Source code for montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.base

"""Class definitions for corpora"""
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import logging
import os
import re
import threading
import time
import typing
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path

import sqlalchemy.engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, joinedload, selectinload, subqueryload

from montreal_forced_aligner import config
from import DatabaseMixin, MfaWorker
from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes import FileData, UtteranceData
from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.multiprocessing import (
from import (
from montreal_forced_aligner.db import (
from montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions import CorpusError
from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import mfa_open, output_mapping
from montreal_forced_aligner.utils import run_kaldi_function

__all__ = ["CorpusMixin"]

logger = logging.getLogger("mfa")

[docs] class CorpusMixin(MfaWorker, DatabaseMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Mixin class for processing corpora Notes ----- Using characters in files to specify speakers is generally finicky and leads to errors, so I would not recommend using it. Additionally, consider it deprecated and could be removed in future versions Parameters ---------- corpus_directory: str Path to corpus speaker_characters: int or str, optional Number of characters in the file name to specify the speaker ignore_speakers: bool Flag for whether to discard any parsed speaker information during top-level worker's processing oov_count_threshold: int Words in the corpus with counts less than or equal to the threshold will be treated as OOV items, defaults to 0 See Also -------- :class:`` For MFA processing parameters :class:`` For temporary directory parameters Attributes ---------- jobs: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.multiprocessing.Job`] List of jobs for processing the corpus and splitting speakers stopped: :class:`~threading.Event` Stop check for loading the corpus decode_error_files: list[str] List of text files that could not be loaded with utf8 textgrid_read_errors: list[str] List of TextGrid files that had an error in loading """ def __init__( self, corpus_directory: str, speaker_characters: typing.Union[int, str] = 0, ignore_speakers: bool = False, oov_count_threshold: int = 0, language: Language = Language.unknown, **kwargs, ): if not os.path.exists(corpus_directory): raise CorpusError(f"The directory '{corpus_directory}' does not exist.") if not os.path.isdir(corpus_directory): raise CorpusError( f"The specified path for the corpus ({corpus_directory}) is not a directory." ) self._speaker_ids = {} self.corpus_directory = corpus_directory self.speaker_characters = speaker_characters self.ignore_speakers = ignore_speakers self.oov_count_threshold = oov_count_threshold self.stopped = threading.Event() self.decode_error_files = [] self.textgrid_read_errors = [] self._num_speakers = None self._num_utterances = None self._num_files = None super().__init__(**kwargs) os.makedirs(self.corpus_output_directory, exist_ok=True) self.imported = False self.text_normalized = False self._current_speaker_index = 1 self._current_file_index = 1 self._current_utterance_index = 1 self._speaker_ids = {} self._word_set = [] self._jobs = [] self.ignore_empty_utterances = False self.language = language if isinstance(language, str): self.language = Language[language.split(".")[-1]] @property def jobs(self) -> typing.List[Job]: if not self._jobs: with self.session() as session: c: Corpus = session.query(Corpus).first() jobs = session.query(Job).options( joinedload(Job.corpus, innerjoin=True), subqueryload(Job.dictionaries) ) if c.current_subset: jobs = jobs.filter(Job.utterances.any(Utterance.in_subset == True)) # noqa jobs = jobs.filter(Job.utterances.any(Utterance.ignored == False)) # noqa self._jobs = jobs.all() return self._jobs def dictionary_ids_for_job(self, job_id): with self.session() as session: return dictionary_ids_for_job(session, job_id)
[docs] def inspect_database(self) -> None: """Check if a database file exists and create the necessary metadata""" self.initialize_database() with self.session() as session: corpus = session.query(Corpus).first() if corpus: self.imported = corpus.imported self.text_normalized = corpus.text_normalized else: session.add( Corpus( name=self.data_source_identifier, path=self.corpus_directory, data_directory=self.corpus_output_directory, ) ) session.commit()
[docs] def get_utterances( self, id: typing.Optional[int] = None, file: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]] = None, speaker: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]] = None, begin: typing.Optional[float] = None, end: typing.Optional[float] = None, session: Session = None, ): """ Get a file from search parameters Parameters ---------- id: int Integer ID to look up file: str or int File name or ID to look up speaker: str or int Speaker name or ID to look up begin: float Begin timestamp to look up end: float Ending timestamp to look up Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` Utterance match """ if session is None: session = self.session() if id is not None: utterance = session.get(Utterance, id) if not utterance: raise Exception(f"Could not find utterance with id of {id}") return utterance else: utterance = session.query(Utterance) if file is not None: utterance = utterance.join(Utterance.file) if isinstance(file, int): utterance = utterance.filter( == file) else: utterance = utterance.filter( == file) if speaker is not None: utterance = utterance.join(Utterance.speaker) if isinstance(speaker, int): utterance = utterance.filter( == speaker) else: utterance = utterance.filter( == speaker) if begin is not None: utterance = utterance.filter(Utterance.begin == begin) if end is not None: utterance = utterance.filter(Utterance.end == end) utterance = utterance.all() return list(utterance)
