Source code for montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions

Exception classes

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import logging
import sys
import typing
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Collection, Dict, List, Optional

import requests.structures

from montreal_forced_aligner import config
from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import comma_join

    from import CtmInterval

__all__ = [

[docs] class MFAError(Exception): """ Base exception class """ def __init__(self, base_error_message: str, *args, **kwargs): self.message_lines: List[str] = [base_error_message] @property def message(self) -> str: """Formatted exception message""" return "\n".join(self.message_lines) def __str__(self) -> str: """Output the error""" message = type(self).__name__ + ":" message += "\n\n" + self.message return message
class PlatformError(MFAError): """ Exception class for platform compatibility issues Parameters ---------- functionality_name: str Functionality not available on the current platform """ def __init__(self, functionality_name): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"Functionality for {functionality_name} is not available on {sys.platform}." ] if sys.platform == "win32": self.message_lines.append("") self.message_lines.append( f" If you'd like to use {functionality_name} on Windows, please follow the MFA installation " f"instructions for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)." )
[docs] class ThirdpartyError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in third party binary (usually Kaldi or OpenFst) Parameters ---------- binary_name: str Name of third party binary open_fst: bool, optional Flag for the error having to do with OpenFst open_blas: bool, optional Flag for the error having to do with the BLAS library libc: bool, optional Flag for the error having to do with the system libraries sox: bool, optional Flag for the error having to do with SoX """ def __init__( self, binary_name, open_fst=False, open_blas=False, libc=False, sox=False, error_text=None ): super().__init__("") if error_text: self.message_lines = [ f"There was an error when invoking '{binary_name}':", error_text, "This likely indicates that MFA's dependencies were not correctly installed, or there is an issue with your Conda environment.", "If you are in the correct environment, please try re-creating the environment from scratch as a first step, i.e.:", "conda create -n aligner -c conda-forge montreal-forced-aligner", ] else: self.message_lines = [f"Could not find '{binary_name}'."] self.message_lines.append( "Please ensure that you have installed MFA's conda dependencies and are in the correct environment." ) if open_fst: self.message_lines.append( f"Please ensure that you are in an environment that has the {'openfst'} conda package installed, " f"or that the {'openfst'} binaries are on your path if you compiled them yourself." ) elif open_blas: self.message_lines.append( f"Try installing {'openblas'} via system package manager or verify it's on your system path?" ) elif libc: self.message_lines.append( f"You likely have a different version of {'glibc'} than the packages binaries use. " f"Try compiling {'Kaldi'} on your machine and collecting the binaries via the " f"{'mfa thirdparty kaldi'} command." ) elif sox: self.message_lines = [] self.message_lines.append( f"Your version of {'sox'} does not support the file format in your corpus. " f"Try installing another version of {'sox'} with support for {binary_name}." )
# Feature Generation Errors class FeatureGenerationError(MFAError): """ Exception class related to generating features """ pass # Database Errors class DatabaseError(MFAError): """ Exception class related to database servers """ def __init__(self, message=None): if message is None: from montreal_forced_aligner import config message = ( f"There was an error connecting to the {config.CURRENT_PROFILE_NAME} MFA database server. " "Please ensure the server is initialized (mfa server init) or running (mfa server start)" ) super().__init__(message) # Model Errors
[docs] class ModelError(MFAError): """ Exception class related to MFA model archives """ pass
[docs] class ModelLoadError(ModelError): """ Exception during loading of a model archive Parameters ---------- path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path of the model archive """ def __init__(self, path: typing.Union[str, Path]): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [f"The archive {path} could not be parsed as an MFA model."]
class ModelSaveError(ModelError): """ Exception during saving of a model archive Parameters ---------- path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path of the model archive """ def __init__(self, path: Path): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"The archive {path} already exists.", "Please specify --overwrite if you would like to overwrite it.", ] class ModelsConnectionError(ModelError): """ Exception during connecting to online repo for downloading models Parameters ---------- response_code: int Response code for the request response: dict[str, Any] Response dictionary headers: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict Request headers """ def __init__( self, response_code: int, response: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], headers: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict, ): super().__init__("") if response_code == 403 and "API rate limit" in response["message"]: rate_limit = headers["x-ratelimit-limit"] rate_limit_reset = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(headers["x-ratelimit-reset"])) self.message_lines = [ f"Current hourly rate limit ({rate_limit} per hour) has been exceeded for the GitHub API.", "You can increase it by providing a personal authentication token to via --github_token.", f"The rate limit will reset at {rate_limit_reset}", ] else: self.message_lines = [ f"The response returned code {response_code}: {response['message']}" ] # Dictionary Errors
