.. _changelog_2.2: ************* 2.2 Changelog ************* 2.2.16 ====== - Fixed a crash when using the :code:`--speaker_characters` flag with TextGrid files - Fixed a crash when using :code:`--num_pronunciations` flag before required arguments - Fixed an issue where the aligner would use speaker adaptation even if it was explicitly disabled 2.2.15 ====== - Fixed a crash when using fine tuned boundaries - Pinned scikit-learn to versions less than 1.3, due to it breaking hdbscan package 2.2.13 ====== - Fixed an issue in using sqlite during subset creation for training 2.2.12 ====== - Re-established support for sqlite for most aspects of MFA (some functionality requires using PostgreSQL) - Added a configuration flag for :code:`mfa configure --enable_use_postgres` and :code:`mfa [command] ... --use_postgres` to use PostgreSQL as the database backend - Fixed a bug where adapted acoustic models would not contain all the necessary metadata to be used 2.2.11 ====== - Make socket updating more general - Remove false "no alignments" warning in alignment iterations while training - Fixed a bug in adding words to a dictionary - Fixed a bug where words marked as "" were being treated as "[bracketed]" - Silences DatabaseError while cleaning up MFA - Fix a crash with in fine tuning 2.2.10 ====== - Fix crash in speaker diarization - Update alignment evaluation to export confusion counts 2.2.9 ===== - Fixed a bug in pronunciation probability training that was causing all probabilities of following silence to be 0 - Fixed a bug where only words in the corpus were being exported from the lexicon 2.2.8 ===== - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.2.4 that made segments overlap with silence intervals when using textgrid cleanup - Changed databases to always use the root MFA rather than rely on temporary directories to make it more consistent where database files and sockets will get placed. This root directory can be changed via the environment variable :code:`MFA_ROOT_DIR` - Optimized training graph and collecting alignments after changes to how unknown words were represented internally - Changed feature generation to use piped audio loaded via PySoundFile rather than via calls to sox/ffmpeg directly 2.2.7 ===== - Update docker image to use interactive mode - Update docs for Docker installation - Fixed bug with running G2P in stdin/stdout still requiring a database server - Fixed bug in corpus validator with Path and str mismatch 2.2.6 ===== - Fix crash when running :code:`mfa anchor` 2.2.5 ===== - Fixed a bug in where piping to :code:`mfa g2p` could hang if there was no known characters - Fixed a bug where the default auto_server setting was to be disabled rather than enabled - Removed indices on utterance text to address issues in longer files - Revamped docker image to address issues with initializing postgresql databases as root 2.2.4 ===== - Fixes an issue where some directories in Common Voice Japanese were causing FileNotFound errors for sound files - Changes PostgreSQL database connections to use socket directories rather than ports - Added the ability to manage MFA database servers (:ref:`server`), along with the configuration flag to disable automatic starting/stopping of databases - Disabled starting servers for subcommands like ``configure``, ``version``, ``history`` or ``--help`` invocations - Added support for handling spaces when running :ref:`mfa g2p ` (though very simple as it just concatenates the outputs, and if ``--num_pronunciations`` is set to something other than 1, it is ignored) - Added the ability to pipe words via stdin/stdout when running :ref:`mfa g2p ` - Added the ability to generate pronunciations per utterance when running :ref:`mfa g2p ` - Added a first pass at providing estimations of alignment quality through the ``alignment_analysis.csv`` file exported with alignments, see :ref:`alignment_analysis` for more details. 2.2.3 ===== - Update terminal printing to use :mod:`rich` rather than custom logic - Prevented the tokenizer utility from processing of text files that don't have a corresponding sound file 2.2.2 ===== - Fixed a rounding issue in parsing sox output for sound file duration - Added ``--dictionary_path`` option to :ref:`g2p_dictionary_generating` to allow for generating pronunciations for just those words that are missing in a dictionary - Added ``add_words`` subcommand to :ref:`pretrained_models` to allow for easy adding of words and pronunciations from :ref:`g2p_dictionary_generating` to pronunciation dictionaries 2.2.1 ===== - Fixed a couple of bugs in training Phonetisaurus models - Added training of Phonetisaurus models for tokenizer 2.2.0 ===== - Add support for training tokenizers and tokenization - Migrate most os.path functionality to pathlib