[docs] def get_file( self, id: typing.Optional[int] = None, name=None, session: Session = None ) -> File: """ Get a file from search parameters Parameters ---------- id: int Integer ID to look up name: str File name to look up Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` File match """ close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True file = session.query(File).options( selectinload(File.utterances).joinedload(Utterance.speaker, innerjoin=True), joinedload(File.sound_file, innerjoin=True), joinedload(File.text_file, innerjoin=True), selectinload(File.speakers), ) if id is not None: file = file.get(id) if not file: raise Exception(f"Could not find utterance with id of {id}") if close: session.close() return file else: file = file.filter( == name).first() if not file: raise Exception(f"Could not find utterance with name of {name}") if close: session.close() return file
@property def corpus_meta(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Corpus metadata""" return {} @property def features_log_directory(self) -> Path: """Feature log directory""" return self.split_directory.joinpath("log") @property def split_directory(self) -> Path: """Directory used to store information split by job""" return self.corpus_output_directory.joinpath(f"split{config.NUM_JOBS}") def _write_spk2utt(self) -> None: """Write spk2utt scp file for Kaldi""" data = {} utt2spk_data = {} with self.session() as session: utterances = ( session.query(Utterance.kaldi_id, Utterance.speaker_id) .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter( != "MFA_UNKNOWN") .order_by(Utterance.kaldi_id) ) for utt_id, speaker_id in utterances: if speaker_id not in data: data[speaker_id] = [] data[speaker_id].append(utt_id) utt2spk_data[utt_id] = speaker_id output_mapping(utt2spk_data, self.corpus_output_directory.joinpath("utt2spk.scp")) output_mapping(data, self.corpus_output_directory.joinpath("spk2utt.scp"))
[docs] def create_corpus_split(self) -> None: """Create split directory and output information from Jobs""" os.makedirs(self.split_directory.joinpath("log"), exist_ok=True) with self.session() as session: jobs = session.query(Job) arguments = [ ExportKaldiFilesArguments(, getattr(self, "session" if config.USE_THREADING else "db_string", ""), None, self.split_directory, ) for j in jobs ] for _ in run_kaldi_function( ExportKaldiFilesFunction, arguments, total_count=self.num_utterances ): pass
@property def corpus_word_set(self) -> typing.List[str]: """Set of words used in the corpus""" if not self._word_set: with self.session() as session: self._word_set = [ x[0] for x in session.query(Word.word).filter(Word.count > 0).order_by(Word.word) ] return self._word_set
[docs] def add_utterance(self, utterance: UtteranceData, session: Session = None) -> Utterance: """ Add an utterance to the corpus Parameters ---------- utterance: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.UtteranceData` Utterance to add """ close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True speaker_obj = session.query(Speaker).filter_by(name=utterance.speaker_name).first() if not speaker_obj: dictionary = None if hasattr(self, "get_dictionary"): dictionary = ( session.query(Dictionary) .filter_by(name=self.get_dictionary(utterance.speaker_name).name) .first() ) speaker_obj = Speaker(name=utterance.speaker_name, dictionary=dictionary) session.add(speaker_obj) self._speaker_ids[utterance.speaker_name] = speaker_obj else: self._speaker_ids[utterance.speaker_name] = speaker_obj file_obj = session.query(File).filter_by(name=utterance.file_name).first() u = Utterance.from_data( utterance, file_obj, speaker_obj, frame_shift=getattr(self, "frame_shift", None) ) = self.get_next_primary_key(Utterance) session.add(u) if close: session.commit() session.close() return u
[docs] def delete_utterance(self, utterance_id: int, session: Session = None) -> None: """ Delete an utterance from the corpus Parameters ---------- utterance_id: int Utterance to delete """ close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True session.query(Utterance).filter( == utterance_id).delete() session.commit() if close: session.close()
[docs] def speakers(self, session: Session = None) -> sqlalchemy.orm.Query: """ Get all speakers in the corpus Parameters ---------- session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, optional Session to use in querying Returns ------- sqlalchemy.orm.Query Speaker query """ close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True speakers = session.query(Speaker).options( selectinload(Speaker.utterances), selectinload(Speaker.files), joinedload(Speaker.dictionary), ) if close: session.close() return speakers
