Source code for montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator

"""Class for generating pronunciations from G2P models"""
from __future__ import annotations

import csv
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import queue
import statistics
import time
import typing
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import pynini
import pywrapfst
from praatio import textgrid
from pynini import Fst, TokenType
from pynini.lib import rewrite
from pywrapfst import SymbolTable
from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload
from import tqdm

from montreal_forced_aligner import config
from import DatabaseMixin, KaldiFunction, TopLevelMfaWorker
from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.text_corpus import DictionaryTextCorpusMixin, TextCorpusMixin
from import MfaArguments, TextgridFormats, WordType, WorkflowType
from montreal_forced_aligner.db import File, Utterance, Word, bulk_update
from montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions import PyniniGenerationError
from montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.mixins import G2PTopLevelMixin
from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import comma_join, mfa_open, score_g2p
from montreal_forced_aligner.models import G2PModel
from montreal_forced_aligner.textgrid import construct_output_path
from montreal_forced_aligner.utils import run_kaldi_function

    from dataclasses import dataclass

    SpeakerCharacterType = Union[str, int]
    from dataclassy import dataclass

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger("mfa")

def threshold_lattice_to_dfa(
    lattice: pynini.Fst, threshold: float = 1.0, state_multiplier: int = 2
) -> pynini.Fst:
    """Constructs a (possibly pruned) weighted DFA of output strings.
    Given an epsilon-free lattice of output strings (such as produced by
    rewrite_lattice), attempts to determinize it, pruning non-optimal paths if
    optimal_only is true. This is valid only in a semiring with the path property.
    To prevent unexpected blowup during determinization, a state threshold is
    also used and a warning is logged if this exact threshold is reached. The
    threshold is a multiplier of the size of input lattice (by default, 4), plus
    a small constant factor. This is intended by a sensible default and is not an
    inherently meaningful value in and of itself.

    lattice: :class:`~pynini.Fst`
        Epsilon-free non-deterministic finite acceptor.
    threshold: float
        Threshold for weights, 1.0 is optimal only, 0 is for all paths, greater than 1
        prunes the lattice to include paths with costs less than the optimal path's score times the threshold
    state_multiplier: int
        Max ratio for the number of states in the DFA lattice to the NFA lattice; if exceeded, a warning is logged.

        Epsilon-free deterministic finite acceptor.
    weight_type = lattice.weight_type()
    weight_threshold = pynini.Weight(weight_type, threshold)
    state_threshold = 256 + state_multiplier * lattice.num_states()
    lattice = pynini.determinize(lattice, nstate=state_threshold, weight=weight_threshold)
    return lattice

def optimal_rewrites(
    string: pynini.FstLike,
    rule: pynini.Fst,
    input_token_type: Optional[TokenType] = None,
    output_token_type: Optional[TokenType] = None,
    threshold: float = 1,
) -> List[str]:
    """Returns all optimal rewrites.
    string: Input string or FST.
    rule: Input rule WFST.
    input_token_type: Optional input token type, or symbol table.
    output_token_type: Optional output token type, or symbol table.
    threshold: Threshold for weights (1 is optimal only, 0 is for all paths)
    A tuple of output strings.
    lattice = rewrite.rewrite_lattice(string, rule, input_token_type)
    lattice = threshold_lattice_to_dfa(lattice, threshold, 4)
    return rewrite.lattice_to_strings(lattice, output_token_type)

