information on importing data into the database Parameters ---------- speaker_objects: list[dict[str, Any]] List of dictionaries with :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Speaker` properties file_objects: list[dict[str, Any]] List of dictionaries with :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` properties text_file_objects: list[dict[str, Any]] List of dictionaries with :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.TextFile` properties sound_file_objects: list[dict[str, Any]] List of dictionaries with :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.SoundFile` properties speaker_ordering_objects: list[dict[str, Any]] List of dictionaries with :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.SpeakerOrdering` properties utterance_objects: list[dict[str, Any]] List of dictionaries with :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` properties """ speaker_objects: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = dataclassy.factory(list) file_objects: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = dataclassy.factory(list) text_file_objects: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = dataclassy.factory(list) sound_file_objects: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = dataclassy.factory(list) speaker_ordering_objects: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = dataclassy.factory(list) utterance_objects: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = dataclassy.factory(list)
[docs] def add_objects(self, other_import: DatabaseImportData) -> None: """ Combine objects for two importers Parameters ---------- other_import: :class:`` Other object with objects to import """ self.speaker_objects.extend(other_import.speaker_objects) self.file_objects.extend(other_import.file_objects) self.text_file_objects.extend(other_import.text_file_objects) self.sound_file_objects.extend(other_import.sound_file_objects) self.speaker_ordering_objects.extend(other_import.speaker_ordering_objects) self.utterance_objects.extend(other_import.utterance_objects)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class PhonologicalRule: preceding_context: typing.List[typing.Set] segment: typing.List[typing.Set] following_context: typing.List[typing.Set] replacement: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] dialect: typing.Optional[str] = None probability: typing.Optional[float] = None initial: bool = False final: bool = False def apply_rule(self, pronunciation: str) -> str: """ Apply the rule on a pronunciation by replacing any matching segments with the replacement Parameters ---------- pronunciation: str Pronunciation to apply rule Returns ------- str Pronunciation with rule applied """ preceding = self.preceding_regex following = self.following_regex if preceding.startswith("^"): preceding = preceding.replace("^", "").strip() if following.startswith("$"): following = following.replace("$", "").strip() components = [] if preceding: components.append(r"\g<preceding>") if self.replacement_regex: components.append(self.replacement_regex) if following: components.append(r"\g<following>") return self.match_regex.sub(" ".join(components), pronunciation).strip() @property def total_input_length(self): return len(self.preceding_context) + len(self.segment) + len(self.following_context) @property def preceding_regex(self): components = [] for phones in self.preceding_context: components.append(f'({"|".join(phones)})') pattern = " ".join(components) if self.initial: pattern = "^" + pattern return pattern @property def following_regex(self): components = [] for phones in self.following_context: components.append(f'({"|".join(phones)})') pattern = " ".join(components) if pattern += "$" return pattern @property def segment_regex(self): components = [] for phones in self.segment: components.append(f'({"|".join(phones)})') return " ".join(components) @property def replacement_regex(self): return " ".join(self.replacement) @property def unapplied_pattern(self) -> re.Pattern: if not hasattr(self, "_unapplied_pattern"): components = [] preceding = self.preceding_regex following = self.following_regex if preceding.startswith("^"): preceding = preceding.replace("^", "").strip() if following.endswith("$"): following = following.replace("$", "").strip() if preceding: components.append(rf"(?P<preceding>{preceding})") if self.segment: components.append(rf"(?P<segment>{self.segment_regex})") if following: components.append(rf"(?P<following>{following})") pattern = " ".join(components) if self.initial: pattern = "^" + pattern if pattern += "$" return re.compile(pattern, flags=re.UNICODE) return self._unapplied_pattern def to_json(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Serializes the rule for export Returns ------- dict[str, Any] Serialized rule """ return { "segment": self.segment_regex, "dialect": self.dialect, "preceding_context": self.preceding_regex, "following_context": self.following_regex, "replacement": self.replacement_regex, "probability": self.probability, } @property def applied_pattern(self): if not hasattr(self, "_applied_pattern"): components = [] preceding = self.preceding_regex following = self.following_regex if preceding.startswith("^"): preceding = preceding.replace("^", "").strip() if following.endswith("$"): following = following.replace("$", "").strip() if preceding: components.append(rf"(?P<preceding>{preceding})") if self.replacement_regex: components.append(rf"(?P<replacement>{self.replacement_regex})") if following: components.append(rf"(?P<following>{following})") pattern = " ".join(components) if self.initial: pattern = "^" + pattern if pattern += "$" return re.compile(pattern, flags=re.UNICODE) return self._applied_pattern @property def replacement_pairs(self): input = [x for x in self.segment] output = [x for x in self.replacement] while len(input) != len(output): if len(input) < len(output): input.append(["<eps>"]) if len(output) < len(input): output.append("<eps>") return list(zip(input, output)) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class MfaArguments: """ Base class for argument classes for MFA functions Attributes ---------- job_name: int Integer ID of the job session: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.scoped_session` or str SqlAlchemy scoped session or string for database connections log_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to save logging information during the run """ job_name: int session: typing.Union[scoped_session, str] log_path: Path