[docs] def files(self, session: Session = None) -> sqlalchemy.orm.Query: """ Get all files in the corpus Parameters ---------- session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, optional Session to use in querying Returns ------- sqlalchemy.orm.Query File query """ close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True files = session.query(File).options( selectinload(File.utterances), selectinload(File.speakers), joinedload(File.sound_file), joinedload(File.text_file), ) if close: session.close() return files
[docs] def utterances(self, session: Session = None) -> sqlalchemy.orm.Query: """ Get all utterances in the corpus Parameters ---------- session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, optional Session to use in querying Returns ------- :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.Query` Utterance query """ close = False if session is None: session = Session(self.db_engine) close = True utterances = session.query(Utterance).options( joinedload(Utterance.file, innerjoin=True), joinedload(Utterance.speaker, innerjoin=True), selectinload(Utterance.phone_intervals), selectinload(Utterance.word_intervals), ) if close: session.close() return utterances
[docs] def initialize_jobs(self) -> None: """ Initialize the corpus's Jobs """ with self.session() as session: if session.query(sqlalchemy.sql.exists().where(Utterance.job_id > 1)).scalar():"Jobs already initialized.") return"Initializing multiprocessing jobs...") if self.num_speakers < config.NUM_JOBS and not config.SINGLE_SPEAKER: logger.warning( f"Number of jobs was specified as {config.NUM_JOBS}, " f"but due to only having {self.num_speakers} speakers, MFA " f"will only use {self.num_speakers} jobs. Use the --single_speaker flag if you would like to split " f"utterances across jobs regardless of their speaker." ) config.NUM_JOBS = self.num_speakers session.query(Job).filter( > config.NUM_JOBS).delete() session.query(Corpus).update({Corpus.num_jobs: config.NUM_JOBS}) session.commit() elif config.SINGLE_SPEAKER and self.num_utterances < config.NUM_JOBS: logger.warning( f"Number of jobs was specified as {config.NUM_JOBS}, " f"but due to only having {self.num_utterances} utterances, MFA " f"will only use {self.num_utterances} jobs." ) config.NUM_JOBS = self.num_utterances session.query(Job).filter( > config.NUM_JOBS).delete() session.query(Corpus).update({Corpus.num_jobs: config.NUM_JOBS}) session.commit() jobs = session.query(Job).all() update_mappings = [] if config.SINGLE_SPEAKER: utts_per_job = int(self.num_utterances / config.NUM_JOBS) if utts_per_job == 0: utts_per_job = 1 for i, j in enumerate(jobs): update_mappings.extend( {"id": u, "job_id":} for u in range((utts_per_job * i) + 1, (utts_per_job * (i + 1)) + 1) ) last_ind = update_mappings[-1]["id"] + 1 for u in range(last_ind, self.num_utterances): update_mappings.append({"id": u, "job_id": jobs[-1].id}) bulk_update(session, Utterance, update_mappings) else: utt_counts = { 0 for j in jobs} speakers = ( session.query(, sqlalchemy.func.count( .outerjoin(Speaker.utterances) .group_by( .order_by(sqlalchemy.func.count( ) for s_id, speaker_utt_count in speakers: if not speaker_utt_count: continue job_id = min(utt_counts.keys(), key=lambda x: utt_counts[x]) update_mappings.append({"speaker_id": s_id, "job_id": job_id}) utt_counts[job_id] += speaker_utt_count bulk_update(session, Utterance, update_mappings, id_field="speaker_id") session.commit() if session.query(Dictionary2Job).count() == 0: dict_job_mappings = [] for job_id, dict_id in ( session.query(Utterance.job_id, .join(Utterance.speaker) .join(Speaker.dictionary) .distinct() ): if not dict_id: continue dict_job_mappings.append({"job_id": job_id, "dictionary_id": dict_id}) if dict_job_mappings: session.execute(Dictionary2Job.insert().values(dict_job_mappings)) session.commit()
def _finalize_load(self, session: Session, import_data: DatabaseImportData): """Finalize the import of database objects after parsing""" with session.begin_nested(): c = session.query(Corpus).first() job_objs = [{"id": j, "corpus_id":} for j in range(1, config.NUM_JOBS + 1)] session.execute(sqlalchemy.insert(Job.__table__), job_objs) c.num_jobs = config.NUM_JOBS if import_data.speaker_objects: session.execute(sqlalchemy.insert(Speaker.__table__), import_data.speaker_objects) if import_data.file_objects: session.execute(sqlalchemy.insert(File.__table__), import_data.file_objects) if import_data.text_file_objects: session.execute( sqlalchemy.insert(TextFile.__table__), import_data.text_file_objects ) if import_data.sound_file_objects: session.execute( sqlalchemy.insert(SoundFile.__table__), import_data.sound_file_objects ) if import_data.speaker_ordering_objects: session.execute( sqlalchemy.insert(SpeakerOrdering), import_data.speaker_ordering_objects, ) if import_data.utterance_objects: session.execute( sqlalchemy.insert(Utterance.