
This example for aligning the LibriSpeech test data set assumes that the Montreal Forced Aligner has been downloaded and works.

Set up

  1. Download the prepared LibriSpeech dataset (LibriSpeech data set) and extract it somewhere on your computer

  2. Download the LibriSpeech lexicon (LibriSpeech lexicon) and save it somewhere on your computer


Aligning using pre-trained models

Enter the following command into the terminal:

bin/mfa_align /path/to/librispeech/dataset /path/to/librispeech/lexicon.txt english ~/Documents/aligned_librispeech

Aligning through training

Enter the following command into the terminal:

bin/mfa_train_and_align  /path/to/librispeech/dataset /path/to/librispeech/lexicon.txt ~/Documents/aligned_librispeech