[docs] class DictionaryError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in creating dictionary objects """ pass
class PhoneMismatchError(DictionaryError): """ Exception class for when a dictionary receives a new phone Parameters ---------- missing_phones: Collection[str] Phones that are not in the acoustic model """ def __init__(self, missing_phones: Collection[str]): super().__init__("There were extra phones that were not in the dictionary: ") missing_phones = [f"{x}" for x in sorted(missing_phones)] self.message_lines.append(comma_join(missing_phones))
[docs] class NoDefaultSpeakerDictionaryError(DictionaryError): """ Exception class for errors in creating MultispeakerDictionary objects """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [f'No "{"default"}" dictionary was found.']
[docs] class DictionaryPathError(DictionaryError): """ Exception class for errors in locating paths for dictionary objects Parameters ---------- input_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path of the pronunciation dictionary """ def __init__(self, input_path: Path): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"The specified path for the dictionary ({input_path}) was not found." ]
[docs] class DictionaryFileError(DictionaryError): """ Exception class for file type being wrong for DictionaryModel objects Parameters ---------- input_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path of the pronunciation dictionary """ def __init__(self, input_path: Path): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"The specified path for the dictionary ({input_path}) is not a file." ]
# Corpus Errors
[docs] class CorpusError(MFAError): """ Class for errors in creating Corpus objects """ pass
[docs] class CorpusReadError(CorpusError): """ Class for errors in reading a file Parameters ---------- file_name: str File name that was not readable """ def __init__(self, file_name: str): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [f"There was an error reading {file_name}."]
[docs] class TextParseError(CorpusReadError): """ Class for errors parsing lab and txt files Parameters ---------- file_name: str File name that had the error """ def __init__(self, file_name: str): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"There was an error decoding {file_name}, maybe try re-saving it as utf8?" ]
[docs] class TextGridParseError(CorpusReadError): """ Class capturing TextGrid reading errors Parameters ---------- file_name: str File name error: str Error in TextGrid file """ def __init__(self, file_name: str, error: str): super().__init__("") self.file_name = file_name self.error = error self.message_lines.extend( [ f"Reading {file_name} has the following error:", "", "", self.error, ] )
[docs] class SoxError(CorpusReadError): """ Class for errors in calling and finding Sox """ pass
class SoundFileError(CorpusReadError): """ Class for errors in sound files Parameters ---------- file_name: str File name error: str Error in TextGrid file """ def __init__(self, file_name: typing.Union[str, Path], error: str): super().__init__("") self.file_name = file_name self.error = error self.message_lines.extend( [ f"Reading {file_name} has the following error:", "", "", self.error, ] ) # Aligner Errors class AlignerError(MFAError): """ Class for errors during alignment """ pass class NoAlignmentsError(MFAError): """ Class for errors during alignment """ def __init__(self, num_utterances, beam_size, retry_beam_size): super(NoAlignmentsError, self).__init__( f"There were no successful alignments for {num_utterances} utterances." ) self.message_lines.append( f"The current set up used a beam of {beam_size} and a retry beam of {retry_beam_size}." ) suggested_beam_size = beam_size * 10 suggested_retry_beam_size = suggested_beam_size * 4 self.message_lines.append( f'You can try rerunning with a larger beam (i.e. "mfa align ... --beam {suggested_beam_size} --retry_beam {suggested_retry_beam_size}").' ) self.message_lines.append( 'If increasing the beam size does not help, then there are likely issues with the corpus, dictionary, or acoustic model, and can be further diagnosed with the "mfa validate" command' ) class AlignmentError(MFAError): """ Class for errors during alignment Parameters ---------- error_logs: list[str] List of Kaldi log files with errors """ def __init__(self, error_logs: List[str]): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"There were {len(error_logs)} job(s) with errors. " f"For more information, please see:", "", "", ] for path in error_logs: self.message_lines.append(path) class AlignmentCollectionError(MFAError): """ Class for errors during alignment Parameters ---------- sound_file_path: str or :class:`~pathlib.Path` Sound file associated with utterance that hit an error text_file_path: str or :class:`~pathlib.Path` Text file associated with utterance that hit an error utterance_begin: float Utterance beginning timestamp utterance_end: float Utterance end timestamp traceback: list[str] Traceback of the exception encountered log_path: str or :class:`~pathlib.Path`, optional Path to log file if saved """ def __init__( self, sound_file_path: typing.Union[str, Path], text_file_path: typing.Union[str, Path], utterance_begin: float, utterance_end: float, traceback: typing.List[str], log_path: typing.Union[str, Path] = None, ): super().__init__("") self.message_lines.extend(traceback) self.message_lines.append( f"The above error was encountered for the utterance from {utterance_begin} to {utterance_end} for {sound_file_path} and {text_file_path}." ) if log_path is not None: self.message_lines.append(f"This error has been logged to {log_path}.")