__table__), import_data.utterance_objects ) session.flush() self.imported = True speakers = ( session.query( .outerjoin(Speaker.utterances) .group_by( .having(sqlalchemy.func.count( == 0) ) self._speaker_ids = {} speaker_ids = [x[0] for x in speakers] session.query(Corpus).update( { "imported": True, "has_text_files": len(import_data.text_file_objects) > 0, "has_sound_files": len(import_data.sound_file_objects) > 0, } ) if speaker_ids: session.query(SpeakerOrdering).filter( SpeakerOrdering.c.speaker_id.in_(speaker_ids) ).delete() session.query(Speaker).filter( self._num_speakers = None self._num_utterances = None # Recalculate if already cached self._num_files = None session.commit() def get_tokenizers(self): from montreal_forced_aligner.dictionary.mixins import DictionaryMixin if self.language is Language.unknown: tokenizers = getattr(self, "tokenizers", None) else: from montreal_forced_aligner.tokenization.spacy import ( check_language_tokenizer_availability, ) check_language_tokenizer_availability(self.language) tokenizers = self.language if tokenizers is None: if isinstance(self, DictionaryMixin): tokenizers = self.tokenizer else: return None return tokenizers def get_tokenizer(self, dictionary_id: int): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() if not isinstance(tokenizers, dict): return tokenizers return tokenizers[dictionary_id] def normalize_text_arguments(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.multiprocessing import NormalizeTextArguments with self.session() as session: jobs = session.query(Job).filter(Job.utterances.any()) return [ NormalizeTextArguments(, getattr(self, "session" if config.USE_THREADING else "db_string", ""), self.split_directory.joinpath("log", f"normalize.{}.log"), tokenizers, getattr(self, "g2p_model", None), getattr(self, "ignore_case", True), getattr(self, "use_cutoff_model", False), ) for j in jobs ]
[docs] def normalize_text(self) -> None: """Normalize the text of the corpus using a dictionary's sanitization functions and word mappings""" if self.text_normalized:"Text already normalized.") return args = self.normalize_text_arguments() if args is None: return from montreal_forced_aligner.models import G2PModel"Normalizing text...") log_directory = self.split_directory.joinpath("log") word_update_mappings = {} word_insert_mappings = {} pronunciation_insert_mappings = [] word_indexes = {} word_mapping_ids = {} max_mapping_id = 0 log_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) update_mapping = [] word_key = self.get_next_primary_key(Word) g2p_model: G2PModel = getattr(self, "g2p_model", None) from montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator import G2PTopLevelMixin if isinstance(self, G2PTopLevelMixin): # G2P happens later g2p_model = None pronunciation_key = self.get_next_primary_key(Pronunciation) with mfa_open( log_directory.joinpath("normalize_oov.log"), "w" ) as log_file, self.session() as session: dictionaries: typing.Dict[int, Dictionary] = { d for d in session.query(Dictionary) } dict_name_to_id = { k for k, v in dictionaries.items()} has_words = ( session.query(Dictionary).filter( == "unknown").first() is None ) existing_oovs = {} words = session.query(, Word.mapping_id, Word.dictionary_id, Word.word, Word.word_type ).order_by(Word.mapping_id) if not has_words or getattr(self, "use_g2p", False): word_insert_mappings[(1, "<eps>")] = { "id": word_key, "word": "<eps>", "word_type": WordType.silence, "mapping_id": word_key - 1, "count": 0, "dictionary_id": 1, } word_key += 1 max_mapping_id = word_key - 1 for w_id, m_id, d_id, w, wt in words: if wt is WordType.oov and w not in self.specials_set: existing_oovs[(d_id, w)] = {"id": w_id, "count": 0, "included": False} continue word_indexes[(d_id, w)] = w_id word_mapping_ids[w] = m_id if m_id > max_mapping_id: max_mapping_id = m_id to_g2p = set() word_to_g2p_mapping = {x: collections.defaultdict(set) for x in dictionaries.keys()} word_counts = collections.defaultdict(int) for result in run_kaldi_function( NormalizeTextFunction, args, total_count=self.num_utterances ): try: result, dict_id = result if dict_id is None: dict_id = list(dictionaries.keys())[0] if has_words and not getattr(self, "use_g2p", False) and g2p_model is not None: oovs = set(result["oovs"].split()) pronunciation_text = result["normalized_character_text"].split() for i, w in enumerate(result["normalized_text"].split()): if (dict_id, w) not in word_indexes: if w in dictionaries[dict_id].special_set: continue word_counts[(dict_id, w)] += 1 oovs.add(w) if self.language is Language.unknown: to_g2p.add((w, dict_id)) word_to_g2p_mapping[dict_id][w].add(w) else: to_g2p.add((pronunciation_text[i], dict_id)) word_to_g2p_mapping[dict_id][w].add(pronunciation_text[i]) elif (dict_id, w) not in word_update_mappings: word_update_mappings[(dict_id, w)] = { "id": word_indexes[(dict_id, w)], "count": 1, } else: word_update_mappings[(dict_id, w)]["count"] += 1 result["oovs"] = " ".join(sorted(oovs)) else: for w in result["normalized_text"].split(): if (dict_id, w) in existing_oovs: existing_oovs[(dict_id, w)]["count"] += 1 elif (dict_id, w) not in word_indexes: if (dict_id, w) not in word_insert_mappings: word_insert_mappings[(dict_id, w)] = { "id": word_key, "word": w, "word_type": WordType.oov, "mapping_id": word_key - 1, "count": 0, "dictionary_id": dict_id, "included": False, } pronunciation_insert_mappings.append( { "id": pronunciation_key, "word_id": word_key, "pronunciation": getattr(self, "oov_phone", "spn"), } ) word_key += 1 pronunciation_key += 1 word_insert_mappings[(dict_id, w)]["count"] += 1 elif (dict_id, w) not in word_update_mappings: word_update_mappings[(dict_id, w)] = { "id": word_indexes[(dict_id, w)], "count": 1, } else: word_update_mappings[(dict_id, w)]["count"] += 1 update_mapping.append(result) except Exception: import sys import traceback exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() logger.debug( "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) ) raise