.. _changelog_1.0: 1.X Changelog ============= 1.1.0 ----- Major changes to system, see :ref:`whats_new_1_1`. 1.0.0 ----- - Added Grapheme-to-Phoneme capabilities - Acoustic models no longer contain the dictionary they were trained with - Dictionaries must be specified when aligning using pretrained models - The aligner now automatically cleans the temporary directory when the previous run failed - Added validation for types of command line arguments - Catch and list files that could not be read using UTF-8 - Update Kaldi version to 5.1 and OpenFST version to 1.6.2 on Mac and Linux - Add support for specifying custom non-speech annotations in pronunciation dictionary with sil and spn - Made command line flags more consistent in spelling - Made pretrained models for many languages available 0.8.0 ----- - Fixed an issue where aligning using pretrained models was improperly updating the original model with sparser data - Added a flag to turn off speaker adaptation when aligning using a pretrained model - Optimized training graph generation when aligning using a pretrained model 0.7.3 ----- - Added warning messages and log output when wav files are ignored because they have too low of a sampling rate or no .lab or .TextGrid file associated with them 0.7.2 ----- - Fixed an issue where speaker character flags were being ignored when parsing TextGrid files 0.7.1 ----- - Fixed an issue where the number of gaussians was set too low for triphone training 0.7.0 ----- - Fixed an issue with unicode characters not being correctly parsed when using ``--nodict`` - Fixed an issue where short intervals in TextGrid were not being properly ignored - Added a command line option ``--temp_directory`` to allow for user specification of the temporary directory that MFA stores all files during alignment, with the default of ``~/Documents/MFA`` - Added logging directory and some logging for when utterances are ignored 0.6.3 ----- - Improved memory and time efficiency of extracting channels from stereo files, particularly for long sound files 0.6.2 ----- - Fixed an issue where pretrained models were not being bundled with the source code 0.6.1 ----- - Fixed an issue with Linux binaries not finding Kaldi binaries - English models now use all of LibriSpeech dataset and not just clean subset (increased number of accents being the primary difference between the two) 0.6.0 ----- - Added commandline argument ``--clean`` to remove temporary files - Added support for multiple sampling rates in a single dataset - Fix some bugs relating to using a single process - Fixed a bug where spaces were being inserted into transcriptions when using ``--nodict`` - Fixed a bug where having no out-of-vocabulary items would cause a crash at the end of aligning - Fixed a bug where the frozen executable could not find the included pretrained models - Fixed an issue where dictionaries in model outputs were binary files rather than editable text files - Added docstrings to main classes - Updated built in model ``english`` for the full 1000-hour LibriSpeech corpus 0.5.0 ----- - Initial release - Prosodylab-aligner format supported - TextGrid format supported - Align using pretrained models supported - Train models and align concurrently supported