[docs] class TextFileType(enum.Enum): """Enum for types of text files""" NONE = "none" #: No text file TEXTGRID = TextgridFormats.LONG_TEXTGRID #: Praat's long textgrid format SHORT_TEXTGRID = TextgridFormats.SHORT_TEXTGRID #: Praat's short textgrid format LAB = "lab" #: Text file JSON = TextgridFormats.JSON #: JSON def __str__(self) -> str: """Name of phone set""" return self.value
class DatasetType(enum.Enum): """Enum for types of sound files""" NONE = 0 #: Nothing has been imported ACOUSTIC_CORPUS = 1 #: Imported corpus with sound files (and maybe text files) TEXT_CORPUS = 2 #: Imported corpus with just text files ACOUSTIC_CORPUS_WITH_DICTIONARY = ( 3 #: Imported corpus and pronunciation dictionary with sound files ) TEXT_CORPUS_WITH_DICTIONARY = ( 4 #: Imported corpus and pronunciation dictionary with just text files ) DICTIONARY = 5 #: Only imported pronunciation dictionary (for G2P)
[docs] class SoundFileType(enum.Enum): """Enum for types of sound files""" NONE = 0 #: No sound file WAV = 1 #: Can be read as a .wav file SOX = 2 #: Needs to use SoX to preprocess
def voiceless_variants(base_phone) -> typing.Set[str]: """ Generate variants of voiceless IPA phones Parameters ---------- base_phone: str Voiceless IPA phone Returns ------- set[str] Set of base_phone plus variants """ return {base_phone + d for d in ["", "ʱ", "ʼ", "ʰ", "ʲ", "ʷ", "ˠ", "ˀ", "̚", "͈"]} def voiced_variants(base_phone) -> typing.Set[str]: """ Generate variants of voiced IPA phones Parameters ---------- base_phone: str Voiced IPA phone Returns ------- set[str] Set of base_phone plus variants """ return {base_phone + d for d in ["", "ʱ", "ʲ", "ʷ", "ⁿ", "ˠ", "̚"]} | { d + base_phone for d in ["ⁿ"] }
[docs] class PhoneType(enum.Enum): """Enum for types of phones""" non_silence = 1 #: Speech sounds silence = 2 #: Silence phones oov = 3 #: Out of vocabulary/spoken noise phones disambiguation = 4 #: Disambiguation phones internal to Kaldi extra = 5 #: Phones not to be included generally, i.e., loaded from reference intervals
[docs] class WorkflowType(enum.Enum): """ Enum for workflows involving corpora Parameters ---------- reference: int Load alignments from reference directory alignment: int Align using corpus texts, acoustic model, and pronunciation dictionary transcription: int Transcribe using acoustic model, pronunciation dictionary, and language model phone_transcription: int Transcribe using acoustic model and phone-based language model per_speaker_transcription: int Transcribe using acoustic model, pronunciation dictionary, and per-speaker language model generated by corpus texts speaker_diarization: int Diarize speakers online_alignment: int Online alignment acoustic_training: int Acoustic model training acoustic_model_adaptation: int Acoustic model adaptation segmentation: int Segment based on speech activity """ reference = 0 alignment = 1 transcription = 2 phone_transcription = 3 per_speaker_transcription = 4 speaker_diarization = 5 online_alignment = 6 acoustic_training = 7 acoustic_model_adaptation = 8 segmentation = 9 train_g2p = 10 g2p = 11 language_model_training = 12 tokenizer_training = 13 transcript_verification = 14 @classmethod def alignment_workflows(cls): return { cls.alignment, cls.online_alignment, cls.transcript_verification, cls.transcription, cls.per_speaker_transcription, cls.phone_transcription, }
[docs] class WordType(enum.Enum): """Enum for types of words""" speech = 1 #: General speech words clitic = 2 #: Clitics that must attach to words silence = 3 #: Words representing silence oov = 4 #: Words representing out of vocabulary items bracketed = 5 #: Words that are in brackets cutoff = 6 #: Words that are cutoffs of particular words or hesitations of the next word laughter = 7 #: Words that represent laughter noise = 8 #: Words that represent non-speech noise music = 9 #: Words that represent music disambiguation = 10 #: Disambiguation symbols internal to Kaldi interjection = 11 #: Set of words that can be added on the fly to transcripts @classmethod def speech_types(cls): return {cls.speech, cls.clitic, cls.interjection} @classmethod def non_speech_types(cls): return { cls.silence, cls.oov, cls.bracketed, cls.cutoff, cls.laughter, cls.noise,, }
class DistanceMetric(enum.Enum): cosine = "cosine" plda = "plda" euclidean = "euclidean" class ClusterType(enum.Enum): """Enum for supported clustering algorithms""" mfa = "mfa" affinity = "affinity" agglomerative = "agglomerative" spectral = "spectral" dbscan = "dbscan" hdbscan = "hdbscan" optics = "optics" kmeans = "kmeans" meanshift = "meanshift" ISO_LANGUAGE_MAPPING = {} class Language(enum.Enum): """Enum for supported languages""" unknown = None afrikaans = "af" amharic = "am" arabic = "ar" assamese = "as" azerbaijani = "az" bashkir = "ba" belarusian = "be" bulgarian = "bg" bengali = "bn" tibetan = "bo" breton = "br" bosnian = "bs" catalan = "ca" czech = "cs" welsh = "cy" danish = "da" german = "de" greek = "el" english = "en" spanish = "es" estonian = "et" basque = "eu" farsi = "fa" finnish = "fi" faroese = "fo" french = "fr" galician = "gl" gujarati = "gu" hausa = "ha" hebrew = "he" hindi = "hi" croatian = "hr" haitian = "ht" hungarian = "hu" armenian = "hy" indonesian = "id" icelandic = "is" italian = "it" japanese = "ja" georgian = "ka" kazakh = "kk" central_khmer = "km" kannada = "kn" korean = "ko" latin = "la" luxembourgish = "lb" lingala = "ln" lao = "lo" lithuanian = "lt" latvian = "lv" malagasy = "mg" maori = "mi" macedonian = "mk" malayalam = "ml" mongolian = "mn" marathi = "mr" malay = "ms" maltese = "mt" burmese = "my" nepali = "ne" dutch = "nl" flemish = "nl" norwegian_nynorsk = "nn" norwegian = "no" occitan = "oc" punjabi = "pa" polish = "pl" pashto = "ps" portuguese = "pt" romanian = "ro" moldavian = "ro" russian = "ru" sanskrit = "sa" sindhi = "sd" sinhala = "si" slovak = "sk" slovenian = "sl" shona = "sn" somali = "so" albanian = "sq" serbian = "sr" sundanese = "su" swedish = "sv" swahili = "sw" tamil = "ta" telegu = "te" tajik = "tg" thai = "th" turkmen = "tk" tagalog = "tl" turkish = "tr" tatar = "tt" ukrainian = "uk" urdu = "ur" uzbek = "uz" vietnamese = "vi" yiddish = "yi" yoruba = "yo" yue = "yue" chinese = "zh" kinyarwanda = "rw" mandarin = "zh-CN" multilingual = None def __str__(self) -> str: """Name of phone set""" return @property def display_name(self): return"_", " ").title() @property def iso_code(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: return self.value class ManifoldAlgorithm(enum.Enum): """Enum for supported manifold visualization algorithms""" tsne = "tsne" mds = "mds" spectral = "spectral" isomap = "isomap"