bulk_update(session, Utterance, update_mapping) session.commit() if word_update_mappings: if has_words: session.query(Word).update({"count": 0}) session.commit() bulk_update(session, Word, list(word_update_mappings.values())) session.commit() with self.session() as session: if to_g2p: log_file.write(f"Found {len(to_g2p)} OOVs\n") if g2p_model is not None: from montreal_forced_aligner.g2p.generator import PyniniGenerator g2pped = {} if isinstance(g2p_model, dict): for dict_name, g2p_model in g2p_model.items(): dict_id = dict_name_to_id[dict_name] gen = PyniniGenerator( g2p_model_path=g2p_model.source, word_list=[x[0] for x in to_g2p if x[1] == dict_id], num_pronunciations=1, strict_graphemes=True, ) g2pped[dict_id] = gen.generate_pronunciations() else: gen = PyniniGenerator( g2p_model_path=g2p_model.source, word_list=[x[0] for x in to_g2p], num_pronunciations=1, strict_graphemes=True, ) dict_id = list(dictionaries.keys())[0] g2pped[dict_id] = gen.generate_pronunciations() for dict_id, mapping in word_to_g2p_mapping.items(): log_file.write(f"For dictionary {dict_id}:\n") for w, ps in mapping.items(): log_file.write(f" - {w} ({', '.join(sorted(ps))})\n") max_mapping_id += 1 included = False if hasattr(self, "brackets") and any( w.startswith(b) for b, _ in self.brackets ): word_type = WordType.bracketed pronunciations = [getattr(self, "oov_phone", "spn")] else: word_type = WordType.speech if isinstance(g2pped, dict): pronunciations = [ g2pped[dict_id][x][0] for x in ps if x in g2pped[dict_id] and g2pped[dict_id][x] ] else: pronunciations = [ g2pped[x][0] for x in ps if x in g2pped and g2pped[x] ] if not pronunciations: word_type = WordType.oov pronunciations = [getattr(self, "oov_phone", "spn")] else: included = True word_insert_mappings[(dict_id, w)] = { "id": word_key, "mapping_id": max_mapping_id, "word": w, "count": word_counts[(dict_id, w)], "dictionary_id": dict_id, "word_type": word_type, "included": included, } for p in pronunciations: log_file.write(f" - {p}\n") pronunciation_insert_mappings.append( { "id": pronunciation_key, "word_id": word_key, "pronunciation": p, } ) pronunciation_key += 1 word_key += 1 else: for word, dict_id in to_g2p: if (dict_id, word) in existing_oovs: existing_oovs[(dict_id, word)]["count"] += 1 continue if (dict_id, word) not in word_insert_mappings: word_insert_mappings[(dict_id, word)] = { "id": word_key, "word": word, "word_type": WordType.oov, "mapping_id": word_key - 1, "count": 0, "included": False, "dictionary_id": dict_id, } pronunciation_insert_mappings.append( { "id": pronunciation_key, "word_id": word_key, "pronunciation": getattr(self, "oov_phone", "spn"), } ) word_key += 1 pronunciation_key += 1 word_insert_mappings[(dict_id, word)]["count"] += 1 log_file.write("Found the following OOVs:\n") log_file.write(f"{existing_oovs}\n") log_file.write(f"{word_insert_mappings}\n") if not has_words: word_insert_mappings[(1, "<unk>")] = { "id": word_key, "word": "<unk>", "word_type": WordType.oov, "mapping_id": word_key - 1, "count": 0, "dictionary_id": 1, } if existing_oovs: bulk_update(session, Word, list(existing_oovs.values())) session.commit() if word_insert_mappings: session.bulk_insert_mappings( Word, list(word_insert_mappings.values()), return_defaults=False, render_nulls=True, ) if pronunciation_insert_mappings: session.bulk_insert_mappings( Pronunciation, pronunciation_insert_mappings, return_defaults=False, render_nulls=True, ) self.text_normalized = True session.query(Corpus).update({"text_normalized": True}) session.commit() if self.oov_count_threshold > 0: session.query(Word).filter(Word.word_type == WordType.speech).filter( Word.count <= self.oov_count_threshold ).update({Word.included: False, Word.word_type: WordType.oov}) session.commit()
[docs] def add_speaker(self, name: str, session: Session = None): """ Add a speaker to the corpus Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the speaker session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session Database session, if not specified, will use a temporary session """ if name in self._speaker_ids: return close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True speaker_obj = session.query(Speaker).filter_by(name=name).first() if not speaker_obj: dictionary = None if hasattr(self, "get_dictionary_id"): dictionary = session.get(Dictionary, self.get_dictionary_id(name)) speaker_obj = Speaker( id=self.get_next_primary_key(Speaker), name=name, dictionary=dictionary ) session.add(speaker_obj) session.flush() self._speaker_ids[name] = else: self._speaker_ids[name] = if close: session.commit() session.close()
def _create_dummy_dictionary(self): with self.session() as session: if session.query(Dictionary).first() is None: dialect = Dialect(name="unspecified") d = Dictionary(name="unknown", path="unknown", dialect=dialect) session.add(dialect) session.add(d) session.flush() session.query(Speaker).update({Speaker.dictionary_id:}) session.commit()
