.. _`filing an issue`: https://github.com/MontrealCorpusTools/Montreal-Forced-Aligner/issues .. _`Montreal Forced Aligner v2 Corpus Phonetics Tutorial`: https://eleanorchodroff.com/tutorial/montreal-forced-aligner.html .. _`Phonetic forced alignment with the Montreal Forced Aligner`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhj-ccMDj_w .. _`How I used Montreal Forced Aligner for a New Language (Sinhalese)`: https://medium.com/breaktheloop/how-i-used-montreal-forced-aligner-for-a-new-language-sinhalese-8f2c22a65a22 .. _`Bootstrapping an IPA dictionary for English using Montreal Forced Aligner 2.0`: https://mmcauliffe.medium.com/creating-english-ipa-dictionary-using-montreal-forced-aligner-2-0-242415dfee32 .. _`Update on Montreal Forced Aligner performance`: https://memcauliffe.com/update-on-montreal-forced-aligner-performance.html .. _`Speaker dictionaries and multilingual IPA`: https://memcauliffe.com/speaker-dictionaries-and-multilingual-ipa.html .. _tutorials: External tutorials ================== I will try to keep this updated with a list of in-depth tutorials for using MFA. If you write up anything that could be included here, please let me know by `filing an issue`_ and I will add it. * `Montreal Forced Aligner v2 Corpus Phonetics Tutorial`_ (Now updated for 2.0!) * Courtesy of :xref:`chodroff` * `Phonetic forced alignment with the Montreal Forced Aligner`_ (YouTube recording) * Courtesy of :xref:`chodroff` and :xref:`rutgers_spanish_portuguese` * `How I used Montreal Forced Aligner for a New Language (Sinhalese)`_ * Courtesy of :xref:`dias` * `Bootstrapping an IPA dictionary for English using Montreal Forced Aligner 2.0`_ * `Update on Montreal Forced Aligner performance`_ * `Speaker dictionaries and multilingual IPA`_