Source code for montreal_forced_aligner.db

"""Database classes"""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import re
import typing
from pathlib import Path

import librosa
import numpy as np
import pywrapfst
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.types as types
from import KaldiMapping, Segment
from import FeatureArchive
from kalpy.fstext.lexicon import LexiconCompiler
from kalpy.utterance import Utterance as KalpyUtterance
from pgvector.sqlalchemy import Vector
from praatio import textgrid
from praatio.utilities.constants import Interval
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, Enum, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list
from sqlalchemy.orm import Bundle, declarative_base, joinedload, relationship

from montreal_forced_aligner import config
from import (
from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import mfa_open

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes import UtteranceData

logger = logging.getLogger("mfa")

__all__ = [

MfaSqlBase = declarative_base()

class PathType(types.TypeDecorator):
    impl = types.String

    cache_ok = True

    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
        if value is None:
            return value
        return str(value)

    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
        if value is None:
            return value
        return Path(value)

def get_next_primary_key(session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, database_table: MfaSqlBase):
    pk = session.query(sqlalchemy.func.max(
    if not pk:
        pk = 0
    return pk + 1

def full_load_utterance(session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, utterance_id: int):
    utterance = (
        .filter( == utterance_id)
            joinedload(Utterance.speaker, innerjoin=True),
            joinedload(Utterance.file, innerjoin=True).joinedload(File.sound_file, innerjoin=True),
    return utterance

def bulk_update(
    session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session,
    table: MfaSqlBase,
    values: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]],
) -> None:
    Perform a bulk update of a database.

    session: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.Session`
        SqlAlchemy session to use
    table: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.MfaSqlBase`
        Table to update
    values: list[dict[str, Any]]
        List of field-value dictionaries to insert
    id_field: str, optional
        Optional specifier of the primary key field
    if len(values) == 0:
    if id_field is None:
        id_field = "id"

    column_names = [x for x in values[0].keys()]
    columns = [getattr(table, x)._copy() for x in column_names if x != id_field]
    sql_column_names = [f'"{x}"' for x in column_names if x != id_field]
    if config.USE_POSTGRES:
        session.execute(sqlalchemy.text(f"ALTER TABLE {table.__tablename__} DISABLE TRIGGER all"))
    with session.begin_nested():
        temp_table = sqlalchemy.Table(
            sqlalchemy.Column(id_field, sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
        create_statement = str(
        session.execute(temp_table.insert(), values)

        set_statements = []
        for c in sql_column_names:
            set_statements.append(f""" {c} = b.{c}""")
        set_statements = ",\n".join(set_statements)
        sql = f"""
        UPDATE {table.__tablename__}
        FROM temp_{table.__tablename__} AS b
        WHERE {table.__tablename__}.{id_field}=b.{id_field};

        # drop temp table
        session.execute(sqlalchemy.text(f"DROP TABLE temp_{table.__tablename__}"))
    if config.USE_POSTGRES:
        session.execute(sqlalchemy.text(f"ALTER TABLE {table.__tablename__} ENABLE TRIGGER all"))
        session.execute(sqlalchemy.text("DISCARD TEMP"))

Dictionary2Job = sqlalchemy.Table(
    Column("dictionary_id", ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True),
    Column("job_id", ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True),

SpeakerOrdering = sqlalchemy.Table(
    Column("speaker_id", ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True),
    Column("file_id", ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True),
    Column("index", Integer, primary_key=True),

class DictBundle(Bundle):
    SqlAlchemy custom Bundle class for loading variable column counts

    def create_row_processor(self, query, procs, labels):
        """Override create_row_processor to return values as dictionaries"""

        def proc(row):
            return dict(zip(labels, (proc(row) for proc in procs)))

        return proc

class Corpus(MfaSqlBase):
    Database class for storing information about a corpus

    id: int
        Primary key
    name: str
        Corpus name
    imported: bool
        Flag for whether the corpus has been imported
    features_generated: bool
        Flag for whether features have been generated
    alignment_done: bool
        Flag for whether alignment has successfully completed
    transcription_done: bool
        Flag for whether transcription has successfully completed
    alignment_evaluation_done: bool
        Flag for whether alignment evaluation has successfully completed
    has_reference_alignments: bool
        Flag for whether reference alignments have been imported