[docs] def add_file(self, file: FileData, session: Session = None): """ Add a file to the corpus Parameters ---------- file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.FileData` File to be added """ close = False if session is None: session = self.session() close = True f = File( id=self._current_file_index,, relative_path=file.relative_path, modified=False, ) session.add(f) session.flush() for i, speaker in enumerate(file.speaker_ordering): if speaker not in self._speaker_ids: speaker_obj = Speaker( id=self._current_speaker_index, name=speaker, dictionary_id=getattr(self, "_default_dictionary_id", None), ) session.add(speaker_obj) self._speaker_ids[speaker] = self._current_speaker_index self._current_speaker_index += 1 so = SpeakerOrdering( file_id=self._current_file_index, speaker_id=self._speaker_ids[speaker], index=i, ) session.add(so) if file.wav_path is not None: sf = SoundFile( file_id=self._current_file_index, sound_file_path=file.wav_path, format=file.wav_info.format, sample_rate=file.wav_info.sample_rate, duration=file.wav_info.duration, num_channels=file.wav_info.num_channels, ) session.add(sf) if file.text_path is not None: text_type = file.text_type if isinstance(text_type, TextFileType): text_type = file.text_type.value tf = TextFile( file_id=self._current_file_index, text_file_path=file.text_path, file_type=text_type, ) session.add(tf) frame_shift = getattr(self, "frame_shift", None) if frame_shift is not None: frame_shift = round(frame_shift / 1000, 4) for u in file.utterances: duration = u.end - u.begin num_frames = None if frame_shift is not None: num_frames = int(duration / frame_shift) utterance = Utterance( id=self._current_utterance_index, begin=u.begin, end=u.end, duration=duration,, oovs=u.oovs, normalized_text=u.normalized_text, normalized_character_text=u.normalized_character_text, text=u.text, num_frames=num_frames, in_subset=False, ignored=False, file_id=self._current_file_index, speaker_id=self._speaker_ids[u.speaker_name], ) self._current_utterance_index += 1 session.add(utterance) if close: session.commit() session.close() self._current_file_index += 1
[docs] def generate_import_objects(self, file: FileData) -> DatabaseImportData: """ Add a file to the corpus Parameters ---------- file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.FileData` File to be added """ data = DatabaseImportData() data.file_objects.append( { "id": self._current_file_index, "name":, "relative_path": file.relative_path, "modified": False, } ) for i, speaker in enumerate(file.speaker_ordering): if speaker not in self._speaker_ids: data.speaker_objects.append( { "id": self._current_speaker_index, "name": speaker, "dictionary_id": getattr(self, "_default_dictionary_id", None), } ) self._speaker_ids[speaker] = self._current_speaker_index self._current_speaker_index += 1 data.speaker_ordering_objects.append( { "file_id": self._current_file_index, "speaker_id": self._speaker_ids[speaker], "index": i, } ) if file.wav_path is not None: data.sound_file_objects.append( { "file_id": self._current_file_index, "sound_file_path": file.wav_path, "format": file.wav_info.format, "sample_rate": file.wav_info.sample_rate, "duration": file.wav_info.duration, "num_channels": file.wav_info.num_channels, } ) if file.text_path is not None: text_type = file.text_type if isinstance(text_type, TextFileType): text_type = file.text_type.value data.text_file_objects.append( { "file_id": self._current_file_index, "text_file_path": file.text_path, "file_type": text_type, } ) frame_shift = getattr(self, "frame_shift", None) if frame_shift is not None: frame_shift = round(frame_shift / 1000, 4) for u in file.utterances: duration = u.end - u.begin num_frames = None if frame_shift is not None: num_frames = int(duration / frame_shift) ignored = False if self.ignore_empty_utterances and not u.text: ignored = True data.utterance_objects.append( { "id": self._current_utterance_index, "begin": u.begin, "end": u.end, "channel":, "oovs": u.oovs, "normalized_text": u.normalized_text, "normalized_character_text": u.normalized_character_text, "text": u.text, "num_frames": num_frames, "in_subset": False, "ignored": ignored, "file_id": self._current_file_index, "job_id": 1, "speaker_id": self._speaker_ids[u.speaker_name], } ) self._current_utterance_index += 1 self._current_file_index += 1 return data
@property def data_source_identifier(self) -> str: """Corpus name""" return os.path.basename(self.corpus_directory)
[docs] def create_subset(self, subset: int) -> None: """ Create a subset of utterances to use for training Parameters ---------- subset: int Number of utterances to include in subset """"Creating subset directory with {subset} utterances...") if hasattr(self, "cutoff_word") and hasattr(self, "brackets"): initial_brackets = re.escape("".join(x[0] for x in self.brackets)) final_brackets = re.escape("".join(x[1] for x in self.brackets)) cutoff_identifier = re.sub( rf"[{initial_brackets}{final_brackets}]", "", self.cutoff_word ) cutoff_pattern = f"[{initial_brackets}]({cutoff_identifier}|hes)" else: cutoff_pattern = "<(cutoff|hes)" def add_filters(query): subset_word_count = getattr(self, "subset_word_count", 3) multiword_pattern = rf"(\s\S+){{{subset_word_count},}}" filtered = ( query.filter( Utterance.normalized_text.op("~")(multiword_pattern) if config.USE_POSTGRES else Utterance.normalized_text.regexp_match(multiword_pattern) ) .filter(Utterance.ignored == False) # noqa .filter( sqlalchemy.or_( Utterance.duration_deviation == None, # noqa Utterance.duration_deviation < 10, ) ) ) if subset <= 25000: filtered = filtered.filter( sqlalchemy.not_( Utterance.normalized_text.op("~")(cutoff_pattern) if config.USE_POSTGRES else Utterance.normalized_text.regexp_match(cutoff_pattern) ) ) return filtered with self.session() as session: begin = time.time() session.query(Utterance).filter(Utterance.in_subset == True).update( # noqa {Utterance.in_subset: False} ) session.commit() dictionary_query = session.query(, != "default" ) if subset <= 25000: dictionary_query = dictionary_query.filter( != "nonnative") dictionary_lookup = {k: v for k, v in dictionary_query} num_dictionaries = len(dictionary_lookup) if num_dictionaries > 1: subsets_per_dictionary = {} utts_per_dictionary = {} subsetted = 0 for dict_name, dict_id in dictionary_lookup.items(): base_query = ( session.query(Utterance) .