[docs] class Rewriter: """ Helper object for rewriting Parameters ---------- fst: pynini.Fst G2P FST model input_token_type: pynini.TokenType Grapheme symbol table or "utf8" output_token_type: pynini.SymbolTable Phone symbol table num_pronunciations: int Number of pronunciations, default to 0. If this is 0, thresholding is used threshold: float Threshold to use for pruning rewrite lattice, defaults to 1.5, only used if num_pronunciations is 0 """ def __init__( self, fst: Fst, input_token_type: TokenType, phone_symbol_table: SymbolTable, num_pronunciations: int = 0, threshold: float = 1, graphemes: Set[str] = None, strict: bool = False, ): self.graphemes = graphemes self.input_token_type = input_token_type self.phone_symbol_table = phone_symbol_table self.strict = strict if num_pronunciations > 0: self.rewrite = functools.partial( rewrite.top_rewrites, nshortest=num_pronunciations, rule=fst, input_token_type=None, output_token_type=self.phone_symbol_table, ) else: self.rewrite = functools.partial( optimal_rewrites, threshold=threshold, rule=fst, input_token_type=None, output_token_type=self.phone_symbol_table, ) def create_word_fst(self, word: str) -> pynini.Fst: if self.graphemes is not None: if self.strict and any(x not in self.graphemes for x in word): return None word = "".join([x for x in word if x in self.graphemes]) fst = pynini.accep(word, token_type=self.input_token_type) return fst def __call__(self, graphemes: str) -> List[str]: # pragma: no cover """Call the rewrite function""" if " " in graphemes: words = graphemes.split() hypotheses = [] for w in words: w_fst = self.create_word_fst(w) if not w_fst: continue hypotheses.append(self.rewrite(w_fst)) hypotheses = sorted(set(" ".join(x) for x in itertools.product(*hypotheses))) else: fst = self.create_word_fst(graphemes) if not fst: return [] hypotheses = self.rewrite(fst) return [x for x in hypotheses if x]
class PhonetisaurusRewriter: """ Helper function for rewriting Parameters ---------- fst: pynini.Fst G2P FST model grapheme_symbol_table: pynini.SymbolTable Grapheme symbol table phone_symbol_table: pynini.SymbolTable Phone symbol table num_pronunciations: int Number of pronunciations, default to 0. If this is 0, thresholding is used threshold: float Threshold to use for pruning rewrite lattice, defaults to 1.5, only used if num_pronunciations is 0 grapheme_order: int Maximum number of graphemes to consider single segment sequence_separator: str Separator to use between grapheme symbols """ def __init__( self, fst: Fst, grapheme_symbol_table: SymbolTable, phone_symbol_table: SymbolTable, num_pronunciations: int = 0, threshold: float = 1.5, grapheme_order: int = 2, sequence_separator: str = "|", graphemes: Set[str] = None, strict: bool = False, ): self.fst = fst self.sequence_separator = sequence_separator self.grapheme_symbol_table = grapheme_symbol_table self.phone_symbol_table = phone_symbol_table self.grapheme_order = grapheme_order self.graphemes = graphemes self.strict = strict if num_pronunciations > 0: self.rewrite = functools.partial( rewrite.top_rewrites, nshortest=num_pronunciations, rule=fst, input_token_type=None, output_token_type=self.phone_symbol_table, ) else: self.rewrite = functools.partial( optimal_rewrites, threshold=threshold, rule=fst, input_token_type=None, output_token_type=self.phone_symbol_table, ) def create_word_fst(self, word: str) -> typing.Optional[pynini.Fst]: if self.graphemes is not None: if self.strict and any(not self.grapheme_symbol_table.member(x) for x in word): return None word = [x for x in word if x in self.graphemes] if not word: return None fst = pynini.Fst() one = max_state = 0 for i in range(len(word)): start_state = fst.add_state() for j in range(1, self.grapheme_order + 1): if i + j <= len(word): substring = self.sequence_separator.join(word[i : i + j]) ilabel = self.grapheme_symbol_table.find(substring) if ilabel != pywrapfst.NO_LABEL: fst.add_arc(start_state, pywrapfst.Arc(ilabel, ilabel, one, i + j)) if i + j >= max_state: max_state = i + j for _ in range(fst.num_states(), max_state + 1): fst.add_state() fst.set_start(0) fst.set_final(len(word), one) fst.set_input_symbols(self.grapheme_symbol_table) fst.set_output_symbols(self.grapheme_symbol_table) return fst def __call__(self, graphemes: str) -> List[str]: # pragma: no cover """Call the rewrite function""" if " " in graphemes: words = graphemes.split() hypotheses = [] for w in words: w_fst = self.create_word_fst(w) if not w_fst: continue hypotheses.append(self.rewrite(w_fst)) hypotheses = sorted(set(" ".join(x) for x in itertools.product(*hypotheses))) else: fst = self.create_word_fst(graphemes) if not fst: return [] hypotheses = self.rewrite(fst) hypotheses = [x.replace(self.sequence_separator, " ") for x in hypotheses if x] return hypotheses