[docs] class PhoneSetType(enum.Enum): """Enum for types of phone sets""" UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN" #: Unknown AUTO = "AUTO" #: Inspect dictionary to pick the most common phone set type IPA = "IPA" #: IPA-based phoneset ARPA = "ARPA" #: US English-based Arpabet PINYIN = "PINYIN" #: Pinyin for Mandarin def __str__(self) -> str: """Name of phone set""" return @property def has_base_phone_regex(self) -> bool: """Check for whether a base phone regex is available""" return self is PhoneSetType.IPA or self is PhoneSetType.ARPA or self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN @property def regex_detect(self) -> typing.Optional[re.Pattern]: """Pattern for detecting a phone set type""" if self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return re.compile(r"[A-Z]{2}[012]") elif self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN: return re.compile(r"[a-z]{1,3}[12345]") elif self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return re.compile( r"[əɚʊɡɤʁɹɔɛʉɒβɲɟʝŋʃɕʰʲɾ̃̚ː˩˨˧˦˥̪̝̟̥̂̀̄ˑ̊ᵝ̠̹̞̩̯̬̺ˀˤ̻̙̘̰̤̜̑̽᷈᷄᷅̌̋̏‿̆͜͡ˌˈ̣]" ) return None @property def suprasegmental_phone_regex(self) -> typing.Optional[re.Pattern]: """Regex for creating base phones""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return re.compile(r"([ː̟̥̂̀̄ˑ̊ᵝ̠̹̞̩̯̬̺ˤ̻̙̘̤̜̑̽᷈᷄᷅̌̋̏‿̆͜͡ˌ̍ʱʰʲʷ̚ʼ͈ˈ̣]+)") return None @property def base_phone_regex(self) -> typing.Optional[re.Pattern]: """Regex for creating base phones""" if self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return re.compile(r"[012]") elif self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN: return re.compile(r"[12345]") elif self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return re.compile(r"([ː˩˨˧˦˥̟̥̂̀̄ˑʱʰʲʷ̊ᵝ̠̹̞̩̯̬̺ˀˤ̻̙̘̤̜̑̽᷈᷄᷅̌̋̏‿̆͜͡ˌ̍ˈʼ͈̚]+)") return None @property def voiceless_obstruents(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Voiceless obstruents for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "p", "t", "ʈ", "k", "c", "q", "f", "s", "ʂ", "s̪", "ɕ", "x", "ç", "ɸ", "χ", "ʃ", "h", "ʜ", "ħ", "ʡ", "ʔ", "θ", "ɬ", "ɧ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"P", "T", "CH", "SH", "S", "F", "TH", "HH", "K"} return set() @property def voiced_obstruents(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Voiced obstruents for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "b", "β", "d", "g", "ɖ", "ɡ", "ɟ", "ɢ", "v", "z̪", "z", "ʐ", "ʑ", "ɣ", "ʁ", "ʢ", "ʕ", "ʒ", "ʝ", "ɦ", "ð", "ɮ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"B", "D", "DH", "JH", "ZH", "Z", "V", "DH", "G"} return set() @property def implosive_obstruents(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Implosive obstruents for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɓ", "ɗ", "ʄ", "ɠ", "ʛ", "ᶑ", "ɗ̪"} return set() @property def stops(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Stops for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "p", "t", "t̪", "ʈ", "c", "k", "q", "kp", "pk", "b", "d", "d̪", "ɖ", "ɟ", "ɡ", "ɢ", "bɡ", "ɡb", "ɓ", "ɗ", "ʄ", "ɠ", "ʛ", "ᶑ", "ɗ̪", "ʔ", "ʡ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"B", "D", "P", "T", "G", "K"} return set() @property def sibilants(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Sibilants for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"s", "s̪", "ʃ", "ʂ", "ɕ", "z", "z̪", "ʒ", "ʑ", "ʐ", "ɧ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"SH", "S", "ZH", "Z"} return set() @property def affricates(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Affricates for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "pf", "ts", "t̪s̪", "tʃ", "tɕ", "tʂ", "ʈʂ", "cç", "kx", "tç", "dz", "d̪z̪", "dʒ", "dʑ", "dʐ", "ɖʐ", "ɟʝ", "ɡɣ", "dʝ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"JH", "CH"} return set() @property def fricatives(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Fricatives for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "f", "v", "ç", "ʝ", "ħ", "ɧ", "θ", "ð", "ʁ", "ʢ", "ʕ", "χ", "ʜ", "ʢ", "ɦ", "h", "ɸ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return { "V", "DH", "HH", "F", "TH", } return set() @property def laterals(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Laterals for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"l", "ɫ", "ʟ", "ʎ", "l̪"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"L"} return set() @property def nasals(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Nasals for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɲ", "ŋ", "m", "n", "ɳ", "ɴ", "ɱ", "ŋm", "n̪"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"M", "N", "NG"} return set() @property def trills(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Trills for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ʙ", "r", "ʀ", "r̝"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def taps(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Taps for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɾ", "ɽ", "ⱱ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def lateral_taps(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Lateral taps for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɭ", "ɺ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def lateral_fricatives(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Lateral fricatives for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɬ", "ɮ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def approximants(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Approximants for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɹ", "ɻ", "ʋ", "ʍ"} | self.glides elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"R"} | self.glides return set() @property def glides(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Glides