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) # noqa ) base_query = add_filters(base_query) num_utts = base_query.count() utts_per_dictionary[dict_name] = num_utts if num_utts < int(subset / num_dictionaries): subsets_per_dictionary[dict_name] = num_utts subsetted += 1 remaining_subset = subset - sum(subsets_per_dictionary.values()) remaining_dicts = num_dictionaries - subsetted remaining_subset_per_dictionary = int(remaining_subset / remaining_dicts) for dict_name, num_utts in sorted(utts_per_dictionary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): dict_id = dictionary_lookup[dict_name] if dict_name in subsets_per_dictionary: subset_per_dictionary = subsets_per_dictionary[dict_name] else: subset_per_dictionary = remaining_subset_per_dictionary remaining_dicts -= 1 if remaining_dicts > 0: if num_utts < subset_per_dictionary: remaining_subset -= num_utts else: remaining_subset -= subset_per_dictionary remaining_subset_per_dictionary = int( remaining_subset / remaining_dicts ) logger.debug(f"For {dict_name}, total number of utterances is {num_utts}") larger_subset_num = int(subset_per_dictionary * 10) speaker_ids = None average_duration = ( add_filters( session.query(sqlalchemy.func.avg(Utterance.duration)) .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) ) ).first()[0] for utt_count_cutoff in [30, 15, 5]: sq = ( add_filters( session.query("speaker_id"), sqlalchemy.func.count("utt_count"), ) .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) ) .filter(Utterance.duration <= average_duration) .group_by("speaker_id")) .subquery() ) total_speaker_utterances = ( session.query(sqlalchemy.func.sum(sq.c.utt_count)).filter( sq.c.utt_count >= utt_count_cutoff ) ).first()[0] if total_speaker_utterances >= subset_per_dictionary: speaker_ids = [ x for x, in session.query(sq.c.speaker_id).filter( sq.c.utt_count >= utt_count_cutoff ) ] break if num_utts > larger_subset_num: larger_subset_query = ( session.query( .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) # noqa ) larger_subset_query = add_filters(larger_subset_query) if speaker_ids: larger_subset_query = larger_subset_query.filter( ) larger_subset_query = larger_subset_query.order_by( Utterance.duration ).limit(larger_subset_num) sq = larger_subset_query.subquery() subset_utts = ( .order_by(sqlalchemy.func.random()) .limit(subset_per_dictionary) .scalar_subquery() ) query = ( sqlalchemy.update(Utterance) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") .values(in_subset=True) .where( ) session.execute(query) # Remove speakers with less than 5 utterances from subset, # can't estimate speaker transforms well for low utterance counts sq = ( session.query( Utterance.speaker_id.label("speaker_id"), sqlalchemy.func.count("utt_count"), ) .filter(Utterance.in_subset == True) # noqa .group_by(Utterance.speaker_id.label("speaker_id")) .subquery() ) speaker_ids = [ x for x, in session.query(sq.c.speaker_id).filter(sq.c.utt_count < 5) ] session.query(Utterance).filter( Utterance.speaker_id.in_(speaker_ids) ).update({Utterance.in_subset: False}) session.commit() logger.debug(f"For {dict_name}, subset is {subset_per_dictionary}") elif num_utts > subset_per_dictionary: larger_subset_query = ( session.query( .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) # noqa ) larger_subset_query = add_filters(larger_subset_query) if speaker_ids: larger_subset_query = larger_subset_query.filter( ) sq = larger_subset_query.subquery() subset_utts = ( .order_by(sqlalchemy.func.random()) .limit(subset_per_dictionary) .scalar_subquery() ) query = ( sqlalchemy.update(Utterance) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") .values(in_subset=True) .where( ) session.execute(query) session.commit() logger.debug(f"For {dict_name}, subset is {subset_per_dictionary}") else: larger_subset_query = ( session.query( .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) .filter(Utterance.ignored == False) # noqa .filter( sqlalchemy.or_( Utterance.duration_deviation == None, # noqa Utterance.duration_deviation < 10, ) ) # noqa ) sq = larger_subset_query.subquery() subset_utts = query = ( sqlalchemy.update(Utterance) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") .values(in_subset=True) .where( ) session.execute(query) session.commit() # Reassign any utterances from speakers below utterance count threshold sq = ( session.query( Utterance.speaker_id.label("speaker_id"), sqlalchemy.func.count("utt_count"), ) .