[docs] class RewriterWorker(mp.Process): """ Rewriter process Parameters ---------- job_queue: :class:`~multiprocessing.Queue` Queue to pull words from return_queue: :class:`~multiprocessing.Queue` Queue to put pronunciations rewriter: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator.Rewriter` Function to generate pronunciations of words stopped: :class:`~threading.Event` Stop check """ def __init__( self, job_queue: mp.Queue, return_queue: mp.Queue, rewriter: Rewriter, stopped: mp.Event, ): super().__init__() self.job_queue = job_queue self.return_queue = return_queue self.rewriter = rewriter self.stopped = stopped self.finished = mp.Event()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run the rewriting function""" while True: try: word = self.job_queue.get(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: break if self.stopped.is_set(): continue try: rep = self.rewriter(word) self.return_queue.put((word, rep)) except rewrite.Error: pass except Exception as e: # noqa self.stopped.set() self.return_queue.put(e) raise self.finished.set()
@dataclass class G2PArguments(MfaArguments): """ Arguments for :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.alignment.multiprocessing.CompileTrainGraphsFunction` Parameters ---------- job_name: int Integer ID of the job db_string: str String for database connections log_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to save logging information during the run tree_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to tree file model_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to model file use_g2p: bool Flag for whether acoustic model uses g2p """ rewriter: Rewriter class G2PFunction(KaldiFunction): def __init__(self, args: G2PArguments): super().__init__(args) self.rewriter = args.rewriter def _run(self): """Run the function""" with mfa_open(self.log_path, "w") as log_file, self.session() as session: query = ( session.query(, Utterance.normalized_text) .filter(Utterance.job_id == self.job_name) .filter(Utterance.normalized_text != "") ) for id, text in query: try: pronunciation_text = self.rewriter(text)[0] self.callback((id, pronunciation_text)) except pynini.lib.rewrite.Error: log_file.write(f"Error on generating pronunciation for {text}\n") def clean_up_word(word: str, graphemes: Set[str]) -> Tuple[str, Set[str]]: """ Clean up word by removing graphemes not in a specified set Parameters ---------- word : str Input string graphemes: set[str] Set of allowable graphemes Returns ------- str Cleaned up word Set[str] Graphemes excluded """ new_word = [] missing_graphemes = set() for c in word: if c not in graphemes: missing_graphemes.add(c) else: new_word.append(c) return "".join(new_word), missing_graphemes class OrthographyGenerator(G2PTopLevelMixin): """ Abstract mixin class for generating "pronunciations" based off the orthographic word See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.mixins.G2PTopLevelMixin` For top level G2P generation parameters """ def generate_pronunciations(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Generate pronunciations for the word set Returns ------- dict[str, Word] Mapping of words to their "pronunciation" """ pronunciations = {} for word in self.words_to_g2p: pronunciations[word] = [" ".join(word)] return pronunciations
[docs] class PyniniGenerator(G2PTopLevelMixin): """ Class for generating pronunciations from a Pynini G2P model Parameters ---------- g2p_model_path: str Path to G2P model strict_graphemes: bool Flag for whether to be strict with missing graphemes and skip words containing new graphemes See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.mixins.G2PTopLevelMixin` For top level G2P generation parameters Attributes ---------- g2p_model: G2PModel G2P model """ def __init__( self, word_list: List[str] = None, g2p_model_path: Path = None, strict_graphemes: bool = False, **kwargs, ): self.strict_graphemes = strict_graphemes super().