    __tablename__ = "corpus"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    name = Column(String(50), unique=True, nullable=False)
    path = Column(PathType, unique=True, nullable=False)
    imported = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    text_normalized = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    cutoffs_found = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    features_generated = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    vad_calculated = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    ivectors_calculated = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    plda_calculated = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    xvectors_loaded = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    alignment_done = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    transcription_done = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    alignment_evaluation_done = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    has_reference_alignments = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    has_sound_files = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    has_text_files = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    num_jobs = Column(Integer, default=0)

    current_subset = Column(Integer, default=0)
    data_directory = Column(PathType, nullable=False)

    jobs = relationship("Job", back_populates="corpus")

    def split_directory(self):
        return self.data_directory.joinpath(f"split{self.num_jobs}")

    def current_subset_directory(self):
        if not self.current_subset:
            return self.split_directory
        return self.data_directory.joinpath(f"subset_{self.current_subset}")

    def speaker_ivector_column(self):
        if self.xvectors_loaded:
            return Speaker.xvector
        return Speaker.ivector

    def utterance_ivector_column(self):
        if self.xvectors_loaded:
            return Utterance.xvector
        return Utterance.ivector

[docs] class Dialect(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about a dialect Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key name: str Dialect name """ __tablename__ = "dialect" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String(50), nullable=False) dictionaries = relationship("Dictionary", back_populates="dialect") rules = relationship("PhonologicalRule", back_populates="dialect")
[docs] class Dictionary(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about a pronunciation dictionary Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key name: str Dictionary name dialect: str Dialect of dictionary if dictionary name is in MFA format path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to the dictionary phone_set_type: :class:`` Phone set bracket_regex: str Regular expression for detecting bracketed words laughter_regex: str Regular expression for detecting laughter words position_dependent_phones: bool Flag for whether phones have word-position flags default: bool Flag for whether this dictionary is the default one clitic_marker: str Character marking clitics silence_word: str Symbol for silence optional_silence_phone: str Symbol for silence phone oov_word: str Symbol for unknown words bracketed_word: str Symbol for bracketed words (cutoffs, hesitations, etc) laughter_word: str Symbol for laughter words max_disambiguation_symbol: int Highest disambiguation index required silence_probability: float Probability of inserting non-initial optional silence initial_silence_probability: float Probability of inserting initial silence final_silence_correction: float Correction factor on having final silence final_non_silence_correction: float Correction factor on having final non-silence """ __tablename__ = "dictionary" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String(50), nullable=False) path = Column(PathType, unique=True) rules_applied = Column(Boolean, default=False) phone_set_type = Column(Enum(PhoneSetType), nullable=True) root_temp_directory = Column(PathType, nullable=True) clitic_cleanup_regex = Column(String, nullable=True) bracket_regex = Column(String, nullable=True) laughter_regex = Column(String, nullable=True) position_dependent_phones = Column(Boolean, nullable=True) default = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) clitic_marker = Column(String(1), nullable=True) silence_word = Column(String, nullable=True, default="<eps>") optional_silence_phone = Column(String, nullable=True, default="sil") oov_word = Column(String, nullable=True, default="<unk>") oov_phone = Column(String, nullable=True, default="spn") bracketed_word = Column(String, nullable=True) cutoff_word = Column(String, nullable=True) laughter_word = Column(String, nullable=True) use_g2p = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) max_disambiguation_symbol = Column(Integer, default=0, nullable=False) silence_probability = Column(Float, default=0.5, nullable=False) initial_silence_probability = Column(Float, default=0.5, nullable=False) final_silence_correction = Column(Float, nullable=True) final_non_silence_correction = Column(Float, nullable=True) dialect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=True) dialect = relationship("Dialect", back_populates="dictionaries") words = relationship( "Word", back_populates="dictionary", order_by="Word.mapping_id", collection_class=ordering_list("mapping_id"), cascade="all, delete", ) speakers = relationship( "Speaker", back_populates="dictionary", cascade="all, delete-orphan", ) jobs = relationship( "Job", secondary=Dictionary2Job, back_populates="dictionaries", ) @property def word_mapping(self): if not hasattr(self, "_word_mapping"): session = sqlalchemy.orm.Session.object_session(self) query = ( session.query(Word.word, Word.mapping_id) .filter(Word.dictionary_id == .filter(Word.included == True) # noqa .order_by(Word.mapping_id) ) self._word_mapping = {} for w, mapping_id in query: self._word_mapping[w] = mapping_id return self._word_mapping @property def