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) .filter(Utterance.in_subset == True) # noqa .group_by(Utterance.speaker_id.label("speaker_id")) .subquery() ) total_speaker_utterances = session.query( sqlalchemy.func.sum(sq.c.utt_count) ).first()[0] remaining = subset_per_dictionary - total_speaker_utterances if remaining > 0: speaker_ids = [x for x, in session.query(sq.c.speaker_id)] larger_subset_query = ( session.query( .join(Utterance.speaker) .filter(Speaker.dictionary_id == dict_id) # noqa ) larger_subset_query = add_filters(larger_subset_query) if speaker_ids: larger_subset_query = larger_subset_query.filter( ) larger_subset_query = larger_subset_query.order_by( Utterance.duration ).limit(remaining * 10) sq = larger_subset_query.subquery() subset_utts = ( .order_by(sqlalchemy.func.random()) .limit(remaining) .scalar_subquery() ) query = ( sqlalchemy.update(Utterance) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") .values(in_subset=True) .where( ) session.execute(query) else: larger_subset_num = subset * 10 if subset < self.num_utterances: # Get all shorter utterances that are not one word long larger_subset_query = ( add_filters(session.query( .order_by(Utterance.duration) .limit(larger_subset_num) ) sq = larger_subset_query.subquery() subset_utts = ( .order_by(sqlalchemy.func.random()) .limit(subset) .scalar_subquery() ) query = ( sqlalchemy.update(Utterance) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") .values(in_subset=True) .where( ) session.execute(query) else: session.query(Utterance).update({Utterance.in_subset: True}) session.commit() subset_directory = self.corpus_output_directory.joinpath(f"subset_{subset}") log_dir = subset_directory.joinpath("log") os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) logger.debug(f"Setting subset flags took {time.time() - begin} seconds") with self.session() as session: jobs = ( session.query(Job) .options( joinedload(Job.corpus, innerjoin=True), subqueryload(Job.dictionaries) ) .filter(Job.utterances.any(Utterance.in_subset == True)) # noqa ) self._jobs = jobs.all() arguments = [ ExportKaldiFilesArguments(, getattr(self, "session" if config.USE_THREADING else "db_string", ""), None, subset_directory, ) for j in self._jobs ] for _ in run_kaldi_function(ExportKaldiFilesFunction, arguments, total_count=subset): pass
@property def num_files(self) -> int: """Number of files in the corpus""" if self._num_files is None: with self.session() as session: self._num_files = session.query(File).count() return self._num_files @property def num_utterances(self) -> int: """Number of utterances in the corpus""" if self._num_utterances is None: with self.session() as session: self._num_utterances = session.query(Utterance).count() return self._num_utterances @property def num_speakers(self) -> int: """Number of speakers in the corpus""" if self._num_speakers is None: with self.session() as session: self._num_speakers = session.query(sqlalchemy.func.count( return self._num_speakers
[docs] def subset_directory(self, subset: typing.Optional[int]) -> Path: """ Construct a subset directory for the corpus Parameters ---------- subset: int, optional Number of utterances to include, if larger than the total number of utterance or not specified, the split_directory is returned Returns ------- str Path to subset directory """ self._jobs = [] with self.session() as session: c = session.query(Corpus).first() if subset is None or subset >= self.num_utterances or subset <= 0: c.current_subset = 0 else: c.current_subset = subset session.commit() if subset is None or subset >= self.num_utterances or subset <= 0: if hasattr(self, "subset_lexicon"): self.subset_lexicon() return self.split_directory directory = self.corpus_output_directory.joinpath(f"subset_{subset}") if not os.path.exists(directory): self.create_subset(subset) if hasattr(self, "subset_lexicon"): self.subset_lexicon() return directory
[docs] def get_latest_workflow_run(self, workflow: WorkflowType, session: Session) -> CorpusWorkflow: """ Get the latest version of a workflow type Parameters ---------- workflow: :class:`` Workflow type session: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.Session` Database session Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` or None Latest run of workflow type """ workflow = ( session.query(CorpusWorkflow) .filter(CorpusWorkflow.workflow_type == workflow) .order_by(CorpusWorkflow.time_stamp.desc()) .first() ) return workflow
def _load_corpus(self) -> None: """ Load the corpus """ self.inspect_database()"Setting up corpus information...") if not self.imported: logger.debug("Could not load from temp")"Loading corpus from source files...") if config.USE_MP: self._load_corpus_from_source_mp() else: self._load_corpus_from_source() else: logger.debug("Successfully loaded from temporary files") if not self.num_files: raise CorpusError( "There were no files found for this corpus. Please validate the corpus." ) if not self.num_speakers: raise CorpusError( "There were no sound files found of the appropriate format. Please double check the corpus path " "and/or run the validation utility (mfa validate)." ) average_utterances = self.num_utterances / self.num_speakers f"Found {self.num_speakers} speaker{'s' if self.num_speakers > 1 else ''} across {self.num_files} file{'s' if self.num_files > 1 else ''}, " f"average number of utterances per speaker: {average_utterances}" ) @property def base_data_directory(self) -> str: """Corpus data directory""" return self.corpus_output_directory @property def data_directory(self) -> str: """Corpus data directory""" return self.split_directory @abstractmethod def _load_corpus_from_source_mp(self) -> None: """Abstract method for loading a corpus with multiprocessing""" ... @abstractmethod def _load_corpus_from_source(self) -> None: """Abstract method for loading a corpus without multiprocessing""" ...