__init__(**kwargs) self.g2p_model = G2PModel( g2p_model_path, root_directory=getattr(self, "workflow_directory", None) ) self.output_token_type = "utf8" self.input_token_type = "utf8" self.rewriter = None if word_list is None: word_list = [] self.word_list = word_list @property def words_to_g2p(self) -> List[str]: """Words to produce pronunciations""" return self.word_list @property def data_source_identifier(self) -> str: """Dummy "validation" data source""" return "validation" @property def working_directory(self) -> Path: """Data directory""" return None @property def data_directory(self) -> Path: """Data directory""" return self.working_directory def setup(self): self.fst = if self.g2p_model.meta["architecture"] == "phonetisaurus": self.output_token_type = pywrapfst.SymbolTable.read_text(self.g2p_model.sym_path) self.input_token_type = pywrapfst.SymbolTable.read_text( self.g2p_model.grapheme_sym_path ) self.fst.set_input_symbols(self.input_token_type) self.fst.set_output_symbols(self.output_token_type) self.rewriter = PhonetisaurusRewriter( self.fst, self.input_token_type, self.output_token_type, num_pronunciations=self.num_pronunciations, threshold=self.g2p_threshold, grapheme_order=self.g2p_model.meta["grapheme_order"], graphemes=self.g2p_model.meta["graphemes"], ) else: if self.g2p_model.sym_path is not None and os.path.exists(self.g2p_model.sym_path): self.output_token_type = pywrapfst.SymbolTable.read_text(self.g2p_model.sym_path) self.rewriter = Rewriter( self.fst, self.input_token_type, self.output_token_type, num_pronunciations=self.num_pronunciations, threshold=self.g2p_threshold, graphemes=self.g2p_model.meta["graphemes"], )
[docs] def generate_pronunciations(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Generate pronunciations Returns ------- dict[str, list[str]] Mappings of keys to their generated pronunciations """ num_words = len(self.words_to_g2p) begin = time.time() missing_graphemes = set() if self.rewriter is None: self.setup()"Generating pronunciations...") to_return = {} skipped_words = 0 if not config.USE_MP or num_words < 30 or config.NUM_JOBS == 1: with tqdm(total=num_words, disable=config.QUIET) as pbar: for word in self.words_to_g2p: w, m = clean_up_word(word, self.g2p_model.meta["graphemes"]) pbar.update(1) missing_graphemes = missing_graphemes | m if self.strict_graphemes and m: skipped_words += 1 continue if not w: skipped_words += 1 continue try: prons = self.rewriter(w) except rewrite.Error: continue to_return[word] = prons logger.debug( f"Skipping {skipped_words} words for containing the following graphemes: " f"{comma_join(sorted(missing_graphemes))}" ) else: stopped = mp.Event() job_queue = mp.Queue() for word in self.words_to_g2p: w, m = clean_up_word(word, self.g2p_model.meta["graphemes"]) missing_graphemes = missing_graphemes | m if self.strict_graphemes and m: skipped_words += 1 continue if not w: skipped_words += 1 continue job_queue.put(w) logger.debug( f"Skipping {skipped_words} words for containing the following graphemes: " f"{comma_join(sorted(missing_graphemes))}" ) error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() procs = [] for _ in range(config.NUM_JOBS): p = RewriterWorker( job_queue, return_queue, self.rewriter, stopped, ) procs.append(p) p.start() num_words -= skipped_words with tqdm(total=num_words, disable=config.QUIET) as pbar: while True: try: word, result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if stopped.is_set(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.is_set(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[word] = result continue to_return[word] = result for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: raise PyniniGenerationError(error_dict) logger.debug(f"Processed {num_words} in {time.time() - begin:.3f} seconds") return to_return
class PyniniConsoleGenerator(PyniniGenerator): @property def data_directory(self) -> Path: return Path("-") @property def working_directory(self) -> Path: return config.TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY.joinpath("g2p_stdin") def cleanup(self) -> None: pass
[docs] class PyniniValidator(PyniniGenerator, TopLevelMfaWorker): """ Class for running validation for G2P model training Parameters ---------- word_list: list[str] List of words to generate pronunciations See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator.PyniniGenerator` For parameters to generate pronunciations """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def evaluation_csv_path(self) -> Path: """Path to working directory's CSV file""" return self.working_directory.joinpath("pronunciation_evaluation.csv") @property def working_directory(self) -> Path: """Data directory""" return self.output_directory.joinpath(self._current_workflow)
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Set up the G2P validator""" TopLevelMfaWorker.setup(self) if self.initialized: return self._current_workflow = "validation" os.makedirs(self.working_log_directory, exist_ok=True) self.g2p_model.validate(self.words_to_g2p) PyniniGenerator.setup(self) self.initialized = True self.wer = None self.ler = None
