Source code for montreal_forced_aligner.tokenization.simple

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import typing

import pywrapfst

from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import make_re_character_set_safe

__all__ = ["SanitizeFunction", "SplitWordsFunction", "SimpleTokenizer"]

[docs] class SanitizeFunction: """ Class for functions that sanitize text and strip punctuation Parameters ---------- punctuation: list[str] List of characters to treat as punctuation clitic_markers: list[str] Characters that mark clitics compound_markers: list[str] Characters that mark compound words brackets: list[tuple[str, str]] List of bracket sets to not strip from the ends of words ignore_case: bool Flag for whether all items should be converted to lower case, defaults to True quote_markers: list[str], optional Quotation markers to use when parsing text quote_markers: list[str], optional Quotation markers to use when parsing text word_break_markers: list[str], optional Word break markers to use when parsing text """ def __init__( self, word_table: pywrapfst.SymbolTable, clitic_marker: str, clitic_cleanup_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], clitic_quote_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], punctuation_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], word_break_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], bracket_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], bracket_sanitize_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], ignore_case: bool = True, ): self.word_table = word_table self.clitic_marker = clitic_marker self.clitic_cleanup_regex = clitic_cleanup_regex self.clitic_quote_regex = clitic_quote_regex self.punctuation_regex = punctuation_regex self.word_break_regex = word_break_regex self.bracket_regex = bracket_regex self.bracket_sanitize_regex = bracket_sanitize_regex self.ignore_case = ignore_case def __call__(self, text) -> typing.Generator[str]: """ Sanitize text according to punctuation, quotes, and word break characters Parameters ---------- text: str Text to sanitize Returns ------- Generator[str] Sanitized form """ if self.ignore_case: text = text.lower() text = text.replace("i̇", "i") # Turkish normalization if self.bracket_regex: for word_object in self.bracket_regex.finditer(text): word = if self.word_table and self.word_table.member(word): continue new_word = self.bracket_sanitize_regex.sub("_", word) text = text.replace(word, new_word) if self.clitic_cleanup_regex: text = self.clitic_cleanup_regex.sub(self.clitic_marker, text) if self.clitic_quote_regex is not None and self.clitic_marker in text: text = self.clitic_quote_regex.sub(r"\g<word>", text) words = self.word_break_regex.split(text) for w in words: if not w: continue if self.punctuation_regex is not None and self.punctuation_regex.match(w): continue if w: yield w
[docs] class SplitWordsFunction: """ Class for functions that splits words that have compound and clitic markers Parameters ---------- word_table: :class:`pywrapfst.SymbolTable` Symbol table to look words up clitic_marker: str Character that marks clitics initial_clitic_regex: :class:`re.Pattern` Regex for splitting off initial clitics final_clitic_regex: :class:`re.Pattern` Regex for splitting off final clitics compound_regex: :class:`re.Pattern` Regex for splitting compound words non_speech_regexes: dict[str, :class:`re.Pattern`] Regex for detecting and sanitizing non-speech words oov_word : str What to label words not in the dictionary, defaults to None """ def __init__( self, word_table: pywrapfst.SymbolTable, clitic_marker: str, initial_clitic_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], final_clitic_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], compound_regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern], non_speech_regexes: typing.Dict[str, re.Pattern], oov_word: typing.Optional[str] = None, grapheme_set: typing.Optional[typing.Collection[str]] = None, ): self.word_table = word_table self.clitic_marker = clitic_marker self.compound_regex = compound_regex self.oov_word = oov_word self.specials_set = {self.oov_word, "<s>", "</s>"} if not grapheme_set: grapheme_set = None self.grapheme_set = grapheme_set self.compound_pattern = None self.clitic_pattern = None self.non_speech_regexes = non_speech_regexes self.initial_clitic_regex = initial_clitic_regex self.final_clitic_regex = final_clitic_regex self.has_initial = False self.has_final = False if self.initial_clitic_regex is not None: self.has_initial = True if self.final_clitic_regex is not None: self.has_final = True
