Source code for montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes

"""Class definitions for Speakers, Files, Utterances and Jobs"""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sys
import traceback
import typing
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

from praatio import textgrid

from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.helper import get_wav_info, load_text
from import SoundFileInformation, TextFileType
from montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions import TextGridParseError, TextParseError

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from dataclassy import dataclass

__all__ = ["FileData", "UtteranceData"]

[docs] @dataclass(slots=True) class FileData: """ Data class for file information Parameters ---------- name: str File name wav_path: str, optional Path to sound file text_path: str, optional Path to sound file relative_path: str Path relative to corpus root directory wav_info: dict[str, Any] Information dictionary about the sound file speaker_ordering: list[str] List of speakers in the file utterances: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.UtteranceData`] Utterance data for the file """ name: str wav_path: typing.Optional[str] text_path: typing.Optional[str] text_type: TextFileType relative_path: str wav_info: SoundFileInformation = None speaker_ordering: typing.List[str] = [] utterances: typing.List[UtteranceData] = []
[docs] @classmethod def parse_file( cls, file_name: str, wav_path: Optional[str], text_path: Optional[str], relative_path: str, speaker_characters: Union[int, str], enforce_sample_rate: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Parse a collection of sound file and transcription file into a File Parameters ---------- file_name: str File identifier wav_path: str Full sound file path text_path: str Full transcription path relative_path: str Relative path from the corpus directory root speaker_characters: int, optional Number of characters in the file name to specify the speaker sanitize_function: Callable, optional Function to sanitize words and strip punctuation Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.FileData` Parsed file """ text_type: TextFileType = TextFileType.NONE if text_path is not None: if str(text_path).lower().endswith(".textgrid"): text_type = TextFileType.TEXTGRID else: text_type = TextFileType.LAB file = FileData( file_name, wav_path, text_path, relative_path=relative_path, text_type=text_type ) if wav_path is not None: root = os.path.dirname(wav_path) file.wav_info = get_wav_info( wav_path, enforce_mono=file.text_type is TextFileType.LAB, enforce_sample_rate=enforce_sample_rate, ) else: root = os.path.dirname(text_path) if not speaker_characters: speaker_name = os.path.basename(root) elif isinstance(speaker_characters, int): speaker_name = file_name[:speaker_characters] elif speaker_characters == "prosodylab": speaker_name = file_name.split("_")[1] else: speaker_name = file_name root_speaker = None if speaker_characters or file.text_type != TextFileType.TEXTGRID: root_speaker = speaker_name file.load_text( root_speaker=root_speaker, ) return file
[docs] def load_text( self, root_speaker: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Load the transcription text from the text_file of the object Parameters ---------- root_speaker: str, optional Speaker derived from the root directory, ignored for TextGrids """ if self.text_type == TextFileType.LAB: try: text = load_text(self.text_path) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise TextParseError(self.text_path) if self.wav_info is None: end = -1 else: end = self.wav_info.duration utterance = UtteranceData( speaker_name=root_speaker,, text=text, begin=0, channel=0, end=end, ) self.utterances.append(utterance) self.speaker_ordering.append(root_speaker) elif self.text_type == TextFileType.TEXTGRID: try: tg = textgrid.openTextgrid(self.text_path, includeEmptyIntervals=False) except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() raise TextGridParseError( self.text_path, "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)), ) num_tiers = len(tg.tierNames) if num_tiers == 0: raise TextGridParseError(self.text_path, "Number of tiers parsed was zero") num_channels = 1 if self.wav_info is not None: duration = self.wav_info.duration num_channels = self.wav_info.num_channels else: duration = tg.maxTimestamp if root_speaker: self.speaker_ordering.append(root_speaker) for i, tier_name in enumerate(tg.tierNames): ti = tg._tierDict[tier_name] if tier_name.lower() == "notes": continue if not isinstance(ti, textgrid.IntervalTier): continue if not root_speaker: speaker_name = tier_name.strip() self.speaker_ordering.append(speaker_name) else: speaker_name = root_speaker channel = 0 if num_channels == 2 and i >= num_tiers / 2: channel = 1 for begin, end, text in ti.entries: text = text.strip() if not text: continue begin, end = round(begin, 4), round(end, 4) if begin >= duration: continue end = min(end, duration) utt = UtteranceData( speaker_name=speaker_name,, begin=begin, end=end, text=text, channel=channel, ) if not utt.text: continue self.utterances.append(utt) else: if self.wav_info is not None: duration = self.wav_info.duration else: duration = 1 utt = UtteranceData( speaker_name=root_speaker,, begin=0, channel=0, end=duration, ) self.utterances.append(utt) self.speaker_ordering.append(root_speaker)
[docs] @dataclass(slots=True) class UtteranceData: """ Data class for utterance information Parameters ---------- speaker_name: str Speaker name file_name: str File name begin: float, optional Begin timestamp end: float, optional End timestamp channel: int, optional Sound file channel text: str, optional Utterance text oovs: set[str] Set of words not found in a look up """ speaker_name: str file_name: str begin: float end: float channel: int = 0 text: str = "" normalized_text: str = "" normalized_character_text: str = "" oovs: str = ""