word_table(self): if not hasattr(self, "_word_table"): if self.words_symbol_path.exists(): self._word_table = pywrapfst.SymbolTable.read_text(self.words_symbol_path) return self._word_table self.temp_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) session = sqlalchemy.orm.Session.object_session(self) query = ( session.query(Word.word, Word.mapping_id) .filter(Word.dictionary_id == .filter(Word.included == True) # noqa .order_by(Word.mapping_id) ) self._word_table = pywrapfst.SymbolTable() for w, mapping_id in query: self._word_table.add_symbol(w, mapping_id) self._word_table.write_text(self.words_symbol_path) return self._word_table @property def phone_table(self): if not hasattr(self, "_phone_table"): if self.phone_symbol_table_path.exists(): self._phone_table = pywrapfst.SymbolTable.read_text(self.phone_symbol_table_path) for k in ["#0", "#1", "#2"]: if not self._phone_table.member(k): self._phone_table.add_symbol(k) else: self.phones_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) session = sqlalchemy.orm.Session.object_session(self) query = session.query(Phone.kaldi_label, Phone.mapping_id).order_by( Phone.mapping_id ) self._phone_table = pywrapfst.SymbolTable() for p, mapping_id in query: self._phone_table.add_symbol(p, mapping_id) self._phone_table.write_text(str(self.phone_symbol_table_path)) return self._phone_table @property def word_pronunciations(self): if not hasattr(self, "_word_pronunciations"): session = sqlalchemy.orm.Session.object_session(self) query = ( session.query(Word.word, Pronunciation.pronunciation) .join(Pronunciation.word) .filter(Word.dictionary_id == .filter(Word.included == True) # noqa .filter(Pronunciation.pronunciation != self.oov_phone) .order_by(Word.mapping_id) ) self._word_pronunciations = {} for w, pronunciation in query: if w not in self._word_pronunciations: self._word_pronunciations[w] = set() self._word_pronunciations[w].add(pronunciation) return self._word_pronunciations @property def lexicon_compiler(self): lexicon_compiler = LexiconCompiler( silence_probability=self.silence_probability, initial_silence_probability=self.initial_silence_probability, final_silence_correction=self.final_silence_correction, final_non_silence_correction=self.final_non_silence_correction, silence_word=self.silence_word, oov_word=self.oov_word, silence_phone=self.optional_silence_phone, oov_phone=self.oov_phone, position_dependent_phones=self.position_dependent_phones, ) lexicon_compiler.load_l_from_file(self.lexicon_fst_path) lexicon_compiler.load_l_align_from_file(self.align_lexicon_path) lexicon_compiler.word_table = self.word_table lexicon_compiler.phone_table = self.phone_table return lexicon_compiler @property def special_set(self) -> typing.Set[str]: return { "<s>", "</s>", self.silence_word, self.oov_word, self.bracketed_word, self.laughter_word, } @property def clitic_set(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """Set of clitic words""" return {x.word for x in self.words if x.word_type is WordType.clitic} @property def word_boundary_int_path(self) -> Path: """Path to the word boundary integer IDs""" return self.phones_directory.joinpath("") @property def disambiguation_symbols_int_path(self) -> Path: """Path to the word boundary integer IDs""" return self.phones_directory.joinpath("") @property def phones_directory(self) -> Path: """ Phones directory """ return self.root_temp_directory.joinpath("phones") @property def phone_symbol_table_path(self) -> Path: """Path to file containing phone symbols and their integer IDs""" return self.phones_directory.joinpath("phones.txt") @property def grapheme_symbol_table_path(self) -> Path: """Path to file containing grapheme symbols and their integer IDs""" return self.phones_directory.joinpath("graphemes.txt") @property def phone_disambig_path(self) -> Path: """Path to file containing phone symbols and their integer IDs""" return self.phones_directory.joinpath("phone_disambig.txt") @property def temp_directory(self) -> Path: """ Path of disambiguated lexicon fst (L.fst) """ return self.root_temp_directory.joinpath(f"{}_{}") @property def lexicon_disambig_fst_path(self) -> Path: """ Path of disambiguated lexicon fst (L.fst) """ return self.temp_directory.joinpath("L.disambig_fst") @property def align_lexicon_path(self) -> Path: """ Path of lexicon file to use for aligning lattices """ return self.temp_directory.joinpath("align_lexicon.fst") @property def align_lexicon_disambig_path(self) -> Path: """ Path of lexicon file to use for aligning lattices """ return self.temp_directory.joinpath("align_lexicon.disambig_fst") @property def align_lexicon_int_path(self) -> Path: """ Path of lexicon file to use for aligning lattices """ return self.temp_directory.joinpath("") @property def lexicon_fst_path(self) -> Path: """ Path of disambiguated lexicon fst (L.fst) """ return self.temp_directory.joinpath("L.fst") @property def words_symbol_path(self) -> Path: """ Path of word to int mapping file for the dictionary """ return self.temp_directory.joinpath("words.txt") @property def data_source_identifier(self) -> str: """Dictionary name""" return f"{}_{}" @property def identifier(self) -> str: """Dictionary name""" return f"{self.data_source_identifier}" @property def silence_probability_info(self) -> typing.Dict[str, float]: """Dictionary of silence information""" return { "silence_probability": self.silence_probability, "initial_silence_probability": self.initial_silence_probability, "final_silence_correction": self.final_silence_correction, "final_non_silence_correction": self.final_non_silence_correction, }
[docs] class Phone(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing phones and their integer IDs Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key mapping_id: int Integer ID of the phone for Kaldi processing phone: str Phone label phone_type: :class:`` Type of phone """ __tablename__ = "phone" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) mapping_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False, unique=True) phone = Column(String(10), nullable=False) kaldi_label = Column(String(10), unique=True, nullable=False) position = Column(String(2), nullable=True) phone_type = Column(Enum(PhoneType), nullable=False, index=True) mean_duration = Column(Float, nullable=True) sd_duration = Column(Float, nullable=True) phone_intervals = relationship( "PhoneInterval", back_populates="phone", order_by="PhoneInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", passive_deletes=True, )