[docs] def to_str(self, normalized_text: str) -> str: """ Convert normalized text to an integer ID Parameters ---------- normalized_text: Word to convert Returns ------- str Normalized string """ if normalized_text in self.specials_set: return self.oov_word if self.word_table and self.word_table.member(normalized_text): return normalized_text for word, regex in self.non_speech_regexes.items(): if regex.match(normalized_text): return word return normalized_text
[docs] def split_clitics( self, item: str, ) -> typing.List[str]: """ Split a word into subwords based on dictionary information Parameters ---------- item: str Word to split Returns ------- list[str] List of subwords """ split = [] if self.compound_regex is not None: s = self.compound_regex.split(item) else: s = [item] if self.word_table is None: return [item] clean_initial_quote_regex = re.compile("^'") clean_final_quote_regex = re.compile("'$") benefit = False for seg in s: if not seg: continue if not self.clitic_marker or self.clitic_marker not in seg: split.append(seg) if not benefit and self.word_table.member(seg): benefit = True continue elif seg.startswith(self.clitic_marker): if self.word_table.member(seg[1:]): split.append(seg[1:]) benefit = True continue elif seg.endswith(self.clitic_marker): if self.word_table.member(seg[:-1]): split.append(seg[:-1]) benefit = True continue initial_clitics = [] final_clitics = [] if self.has_initial: while True: clitic = self.initial_clitic_regex.match(seg) if clitic is None: break benefit = True initial_clitics.append( seg = seg[clitic.end(0) :] if self.word_table.member(seg): break if self.has_final: while True: clitic = if clitic is None: break benefit = True final_clitics.append( seg = seg[: clitic.start(0)] if self.word_table.member(seg): break final_clitics.reverse() split.extend([clean_initial_quote_regex.sub("", x) for x in initial_clitics]) seg = clean_final_quote_regex.sub("", clean_initial_quote_regex.sub("", seg)) if seg: split.append(seg) split.extend([clean_final_quote_regex.sub("", x) for x in final_clitics]) if not benefit and self.word_table.member(seg): benefit = True if not benefit: return [item] return split
def parse_graphemes( self, item: str, ) -> typing.Generator[str]: for word, regex in self.non_speech_regexes.items(): if regex.match(item): yield word break else: characters = list(item) for c in characters: if self.grapheme_set is not None and c in self.grapheme_set: yield c else: yield self.oov_word def __call__( self, item: str, ) -> typing.List[str]: """ Return the list of sub words if necessary taking into account clitic and compound markers Parameters ---------- item: str Word to look up Returns ------- list[str] List of subwords that are in the dictionary """ if self.word_table and self.word_table.member(item): return [item] for regex in self.non_speech_regexes.values(): if regex.match(item): return [item] return self.split_clitics(item)
[docs] class SimpleTokenizer: def __init__( self, word_break_markers: typing.List[str], punctuation: typing.List[str], clitic_markers: typing.List[str], compound_markers: typing.List[str], brackets: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]], laughter_word: str = LAUGHTER_WORD, oov_word: str = OOV_WORD, bracketed_word: str = BRACKETED_WORD, cutoff_word: str = CUTOFF_WORD, ignore_case: bool = True, use_g2p: bool = False, clitic_set: typing.Iterable = None, grapheme_set: typing.Iterable = None, word_table: pywrapfst.SymbolTable = None, ): self.word_break_markers = word_break_markers self.word_table = word_table self.punctuation = punctuation self.clitic_markers = clitic_markers self.compound_markers = compound_markers self.brackets = brackets self.laughter_word = laughter_word self.oov_word = oov_word self.bracketed_word = bracketed_word self.cutoff_word = cutoff_word self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.use_g2p = use_g2p self.clitic_set = set() if clitic_set is not None: self.clitic_set.update(clitic_set) elif clitic_markers and self.word_table is not None: for i in range(self.word_table.num_symbols()): w = self.word_table.find(i) if w.startswith(clitic_markers[0]) or w.endswith(clitic_markers[0]): self.clitic_set.add(w) self.grapheme_set = set() if grapheme_set is not None: self.grapheme_set.update(grapheme_set) self.clitic_marker = None self.clitic_cleanup_regex = None self.compound_regex = None self.bracket_regex = None self.cutoff_regex = None self.bracket_sanitize_regex = None self.laughter_regex = None self.word_break_regex = None self.clitic_quote_regex = None self.punctuation_regex = None self.initial_clitic_regex = None self.final_clitic_regex = None self.non_speech_regexes = {} self._compile_regexes() self.sanitize_function = SanitizeFunction( self.word_table, self.clitic_marker, self.clitic_cleanup_regex, self.clitic_quote_regex, self.punctuation_regex, self.word_break_regex, self.bracket_regex, self.bracket_sanitize_regex, self.ignore_case, ) self.split_function = SplitWordsFunction( self.word_table, self.clitic_marker, self.initial_clitic_regex, self.final_clitic_regex, self.compound_regex, self.non_speech_regexes, self.oov_word, self.grapheme_set, ) def _compile_regexes(self) -> None: """Compile regular expressions necessary for corpus parsing""" if len(self.clitic_markers) >= 1: other_clitic_markers = self.clitic_markers[1:] if other_clitic_markers: extra = "" if "-" in other_clitic_markers: extra = "-" other_clitic_markers = [x for x in other_clitic_markers if x != "-"] self.clitic_cleanup_regex = re.compile( rf'[{extra}{"".join(other_clitic_markers)}]' ) self.clitic_marker = self.clitic_markers[0] if self.compound_markers: extra = "" compound_markers = self.compound_markers if "-" in self.compound_markers: extra = "-" compound_markers = [x for x in compound_markers if x != "-"] self.compound_regex = re.compile(rf"(?<=\w)[{extra}{''.join(compound_markers)}](?=\w)") if self.brackets: left_brackets = [x[0] for x in self.brackets] right_brackets = [x[1] for x in self.brackets] self.bracket_regex = re.compile( rf"[{re.escape(''.join(left_brackets))}].*?[{re.escape(''.join(right_brackets))}]+" ) self.laughter_regex = re.compile( rf"[{re.escape(''.join(left_brackets))}](laugh(ing|ter)?|lachen|lg)[{re.escape(''.join(right_brackets))}]+", flags=re.IGNORECASE, ) all_punctuation = set() non_word_character_set = set(self.punctuation) non_word_character_set -= {b for x in self.brackets for b in x} if self.clitic_markers: all_punctuation.update(self.clitic_markers) if self.compound_markers: all_punctuation.update(self.compound_markers) self.bracket_sanitize_regex = None if self.brackets: word_break_set = ( non_word_character_set | set(self.clitic_markers) | set(self.compound_markers) ) if self.word_break_markers: word_break_set |= set(self.word_break_markers) word_break_set = make_re_character_set_safe(word_break_set, [r"\s"]) self.bracket_sanitize_regex = re.compile(f"(?<!^){word_break_set}(?!$)") word_break_character_set = make_re_character_set_safe(non_word_character_set, [r"\s"]) self.word_break_regex = re.compile(rf"{word_break_character_set}+") punctuation_set = make_re_character_set_safe(all_punctuation) if all_punctuation: self.punctuation_regex = re.compile(rf"^{punctuation_set}+$") if len(self.clitic_markers) >= 1: non_clitic_punctuation = all_punctuation - set(self.clitic_markers) non_clitic_punctuation_set = make_re_character_set_safe(non_clitic_punctuation) non_punctuation_set = "[^" + punctuation_set[1:] self.clitic_quote_regex = re.compile( rf"((?<=\W)|(?<=^)){non_clitic_punctuation_set}*{self.clitic_marker}{non_clitic_punctuation_set}*(?P<word>{non_punctuation_set}+){non_clitic_punctuation_set}*{self.clitic_marker}{non_clitic_punctuation_set}*((?=\W)|(?=$))" ) self.non_speech_regexes["<eps>"] = re.compile("<eps>") if self.laughter_regex is not None: self.non_speech_regexes[self.laughter_word] = self.laughter_regex if self.bracket_regex is not None: self.non_speech_regexes[self.bracketed_word] = self.bracket_regex if self.clitic_marker is not None: initial_clitics = sorted(x for x in self.clitic_set if x.endswith(self.clitic_marker)) final_clitics = sorted(x for x in self.clitic_set if x.startswith(self.clitic_marker)) if initial_clitics: self.initial_clitic_regex = re.compile(rf"^({'|'.join(initial_clitics)})(?=\w)") if final_clitics: self.final_clitic_regex = re.compile(rf"(?<=\w)({'|'.join(final_clitics)})$") def _dictionary_sanitize(self, text): words = self.sanitize_function(text) normalized_text = [] normalized_character_text = [] oovs = set() for w in words: for new_w in self.split_function(w): if not self.word_table.member(new_w): oovs.add(new_w) normalized_text.append(self.split_function.to_str(new_w)) if normalized_character_text: if not self.clitic_marker or ( not normalized_text[-1].endswith(self.clitic_marker) and not new_w.startswith(self.clitic_marker) ): normalized_character_text.append("<space>") for c in self.split_function.parse_graphemes(new_w): normalized_character_text.append(c) normalized_text = " ".join(normalized_text) normalized_character_text = " ".join(normalized_character_text) return normalized_text, normalized_character_text, sorted(oovs) def _no_dictionary_sanitize(self, text): normalized_text = [] normalized_character_text = [] for w in self.sanitize_function(text): normalized_text.append(w) if normalized_character_text: normalized_character_text.append("<space>") for g in w: normalized_character_text.append(g) normalized_text = " ".join(normalized_text) normalized_character_text = " ".join(normalized_character_text) return normalized_text, normalized_character_text, [] def __call__(self, text): """Run the function""" if self.word_table or self.grapheme_set: return self._dictionary_sanitize(text) else: return self._no_dictionary_sanitize(text)