.. _changelog_2.0: ************* 2.0 Changelog ************* 2.0.6 ===== - Added G2P and language model training support to Windows - Fixed a bug where exporting trained models to the current working directory would not work :github_issue:`494` - Fixed a crash in exporting transcriptions to TextGrids - Added support for parsing out longer quoted strings :github_issue:`492` - Fix error message for files with no file extensions :github_issue:`495` - Fix PhoneSetType error for some models trained on earlier versions :github_issue:`496` and :github_issue:`484` 2.0.5 ===== - Standardize :ref:`dictionary_format` to require tab delimitation between orthography, pronunciations, and any probabilities in the dictionary :github_issue:`478` - Fixed a bug in pronunciation probability estimation when silence words are explicitly transcribed :github_issue:`476` - Fixed an optimization bug introduced when fixing sparse job/subset combos 2.0.4 ===== - Bug fix for phonetisaurus training error in 2.0.2 2.0.2 ===== - Optimized Phonetisaurus training regime for phone and grapheme orders greater than 1 - Fixed a bug in parsing dictionaries that included whitespace as part of the word - Fixed a bug in Phonetisaurus generation where insertions and deletions were not being properly generated - Changed the default alignment separator for Phonetisaurus to ``;`` instead of ``}`` (shouldn't conflict with most phone sets) and added extra validation to ensure special symbols are not present in the dictionary - Fixed a bug where a trained phonetisaurus model was not properly using its grapheme order - Fixed a bug when saving a phonetisaurus model after evaluating it 2.0.1 ===== - Fix typo in save model message :github_issue:`470` - Fix issue with offset alignments when silence words are explicitly in the input transcripts :github_issue:`471` 2.0.0 ===== - Updated and expanded documentation - Added ability to :ref:`train Phonetisaurus style G2P models ` - Added support for mixing dictionary formats (i.e., lines can be a mix of non-probabilistic or include pronunciation and silence probabilities) - Added support for exporting alignments in CSV format - Updated JSON export format to be more idiomatic JSON :github_issue:`453` - Fixed a crash where initial training rounds with many jobs would result in jobs that had no utterances :github_issue:`468`