for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"j", "w", "w̃", "j̃", "ɥ", "ɰ", "ɥ̃", "ɰ̃", "j̰"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"Y", "W"} return set() @property def nasal_approximants(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Nasal approximants for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"w̃", "j̃", "ɥ̃", "ɰ̃"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def labials(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Labials for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"b", "p", "m", "ɸ", "β", "ɓ", "w", "ʍ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"B", "P", "M", "W"} return set() @property def labiodental(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Labiodentals for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"f", "v", "ʋ", "ⱱ", "ɱ", "pf"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"F", "V"} return set() @property def dental(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Dentals for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ð", "θ", "t̪", "d̪", "s̪", "z̪", "t̪s̪", "d̪z̪", "n̪", "l̪", "ɗ̪"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"DH", "TH"} return set() @property def alveolar(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Alveolars for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "t", "d", "s", "z", "n", "r", "l", "ɹ", "ɾ", "ɬ", "ɮ", "ɫ", "ts", "dz", "ɗ", "ɺ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"T", "D", "S", "Z", "N", "R", "L"} return set() @property def retroflex(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Retroflexes for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ʈ", "ʂ", "ʐ", "ɖ", "ɽ", "ɻ", "ɭ", "ɳ", "ʈʂ", "ɖʐ", "ᶑ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def alveopalatal(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Alveopalatals for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ʒ", "ʃ", "dʒ", "tʃ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"ZH", "SH", "JH", "CH"} return set() @property def palatalized(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Palatalized phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: palatals = set() palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.labials) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.labiodental) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.alveolar) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.retroflex) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.palatal) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.velar) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.uvular) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.pharyngeal) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.epiglottal) palatals.update(x + "ʲ" for x in self.glottal) return palatals elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def labialized(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Labialized phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: palatals = set() palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.labials) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.labiodental) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.alveolar) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.retroflex) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.palatal) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.velar) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.uvular) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.pharyngeal) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.epiglottal) palatals.update(x + "ʷ" for x in self.glottal) return palatals elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def palatal(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Palatal phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ç", "c", "ɕ", "tɕ", "ɟ", "ɟʝ", "ʝ", "ɲ", "ɥ", "j", "ʎ", "ʑ", "dʑ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"Y"} return set() @property def velar(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Velar phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"k", "x", "ɡ", "ɠ", "ɣ", "ɰ", "ŋ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"K", "NG", "G"} return set() @property def uvular(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Uvular phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"q", "ɢ", "ʛ", "χ", "ʀ", "ʁ", "ʟ", "ɴ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def pharyngeal(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Pharyngeal phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ʕ", "ħ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def epiglottal(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Epiglottal phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ʡ", "ʢ", "ʜ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return set() return set() @property def glottal(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Glottal phones for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ʔ", "ɦ", "h"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"HH"} return set() @property def close_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Close vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɪ", "ɨ", "ɪ̈", "ʉ", "ʊ", "i", "ĩ", "ɯ", "y", "u", "ʏ", "ũ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"IH", "UH", "IY", "UW"} return set() @property def close_mid_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Close-mid vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"e", "ẽ", "ej", "eɪ", "o", "õ", "ow", "oʊ", "ɤ", "ø", "ɵ", "ɘ", "ə", "ɚ", "ʏ̈"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"EY", "OW", "AH"} return set() @property def open_mid_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Open-mid vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɛ", "ɜ", "ɞ", "œ", "ɔ", "ʌ", "ɐ", "æ", "ɛ̈", "ɔ̈", "ɝ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"EH", "AE", "ER"} return set() @property def open_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Open vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"a", "ã", "ɶ", "ɒ", "ɑ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"AO", "AA"} return set() @property def front_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Front vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "i", "ĩ", "y", "ɪ", "ʏ", "e", "ẽ", "ɪ", "ʏ", "ɛ̈", "ʏ̈", "ej", "eɪ", "ø", "ɛ", "œ", "æ", "ɶ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"IY", "EY", "EH", "AE", "IH"} return set() @property def central_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Central vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɨ", "ʉ", "ɘ", "ɵ", "ə", "ɜ", "ɞ", "ɐ", "ɚ", "ã", "a", "ɝ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"UW", "AH", "ER"} return set() @property def back_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Back vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return {"ɯ", "u", "ũ", "ʊ", "ɔ̈", "ɤ", "o", "õ", "ow", "oʊ", "ʌ", "ɔ", "ɑ", "ɒ"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"OW", "AO", "AA", "UH"} return set() @property def rounded_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Rounded vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "y", "ʏ", "o", "õ", "u", "ʊ", "ow", "oʊ", "ɔ", "ø", "ɵ", "ɞ", "œ", "ɒ", "ɶ", "ʉ", "ʏ̈", "ɔ̈", "ũ", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"OW", "UW", "UH", "AO"} return set() @property def unrounded_vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Unrounded vowels for the phone set""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: return { "i", "ĩ", "e", "ɛ̈", "ej", "ẽ", "ɤ", "eɪ", "ɨ", "ɯ", "ɘ", "ə", "ɚ", "ɪ", "ɪ̈", "ɛ", "ɜ", "ɝ", "ʌ", "ɐ", "ɑ", "æ", "ã", "a", } elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"IY", "EY", "EH", "AH", "IH", "ER", "AE", "AA"} return set() @property def diphthong_phones(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Diphthong phones for the phone set type (these will have 5 states in HMM topologies)""" if self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return { "AY", "AY0", "AY1", "AY2", "AW", "AW0", "AW1", "AW2", "OY", "OY0", "OY1", "OY2", } if self is PhoneSetType.IPA or self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN: diphthongs = {x + y for x, y in itertools.product(self.vowels, self.vowels)} if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: diphthongs |= {x + y for x, y in itertools.product(self.glides, self.vowels)} diphthongs |= {x + y for x, y in itertools.product(self.vowels, self.glides)} return diphthongs return set() @property def vowels(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Vowels for the phone set type""" if self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN: return {"i", "u", "y", "e", "w", "a", "o", "e", "ü"} elif self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: return {"IH", "UH", "IY", "AE", "UW", "AH", "AO", "AA"} elif self is PhoneSetType.IPA: base_vowels = { "i", "u", "e", "ə", "a", "o", "y", "ɔ", "j", "w", "ɪ", "ʊ", "w", "ʏ", "ɯ", "ɤ", "ɑ", "æ", "ɐ", "ɚ", "ɵ", "ɘ", "ɛ", "ɜ", "ɝ", "ɞ", "ɑ̃", "ɨ", "ɪ̈", "œ", "ɒ", "ɶ", "ø", "ʉ", "ʌ", } base_vowels |= {x + "̃" for x in base_vowels} # Add nasals return { "i", "u", "e", "ə", "a", "o", "y", "ɔ", "j", "w", "ɪ", "ʊ", "w", "ʏ", "ɯ", "ɤ", "ɑ", "æ", "ɐ", "ɚ", "ɵ", "ɘ", "ɛ", "ɜ", "ɝ", "ɞ", "ɨ", "ɪ̈", "œ", "ɒ", "ɶ", "ø", "ʉ", "ʌ", } return set() @property def triphthong_phones(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Triphthong phones for the phone set type""" if self is PhoneSetType.IPA or self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN: triphthongs = { x + y + z for x, y, z in itertools.product(self.vowels, self.vowels, self.vowels) } if self is PhoneSetType.IPA: triphthongs |= { x + y for x, y in itertools.product(self.glides, self.diphthong_phones) } triphthongs |= { x + y for x, y in itertools.product(self.diphthong_phones, self.glides) } return triphthongs return set() @property def extra_questions(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]]: """Extra questions for phone clustering in triphone models""" extra_questions = {} if self is PhoneSetType.ARPA: extra_questions["stops"] = self.stops extra_questions["fricatives"] = self.fricatives extra_questions["sibilants"] = self.sibilants | self.affricates extra_questions["approximants"] = self.approximants extra_questions["laterals"] = self.laterals extra_questions["nasals"] = self.nasals extra_questions["labials"] = self.labials | self.labiodental extra_questions["dental"] = | self.labiodental extra_questions["coronal"] = | self.alveolar | self.alveopalatal extra_questions["dorsal"] = self.velar | self.glottal extra_questions["unrounded"] = self.unrounded_vowels extra_questions["rounded"] = self.rounded_vowels extra_questions["front"] = self.front_vowels extra_questions["central"] = self.central_vowels extra_questions["back"] = self.back_vowels extra_questions["close"] = self.close_vowels extra_questions["close_mid"] = self.close_mid_vowels extra_questions["open_mid"] = self.open_mid_vowels extra_questions["open"] = self.open_vowels # extra stress questions vowels = [ "AA", "AE", "AH", "AO", "AW", "AY", "EH", "ER", "EY", "IH", "IY", "OW", "OY", "UH", "UW", ] for i in range(3): extra_questions[f"stress_{i}"] = {f"{x}{i}" for x in vowels} elif self is PhoneSetType.PINYIN: for i in range(1, 6): extra_questions[f"tone_{i}"] = {f"{x}{i}" for x in self.vowels} extra_questions[f"tone_{i}"] |= {f"{x}{i}" for x in self.diphthong_phones} extra_questions[f"tone_{i}"] |= {f"{x}{i}" for x in self.triphthong_phones} extra_questions["bilabial_variation"] = {"p", "b"} extra_questions["nasal_variation"] = {"m", "n", "ng"} extra_questions["voiceless_sibilant_variation"] = { "z", "zh", "j", "c", "ch", "q", "s", "sh", "x", } extra_questions["dorsal_variation"] = {"h", "k", "g"} extra_questions["alveolar_stop_variation"] = {"t", "d"} extra_questions["approximant_variation"] = {"l", "r", "y", "w"} extra_questions["rhotic_variation"] = {"r", "sh", "e"} elif self is PhoneSetType.IPA: def add_consonant_variants(consonant_set): """Add consonant variants for the given set""" consonants = set() for p in consonant_set: if p in self.voiceless_obstruents: consonants |= voiceless_variants(p) else: consonants |= voiced_variants(p) return consonants extra_questions["stops"] = add_consonant_variants(self.stops) extra_questions["fricatives"] = add_consonant_variants( self.fricatives | self.lateral_fricatives ) extra_questions["sibilants"] = add_consonant_variants(self.sibilants | self.affricates) extra_questions["approximants"] = add_consonant_variants(self.approximants) extra_questions["laterals"] = add_consonant_variants(self.laterals) extra_questions["nasals"] = add_consonant_variants( self.nasals | self.nasal_approximants ) extra_questions["trills"] = add_consonant_variants(self.trills | self.taps) extra_questions["labials"] = add_consonant_variants( self.labials | self.labiodental | self.labialized ) extra_questions["dental"] = add_consonant_variants( | self.labiodental) extra_questions["coronal"] = add_consonant_variants( | self.alveolar | self.retroflex | self.alveopalatal ) extra_questions["dorsal"] = add_consonant_variants( self.palatal | self.velar | self.uvular ) extra_questions["palatals"] = add_consonant_variants( self.palatal | self.alveopalatal | self.palatalized ) extra_questions["pharyngeal"] = add_consonant_variants( self.pharyngeal | self.epiglottal | self.glottal ) extra_questions["unrounded"] = add_consonant_variants(self.unrounded_vowels) extra_questions["rounded"] = add_consonant_variants(self.rounded_vowels) extra_questions["front"] = add_consonant_variants(self.front_vowels) extra_questions["central"] = add_consonant_variants(self.central_vowels) extra_questions["back"] = add_consonant_variants(self.back_vowels) extra_questions["close"] = add_consonant_variants(self.close_vowels) extra_questions["close_mid"] = add_consonant_variants(self.close_mid_vowels) extra_questions["open_mid"] = add_consonant_variants(self.open_mid_vowels) extra_questions["open"] = add_consonant_variants(self.open_vowels) extra_questions["front_semi_vowels"] = add_consonant_variants( {"j", "i", "ɪ", "ɥ", "ʏ", "y"} ) extra_questions["back_semi_vowels"] = add_consonant_variants( {"w", "u", "ʊ", "ɰ", "ɯ", "ʍ"} ) # Some language specific questions extra_questions["L_vocalization"] = {"ʊ", "ɫ", "u", "ʉ"} extra_questions["ts_z_variation"] = {"ts", "z"} extra_questions["rhotics"] = {"ɹ", "ɝ", "ɚ", "ə", "ʁ", "ɐ"} extra_questions["diphthongs"] = self.diphthong_phones extra_questions["triphthongs"] = self.triphthong_phones return extra_questions
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class SoundFileInformation: """ Data class for sound file information with format, sampling rate, duration, and number of channels Parameters ---------- format: str Format of the sound file sample_rate: int Sample rate duration: float Duration num_channels: int Number of channels """ format: str sample_rate: int duration: float num_channels: int @property def meta(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Dictionary representation of sound file information""" return dataclassy.asdict(self)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class FileExtensions: """ Data class for information about the current directory Parameters ---------- identifiers: list[str] List of identifiers lab_files: dict[str, str] Mapping of identifiers to lab files textgrid_files: dict[str, str] Mapping of identifiers to TextGrid files wav_files: dict[str, str] Mapping of identifiers to wav files other_audio_files: dict[str, str] Mapping of identifiers to other audio files """ identifiers: typing.Set[str] lab_files: typing.Dict[str, str] textgrid_files: typing.Dict[str, str] wav_files: typing.Dict[str, str] other_audio_files: typing.Dict[str, str] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class WordData: """ Data class for information about a word and its pronunciations Parameters ---------- orthography: str Orthographic string for the word pronunciations: set[tuple[str, ...] Set of tuple pronunciations for the word """ orthography: str pronunciations: typing.Set[typing.Tuple[str, ...]]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class NgramHistoryState: """ Data class for storing ngram history """ backoff_prob: float = 1.0 word_to_prob: dict = {} class ArpaNgramModel: """ Wrapper class for ngram models, taken largely from :kaldi_utils`:`lang/internal/` """ def __init__(self): self.orders = {0: collections.defaultdict(NgramHistoryState)} @classmethod def read(cls, input: typing.Union[io.StringIO, str]): """ Read an ngram model from a stream Parameters ---------- input: :class:`io.StringIO` or str Input stream or file path to read Returns ------- :class:`` Constructed model """ cleanup = False if isinstance(input, str): cleanup = True input = open(input, "r", encoding="utf8") log10 = math.log(10.0) current_order = -1 model = ArpaNgramModel() for line in input: line = line.strip() if not line: continue m = re.match(r"\\(?P<order>[0-9]*)-grams:$", line) if m: current_order = int("order")) model.orders[current_order] = collections.defaultdict(NgramHistoryState) continue if current_order < 1: continue if line.startswith("\\"): continue col = line.split() prob = math.exp(float(col[0]) * log10) hist = tuple(col[1:current_order]) word = col[current_order] # a string backoff_prob = ( math.exp(float(col[current_order + 1]) * log10) if len(col) == current_order + 2 else None ) model.orders[current_order - 1][hist].word_to_prob[word] = prob if backoff_prob is not None: model.orders[current_order][hist + (word,)].backoff_prob = backoff_prob if cleanup: input.close() return model def history_to_fst_state_mapping( self, min_order: int = None, max_order: int = None ) -> typing.Tuple[ typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[str, ...], int], typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, ...]] ]: """ This function, called from PrintAsFst, returns (hist_to_state, state_to_hist), which map from history (as a tuple of strings) to integer FST-state and vice versa. Parameters ---------- min_order: int, optional Minimum order of ngrams to construct state mapping max_order: int, optional Maximum order of ngrams to construct state mapping Returns ------- typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[str, ...], int] History to state mapping typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, ...]] State to history mapping """ hist_to_state = {} state_to_hist = [] # Make sure the initial bigram state comes first (and that # we have such a state even if it was completely pruned # away in the bigram LM.. which is unlikely of course) hist = ("<s>",) hist_to_state[hist] = len(state_to_hist) state_to_hist.append(hist) # create a bigram state for each of the 