[docs] class AlignmentExportError(AlignmentError): """ Class for errors in exporting alignments Parameters ---------- path: :class:`pathlib.Path` Path for export error_lines: list[str] Lines in the error message """ def __init__(self, path: Path, error_lines: List[str]): MFAError.__init__(self, f"Error was encountered in exporting {path}:") self.path = path self.message_lines.append("") self.message_lines.append("") self.message_lines.extend(error_lines)
class CtmError(AlignmentError): """ Class for errors in creating CTM intervals Parameters ---------- ctm: :class:`` CTM interval that was not parsed correctly """ def __init__(self, ctm: CtmInterval): MFAError.__init__(self, f"Error was encountered in processing CTM interval: {ctm}")
[docs] class NoSuccessfulAlignments(AlignerError): """ Class for errors where nothing could be aligned """ pass
[docs] class PronunciationAcousticMismatchError(AlignerError): """ Exception class for when an acoustic model and pronunciation dictionary have different phone sets Parameters ---------- missing_phones: Collection[str] Phones that are not in the acoustic model """ def __init__(self, missing_phones: Collection[str]): super().__init__("There were phones in the dictionary that do not have acoustic models: ") missing_phones = [f"{x}" for x in sorted(missing_phones)] self.message_lines.append(comma_join(missing_phones))
# Command line exceptions
[docs] class ArgumentError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors parsing command line arguments """ pass
[docs] class FileArgumentNotFoundError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for not finding a specified file Parameters ---------- path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path not found """ def __init__(self, path: Path): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [f'Could not find "{path}".']
[docs] class PretrainedModelNotFoundError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for not finding a specified pretrained model Parameters ---------- name: str Model name model_type: str, optional Model type searched available: list[str], optional List of models that were found """ def __init__( self, name: str, model_type: Optional[str] = None, available: Optional[List[str]] = None ): super().__init__("") extra = "" if model_type: extra += f" for {model_type}" self.message_lines = [f'Could not find a model named "{name}"{extra}.'] if available: available = [f"{x}" for x in available] self.message_lines.append(f"Available: {comma_join(available)}.")
class RemoteModelNotFoundError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for not finding a specified pretrained model Parameters ---------- name: str Model name model_type: str, optional Model type searched available: list[str], optional List of models that were found """ def __init__( self, name: str, model_type: Optional[str] = None, available: Optional[List[str]] = None ): super().__init__("") extra = "" if model_type: extra += f" for {model_type}" self.message_lines = [f'Could not find a model named "{name}"{extra}.'] if available: available = [f"{x}" for x in available] self.message_lines.append(f"Available: {comma_join(available)}.") self.message_lines.append( "You can see all available models either on or " "" ) if model_type: self.message_lines.append( f"If you're looking for a model from 1.0, " f"please see{model_type}-archive-v1.0." ) class RemoteModelVersionNotFoundError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for not finding a specified version of a pretrained model Parameters ---------- name: str Model name model_type: str Model type requested version: str Model version requested available: list[str], optional List of models that were found """ def __init__( self, name: str, model_type: str, version: str, available: Optional[List[str]] = None ): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f'Could not find version "{version}" for {model_type} named "{name}".' ] if available: available = [f"{x}" for x in available] self.message_lines.append(f"Available versions: {comma_join(available)}.") self.message_lines.append( "You can see all available models and versions either on or " "" ) if model_type: self.message_lines.append( f"If you're looking for a model from 1.0, " f"please see{model_type}-archive-v1.0." )
[docs] class MultipleModelTypesFoundError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for finding multiple model types that could map to a given name Parameters ---------- name: str Model name possible_model_types: list[str] List of model types that have a model with the given name """ def __init__(self, name: str, possible_model_types: List[str]): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [f'Found multiple model types for "{name}":'] possible_model_types = [f"{x}" for x in possible_model_types] self.message_lines.extend( [", ".join(possible_model_types), "Please specify a model type to inspect."] )