[docs] def compute_validation_errors( self, gold_values: Dict[str, Set[str]], hypothesis_values: Dict[str, List[str]], ): """ Computes validation errors Parameters ---------- gold_values: dict[str, set[str]] Gold pronunciations hypothesis_values: dict[str, list[str]] Hypothesis pronunciations """ begin = time.time() # Word-level measures. correct = 0 incorrect = 0 # Label-level measures. total_edits = 0 total_length = 0 # Since the edit distance algorithm is quadratic, let's do this with # multiprocessing. logger.debug(f"Processing results for {len(hypothesis_values)} hypotheses") to_comp = [] indices = [] hyp_pron_count = 0 gold_pron_count = 0 output = [] for word, gold_pronunciations in gold_values.items(): if word not in hypothesis_values: incorrect += 1 gold_length = statistics.mean(len(x.split()) for x in gold_pronunciations) total_edits += gold_length total_length += gold_length output.append( { "Word": word, "Gold pronunciations": ", ".join(gold_pronunciations), "Hypothesis pronunciations": "", "Accuracy": 0, "Error rate": 1.0, "Length": gold_length, } ) continue hyp = hypothesis_values[word] if not isinstance(hyp, list): hyp = [hyp] for h in hyp: if h in gold_pronunciations: correct += 1 total_length += len(h) output.append( { "Word": word, "Gold pronunciations": ", ".join(gold_pronunciations), "Hypothesis pronunciations": ", ".join(hyp), "Accuracy": 1, "Error rate": 0.0, "Length": len(h), } ) break else: incorrect += 1 indices.append(word) to_comp.append((gold_pronunciations, hyp)) # Multiple hypotheses to compare logger.debug( f"Incorrect: for the word {word}: gold is {gold_pronunciations}, hypothesized are: {hyp}" ) hyp_pron_count += len(hyp) gold_pron_count += len(gold_pronunciations) logger.debug( f"Generated an average of {hyp_pron_count /len(hypothesis_values)} variants " f"The gold set had an average of {gold_pron_count/len(hypothesis_values)} variants." ) with ThreadPool(config.NUM_JOBS) as pool: gen = pool.starmap(score_g2p, to_comp) for i, (edits, length) in enumerate(gen): word = indices[i] gold_pronunciations = gold_values[word] hyp = hypothesis_values[word] output.append( { "Word": word, "Gold pronunciations": ", ".join(gold_pronunciations), "Hypothesis pronunciations": ", ".join(hyp), "Accuracy": 1, "Error rate": edits / length, "Length": length, } ) total_edits += edits total_length += length with mfa_open(self.evaluation_csv_path, "w") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter( f, fieldnames=[ "Word", "Gold pronunciations", "Hypothesis pronunciations", "Accuracy", "Error rate", "Length", ], ) writer.writeheader() for line in output: writer.writerow(line) self.wer = 100 * incorrect / (correct + incorrect) self.ler = 100 * total_edits / total_length"WER:\t{self.wer:.2f}")"LER:\t{self.ler:.2f}") logger.debug( f"Computation of errors for {len(gold_values)} words took {time.time() - begin:.3f} seconds" )
[docs] def evaluate_g2p_model(self, gold_pronunciations: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> None: """ Evaluate a G2P model on the word list Parameters ---------- gold_pronunciations: dict[str, set[str]] Gold pronunciations """ output = self.generate_pronunciations() self.compute_validation_errors(gold_pronunciations, output)
[docs] class PyniniWordListGenerator(PyniniValidator, DatabaseMixin): """ Top-level worker for generating pronunciations from a word list and a Pynini G2P model Parameters ---------- word_list_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to word list file See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator.PyniniGenerator` For Pynini G2P generation parameters :class:`` For top-level parameters Attributes ---------- word_list: list[str] Word list to generate pronunciations """ def __init__(self, word_list_path: Path, **kwargs): self.word_list_path = word_list_path super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def data_directory(self) -> Path: """Data directory""" return self.working_directory @property def data_source_identifier(self) -> str: """Name of the word list file""" return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.word_list_path))[0]
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Set up the G2P generator""" if self.initialized: return with mfa_open(self.word_list_path, "r") as f: for line in f: self.word_list.extend(line.strip().split()) if not self.include_bracketed: self.word_list = [x for x in self.word_list if not self.check_bracketed(x)] super().setup() self.g2p_model.validate(self.words_to_g2p) self.initialized = True
[docs] class PyniniCorpusGenerator(PyniniGenerator, TextCorpusMixin, TopLevelMfaWorker): """ Top-level worker for generating pronunciations from a corpus and a Pynini G2P model See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator.PyniniGenerator` For Pynini G2P generation parameters :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.text_corpus.TextCorpusMixin` For corpus parsing parameters :class:`` For top-level parameters """ def __init__(self, per_utterance: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.per_utterance = per_utterance