'real' words... even if the LM # didn't naturally have such bigram states, we'll create them so that we # can enforce the bigram constraints supplied in 'bigrams_file' by the # user. for word in self.orders[0][()].word_to_prob: if word != "<s>" and word != "</s>": hist = (word,) hist_to_state[hist] = len(state_to_hist) state_to_hist.append(hist) # note: we do not allocate an FST state for the unigram state, because # we don't have a unigram state in the output FST, only bigram states; and # we don't iterate over bigram histories because we covered them all above; # that's why we start 'n' from 2 below instead of from 0. for order, history_states in self.orders.items(): if min_order is not None and order < min_order: continue if max_order is not None and order > max_order: continue for hist in history_states.keys(): # note: hist is a tuple of strings. assert hist not in hist_to_state hist_to_state[hist] = len(state_to_hist) state_to_hist.append(hist) return (hist_to_state, state_to_hist) def _get_prob(self, hist: typing.Tuple[str, ...], word: str) -> float: """ Returns the probability of word 'word' in history-state 'hist'. Dies with error if this word is not predicted at all by the LM (not in vocab). history-state does not exist. Parameters ---------- hist: tuple[str,...] History for ngram word: str Current word Returns ------- float Probability """ assert len(hist) < len(self.orders) if len(hist) == 0: word_to_prob = self.orders[0][()].word_to_prob return word_to_prob[word] else: if hist in self.orders[len(hist)]: hist_state = self.orders[len(hist)][hist] if word in hist_state.word_to_prob: return hist_state.word_to_prob[word] else: return hist_state.backoff_prob * self._get_prob(hist[1:], word) else: return self._get_prob(hist[1:], word) def _get_state_for_hist(self, hist_to_state, hist) -> int: """ This gets the state corresponding to 'hist' in 'hist_to_state', but backs off for us if there is no such state. Parameters ---------- hist_to_state: dict[tuple[str, ...], int] Mapping of history to states hist: tuple[str, ...] History to look up Returns ------- int State for history """ if hist in hist_to_state: return hist_to_state[hist] else: assert len(hist) > 1 return self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, hist[1:]) def construct_bigram_fst( self, disambig_symbol: str, bigram_map: typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]], symbols: pywrapfst.SymbolTable, ) -> pynini.Fst: """ This function prints the estimated language model as an FST. disambig_symbol will be something like '#0' (a symbol introduced to make the result determinizable). bigram_map represent the allowed bigrams (left-word, right-word): it's a map from left-word to a set of right-words (both are strings). Parameters ---------- disambig_symbol: str Disambiguation symbol bigram_map: dict[str, set[str]] Mapping of left bigrams to allowed right bigrams symbols: :class:`pywrapfst.SymbolTable` Symbol table for the FST Returns ------- :class:`pynini.Fst` Bigram FST """ # History will map from history (as a tuple) to integer FST-state. (hist_to_state, state_to_hist) = self.history_to_fst_state_mapping(min_order=2) # The following 3 things are just for diagnostics. normalization_stats = [[0, 0.0] for _ in range(len(self.orders))] num_ngrams_allowed = 0 num_ngrams_disallowed = 0 fst = pynini.Fst() for state in range(len(state_to_hist)): s = fst.add_state() hist = state_to_hist[state] hist_len = len(hist) assert hist_len > 0 if hist_len == 1: # it's a bigram state... context_word = hist[0] if context_word not in bigram_map: continue # word list is a list of words that can follow this word. It must be nonempty. word_list = list(bigram_map[context_word]) normalization_stats[hist_len][0] += 1 for word in word_list: prob = self._get_prob((context_word,), word) assert prob != 0 normalization_stats[hist_len][1] += prob cost = -math.log(prob) if word == "</s>": fst.set_final(s, pywrapfst.Weight(fst.weight_type(), cost)) else: next_state = self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, (context_word, word)) k = symbols.find(word) fst.add_arc(state, pywrapfst.Arc(k, k, cost, next_state)) else: # it's a higher-order than bigram state. assert hist in self.orders[hist_len] hist_state = self.orders[hist_len][hist] most_recent_word = hist[-1] normalization_stats[hist_len][0] += 1 normalization_stats[hist_len][1] += sum( self._get_prob(hist, word) for word in bigram_map[most_recent_word] ) for word, prob in hist_state.word_to_prob.items(): cost = -math.log(prob) if word in bigram_map[most_recent_word]: num_ngrams_allowed += 1 else: num_ngrams_disallowed += 1 continue if word == "</s>": fst.set_final(s, pywrapfst.Weight(fst.weight_type(), cost)) else: next_state = self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, (hist) + (word,)) k = symbols.find(word) fst.add_arc(state, pywrapfst.Arc(k, k, cost, next_state)) assert hist in self.orders[hist_len] backoff_prob = self.orders[hist_len][hist].backoff_prob assert backoff_prob != 0.0 cost = -math.log(backoff_prob) backoff_hist = hist[1:] backoff_state = self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, backoff_hist) this_disambig_symbol = ( disambig_symbol if len(hist_state.word_to_prob) != 0 else "<eps>" ) k = symbols.find(this_disambig_symbol) eps = symbols.find("<eps>") fst.add_arc(state, pywrapfst.Arc(k, eps, cost, backoff_state)) fst.set_start(0) return fst def export_bigram_fst( self, output: typing.Union[str, io.StringIO], disambig_symbol: str, bigram_map: typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]], ) -> None: """ This function prints the estimated language model as an FST. disambig_symbol will be something like '#0' (a symbol introduced to make the result determinizable). bigram_map represent the allowed bigrams (left-word, right-word): it's a map from left-word to a set of right-words (both are strings). Parameters ---------- output: :class:`io.StringIO` or str Output stream or file name to export to disambig_symbol: str Disambiguation symbol to use bigram_map: dict[str, set[str]] Mapping of left bigrams to allowed right bigrams """ # History will map from history (as a tuple) to integer FST-state. (hist_to_state, state_to_hist) = self.history_to_fst_state_mapping(min_order=2) # The following 3 things are just