.. _changelog_2.1: ************* 2.1 Changelog ************* 2.1.6 ===== - Fix for issue with ignore_case flag not being respected - Fixed a hang in speaker diarization - Fixed an error related to paths ending in trailing slashes which caused MFA to try to connect to a database named after the local user - Partial migration to using :class:`pathlib.Path` instead of :mod:`os.path` 2.1.5 ===== - Fix for improperly reset databases 2.1.4 ===== - Change how database connections are made to remove pooling 2.1.3 ===== - Fixed a bug with intervals after the end of the sound file having negative duration (they are now not parsed) - Fixed an issue where utterances were not properly assigned to the correct channels - Modified the logic for connections to attempt to solve error with too many clients 2.1.2 ===== - Fixed a crash in training when the debug flag was not set - Set default postgresql port to 5433 to avoid conflicts with any system installations - Fixed a crash in textgrid export 2.1.1 ===== - Fixed a bug with `mfa` command not working from the command line - Updated to be compatible with PraatIO 6.0 2.1.0 ===== - Drop support for SQLite as a database backend - Fixed a bug where TextGrid parsing errors would cause MFA to crash rather than ignore those files - Updated CLI to use :xref:`click` rather than argparse - Added :code:`--use_phone_model` flag for :code:`mfa align` and :code:`mfa validate` commands. See :ref:`phone_models` for more details. - Added :code:`--phone_confidence` flag for :code:`mfa validate` commands. See :ref:`phone_models` for more details. - Added modeling of :code:`cutoff` phones via :code:`--use_cutoff_model` which adds progressive truncations of the next word, if it's not unknown or a non-speech word (silence, laughter, etc). See :ref:`cutoff_modeling` for more details. - Added support for using :xref:`speechbrain`'s VAD model in :ref:`create_segments` - Overhaul and update :ref:`train_ivector` - Overhaul and update :ref:`diarize_speakers` - Added support for using :xref:`speechbrain`'s SpeakerRecognition model in :ref:`diarize_speakers`