[docs] class ModelExtensionError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for a model not having the correct extension Parameters ---------- name: str Model name model_type: str Model type extensions: list[str] Extensions that the model supports """ def __init__(self, name: str, model_type: str, extensions: List[str]): super().__init__("") extra = "" if model_type: extra += f" for {model_type}" self.message_lines = [f'The path "{name}" does not have the correct extensions{extra}.'] if extensions: available = [f"{x}" for x in extensions] self.message_lines.append(f" Possible extensions: {comma_join(available)}.")
[docs] class ModelTypeNotSupportedError(ArgumentError): """ Exception class for a model type not being supported Parameters ---------- model_type: str Model type model_types: list[str] List of supported model types """ def __init__(self, model_type, model_types): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [f'The model type "{model_type}" is not supported.'] if model_types: model_types = [f"{x}" for x in sorted(model_types)] self.message_lines.append(f" Possible model types: {comma_join(model_types)}.")
[docs] class ConfigError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in configuration """ pass
[docs] class RootDirectoryError(ConfigError): """ Exception class for errors using the MFA_ROOT_DIR """ def __init__(self, temporary_directory, variable): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f"Could not create a root MFA temporary directory (tried {temporary_directory}. ", f"Please specify a write-able directory via the {variable} environment variable.", ]
[docs] class TrainerError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in trainers """ pass
class IvectorError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in ivector extraction """ pass class IvectorTrainingError(IvectorError): """ Exception class for errors in ivector extractor training """ pass
[docs] class G2PError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in G2P """ pass
class PyniniAlignmentError(G2PError): """ Exception class for errors in alignment for Pynini training """ def __init__(self, error_dict: Dict[str, Exception]): super().__init__("The following Pynini alignment jobs encountered errors:") self.message_lines.extend(["", ""]) for k, v in error_dict.items(): self.message_lines.append(k) self.message_lines.append(str(v)) class PyniniGenerationError(G2PError): """ Exception class for errors generating pronunciations with Pynini """ def __init__(self, error_dict: Dict[str, Exception]): super().__init__("The following words had errors in running G2P:") self.message_lines.extend(["", ""]) for k, v in error_dict.items(): self.message_lines.append(k) self.message_lines.append(str(v)) class PhonetisaurusSymbolError(G2PError): """ Exception class for errors generating pronunciations with Pynini """ def __init__(self, symbol, variable): super().__init__("") self.message_lines = [ f'The symbol "{symbol}" is reserved for "{variable}", but is found in the graphemes or phonemes of your dictionary.', f'Please re-run and specify another symbol that is not used in your dictionary with the "--{variable}" flag.', ]
[docs] class LMError(MFAError): """ Exception class for errors in language models """ pass
[docs] class LanguageModelNotFoundError(LMError): """ Exception class for a language model not being found Parameters ---------- path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to missing language model """ def __init__(self, path: Path): super().__init__(f"Could not find a suitable language model: {path}")
class MultiprocessingError(MFAError): """ Exception class for exceptions in multiprocessing workers Parameters ---------- job_name: int Job identifier error_text:str Traceback for exception in worker """ def __init__(self, job_name: int, error_text: str): super().__init__(f"Job {job_name} encountered an error:") self.message_lines = [f"Job {job_name} encountered an error:"] self.job_name = job_name self.message_lines.extend([x for x in error_text.splitlines(keepends=False)])
[docs] class KaldiProcessingError(MFAError): """ Exception class for when a Kaldi binary has an exception Parameters ---------- error_logs: list[str] List of Kaldi logs that had errors log_file: str, optional Overall log file to find more information """ def __init__(self, error_logs: List[typing.Union[Path, str]], log_file: Optional[Path] = None): super().__init__( f"There were {len(error_logs)} job(s) with errors when running Kaldi binaries." ) self.job_name = None self.error_logs = error_logs self.log_file = log_file self.refresh_message() def refresh_message(self) -> None: """Regenerate the exceptions message""" self.message_lines = [ f"There were {len(self.error_logs)} job(s) with errors when running Kaldi binaries.", "See the log files below for more information.", ] for error_log in self.error_logs: self.message_lines.append(str(error_log)) if config.VERBOSE: with open(error_log, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f: self.message_lines.append(line.strip()) if self.log_file: self.message_lines.append(f" For more details, please check {self.log_file}") def append_error_log(self, error_log: str) -> None: """ Add error log for the exception Parameters ---------- error_log: str Path to error log """ self.error_logs.append(error_log) self.refresh_message() def update_log_file(self) -> None: """ Update the log file output """ logger = logging.getLogger("mfa") if logger.handlers: for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler): self.log_file = handler.baseFilename break self.refresh_message()
# Segmenter Errors class SegmenterError(MFAError): """ Class for errors during alignment """ pass