for diagnostics. normalization_stats = [[0, 0.0] for _ in range(len(self.orders))] num_ngrams_allowed = 0 num_ngrams_disallowed = 0 if isinstance(output, str): output = open(output, "w", encoding="utf8") for state in range(len(state_to_hist)): hist = state_to_hist[state] hist_len = len(hist) assert hist_len > 0 if hist_len == 1: # it's a bigram state... context_word = hist[0] if context_word not in bigram_map: continue # word list is a list of words that can follow this word. It must be nonempty. word_list = list(bigram_map[context_word]) normalization_stats[hist_len][0] += 1 for word in word_list: prob = self._get_prob((context_word,), word) assert prob != 0 normalization_stats[hist_len][1] += prob cost = -math.log(prob) if word == "</s>": output.write(f"{state} {cost:.3f}\n") else: next_state = self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, (context_word, word)) output.write(f"{state} {next_state} {word} {word} {cost:.3f}\n") else: # it's a higher-order than bigram state. assert hist in self.orders[hist_len] hist_state = self.orders[hist_len][hist] most_recent_word = hist[-1] normalization_stats[hist_len][0] += 1 normalization_stats[hist_len][1] += sum( self._get_prob(hist, word) for word in bigram_map[most_recent_word] ) for word, prob in hist_state.word_to_prob.items(): cost = -math.log(prob) if word in bigram_map[most_recent_word]: num_ngrams_allowed += 1 else: num_ngrams_disallowed += 1 continue if word == "</s>": output.write(f"{state} {cost:.3f}\n") else: next_state = self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, (hist) + (word,)) output.write(f"{state} {next_state} {word} {word} {cost:.3f}\n") assert hist in self.orders[hist_len] backoff_prob = self.orders[hist_len][hist].backoff_prob assert backoff_prob != 0.0 cost = -math.log(backoff_prob) backoff_hist = hist[1:] backoff_state = self._get_state_for_hist(hist_to_state, backoff_hist) this_disambig_symbol = ( disambig_symbol if len(hist_state.word_to_prob) != 0 else "<eps>" ) output.write(f"{state} {backoff_state} {this_disambig_symbol} <eps> {cost:.3f}") output.close() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class PronunciationProbabilityCounter: """ Data class for count information used in pronunciation probability modeling Parameters ---------- ngram_counts: collections.defaultdict Counts of ngrams word_pronunciation_counts: collections.defaultdict Counts of word pronunciations silence_following_counts: collections.Counter Counts of silence following pronunciation non_silence_following_counts: collections.Counter Counts of non-silence following pronunciation silence_before_counts: collections.Counter Counts of silence before pronunciation non_silence_before_counts: collections.Counter Counts of non-silence before pronunciation """ ngram_counts: collections.defaultdict = dataclassy.factory(collections.defaultdict) word_pronunciation_counts: collections.defaultdict = dataclassy.factory( collections.defaultdict ) silence_following_counts: collections.Counter = dataclassy.factory(collections.Counter) non_silence_following_counts: collections.Counter = dataclassy.factory(collections.Counter) silence_before_counts: collections.Counter = dataclassy.factory(collections.Counter) non_silence_before_counts: collections.Counter = dataclassy.factory(collections.Counter) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize default dictionaries""" self.ngram_counts = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter) self.word_pronunciation_counts = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
[docs] def add_counts(self, other_counter: PronunciationProbabilityCounter) -> None: """ Combine counts of two :class:`` Parameters ---------- other_counter: :class:`` Other object with pronunciation probability counts """ for k, v in other_counter.ngram_counts.items(): self.ngram_counts[k]["silence"] += v["silence"] self.ngram_counts[k]["non_silence"] += v["non_silence"] for k, v in other_counter.word_pronunciation_counts.items(): for k2, v2 in v.items(): self.word_pronunciation_counts[k][k2] += v2 self.silence_following_counts.update(other_counter.silence_following_counts) self.non_silence_following_counts.update(other_counter.non_silence_following_counts) self.silence_before_counts.update(other_counter.silence_before_counts) self.non_silence_before_counts.update(other_counter.non_silence_before_counts)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class CtmInterval: """ Data class for intervals derived from CTM files Parameters ---------- begin: float Start time of interval end: float End time of interval label: str Text of interval confidence: float, optional Confidence score of the interval """ begin: float end: float label: typing.Union[int, str] confidence: typing.Optional[float] = None def __lt__(self, other: CtmInterval): """Sorting function for CtmIntervals""" return self.begin < other.begin def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return self.label + other else: self.begin += other self.end += other def __post_init__(self) -> None: """ Check on data validity Raises ------ :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions.CtmError` If begin or end are not valid """ if self.end < -1 or self.begin == 1000000: raise CtmError(self)
[docs] def to_tg_interval(self, file_duration=None) -> Interval: """ Converts the CTMInterval to `PraatIO's Interval class <>`_ Returns ------- :class:`praatio.utilities.constants.Interval` Derived PraatIO Interval """ if self.end < -1 or self.begin == 1000000: raise CtmError(self) end = round(self.end, 6) begin = round(self.begin, 6) if file_duration is not None and end > file_duration: end = round(file_duration, 6) if begin >= end: raise CtmError(self) return Interval(round(self.begin, 6), end, self.label)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @dataclassy.dataclass(slots=True) class WordCtmInterval: """ Data class for word intervals derived from CTM files Parameters ---------- begin: float Start time of interval end: float End time of interval word_id: int Integer id of word pronunciation_id: int Pronunciation integer id of word """ begin: float end: float word_id: int pronunciation_id: int def __lt__(self, other: WordCtmInterval): """Sorting function for WordCtmIntervals""" return self.begin < other.begin