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Set up the pronunciation generator""" if self.initialized: return self._load_corpus() self.initialize_jobs() super().setup() self._create_dummy_dictionary() self.normalize_text() self.create_new_current_workflow(WorkflowType.g2p) self.g2p_model.validate(self.words_to_g2p) self.initialized = True
@property def working_directory(self) -> Path: return self.output_directory.joinpath("g2p") def g2p_arguments(self) -> List[G2PArguments]: return [ G2PArguments(, getattr(self, "session" if config.USE_THREADING else "db_string", ""), self.working_log_directory.joinpath(f"g2p_utterances.{}.log"), self.rewriter, ) for j in ]
[docs] def export_file_pronunciations(self, output_file_path: Path): """ Generate and export per-utterance G2P Parameters ---------- output_file_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Output directory to save utterance pronunciations """ output_file_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.num_pronunciations != 1: logger.warning( "Number of pronunciations is hard-coded to 1 for generating per-utterance pronunciations" ) self.num_pronunciations = 1 begin = time.time() if self.rewriter is None: self.setup()"Generating pronunciations...") update_mapping = [] for utt_id, pronunciation in run_kaldi_function( G2PFunction, self.g2p_arguments(), total_count=self.num_utterances ): update_mapping.append({"id": utt_id, "transcription_text": pronunciation}) with self.session() as session: bulk_update(session, Utterance, update_mapping) session.commit() logger.debug(f"Processed {self.num_utterances} in {time.time() - begin:.3f} seconds")"Exporting files...") with self.session() as session: files = session.query(File).options( selectinload(File.utterances), selectinload(File.speakers) ) for file in files: utterance_count = len(file.utterances) if file.sound_file is not None: duration = file.sound_file.duration else: duration = file.utterances[-1].end if utterance_count == 0: logger.debug(f"Could not find any utterances for {}") elif ( utterance_count == 1 and file.utterances[0].begin == 0 and file.utterances[0].end == duration ): output_format = "lab" else: output_format = TextgridFormats.SHORT_TEXTGRID output_path = construct_output_path(, file.relative_path, output_file_path, output_format=output_format, ) data = file.construct_transcription_tiers() if output_format == "lab": for intervals in data.values(): with mfa_open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(intervals["transcription"][0].label) else: tg = textgrid.Textgrid() tg.minTimestamp = 0 tg.maxTimestamp = round(duration, 5) for speaker in file.speakers: speaker = intervals = data[speaker]["transcription"] tier = textgrid.IntervalTier( speaker, [x.to_tg_interval() for x in intervals], minT=0, maxT=round(duration, 5), ) tg.addTier(tier), includeBlankSpaces=True, format=output_format)
@property def words_to_g2p(self) -> List[str]: """Words to produce pronunciations""" word_list = self.corpus_word_set if not self.include_bracketed: word_list = [x for x in word_list if not self.check_bracketed(x)] return word_list
[docs] def export_pronunciations(self, output_file_path: typing.Union[str, Path]) -> None: if self.per_utterance: self.export_file_pronunciations(output_file_path) else: super().export_pronunciations(output_file_path)
class PyniniDictionaryCorpusGenerator( PyniniGenerator, DictionaryTextCorpusMixin, TopLevelMfaWorker ): """ Top-level worker for generating pronunciations from a corpus and a Pynini G2P model See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator.PyniniGenerator` For Pynini G2P generation parameters :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.text_corpus.TextCorpusMixin` For corpus parsing parameters :class:`` For top-level parameters """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._word_list = None @property def data_source_identifier(self) -> str: """Corpus name""" return os.path.basename(self.corpus_directory) def setup(self) -> None: """Set up the pronunciation generator""" if self.initialized: return self.load_corpus() super().setup() self.g2p_model.validate(self.words_to_g2p) self.initialized = True @property def words_to_g2p(self) -> List[str]: """Words to produce pronunciations""" if self._word_list is None: with self.session() as session: query = ( session.query(Word.word) .filter(Word.word_type == WordType.oov, Word.word != self.oov_word) .order_by(Word.count.desc()) ) self._word_list = [x for x, in query] return self._word_list