[docs] class Grapheme(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing phones and their integer IDs Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key mapping_id: int Integer ID of the phone for Kaldi processing grapheme: str Phone label """ __tablename__ = "grapheme" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) mapping_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False, unique=True) grapheme = Column(String(25), unique=True, nullable=False)
[docs] class Word(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing words, their integer IDs, and pronunciation information Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key mapping_id: int Integer ID of the word for Kaldi processing word: str Word label count: int Count frequency of word in the corpus word_type: :class:`` Type of word dictionary_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Dictionary` dictionary: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Dictionary` Pronunciation dictionary that the word belongs to """ __tablename__ = "word" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) mapping_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False, index=True) word = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) count = Column(Integer, default=0, nullable=False, index=True) word_type = Column(Enum(WordType), nullable=False, index=True) included = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) initial_cost = Column(Float, nullable=True) final_cost = Column(Float, nullable=True) dictionary_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True) dictionary = relationship("Dictionary", back_populates="words") pronunciations = relationship( "Pronunciation", back_populates="word", cascade="all, delete", passive_deletes=True ) job = relationship( "Word2Job", back_populates="word", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete", ) word_intervals = relationship( "WordInterval", back_populates="word", order_by="WordInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", ) __table_args__ = ( sqlalchemy.Index("dictionary_word_type_index", "dictionary_id", "word_type"), sqlalchemy.Index("word_dictionary_index", "word", "dictionary_id"), )
[docs] class Pronunciation(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about a pronunciation Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key pronunciation: str Space-delimited pronunciation probability: float Probability of the pronunciation silence_after_probability: float Probability of silence following the pronunciation silence_before_correction: float Correction factor for silence before the pronunciation non_silence_before_correction: float Correction factor for non-silence before the pronunciation word_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word` word: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word` Word for the pronunciation """ __tablename__ = "pronunciation" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) pronunciation = Column(String, nullable=False) probability = Column(Float, nullable=True) disambiguation = Column(Integer, nullable=True) silence_after_probability = Column(Float, nullable=True) silence_before_correction = Column(Float, nullable=True) non_silence_before_correction = Column(Float, nullable=True) generated_by_rule = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, index=True) count = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0) silence_following_count = Column(Integer, nullable=True) non_silence_following_count = Column(Integer, nullable=True) word_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) word = relationship("Word", back_populates="pronunciations") rules = relationship( "RuleApplication", back_populates="pronunciation", cascade="all, delete", ) word_intervals = relationship( "WordInterval", back_populates="pronunciation", order_by="WordInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", )
[docs] class PhonologicalRule(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about a phonological rule Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key segment: str Segment to replace preceding_context: str Context before segment to match following_context: str Context after segment to match replacement: str Replacement of segment probability: float Probability of the rule application silence_after_probability: float Probability of silence following forms with rule application silence_before_correction: float Correction factor for silence before forms with rule application non_silence_before_correction: float Correction factor for non-silence before forms with rule application pronunciations: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.RuleApplication`] List of rule applications """ __tablename__ = "phonological_rule" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) segment = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) preceding_context = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) following_context = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) replacement = Column(String, nullable=False) probability = Column(Float, nullable=True) silence_after_probability = Column(Float, nullable=True) silence_before_correction = Column(Float, nullable=True) non_silence_before_correction = Column(Float, nullable=True) dialect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=False) dialect = relationship("Dialect", back_populates="rules") pronunciations = relationship( "RuleApplication", back_populates="rule", cascade="all, delete", ) def __hash__(self): return hash( (self.segment, self.preceding_context, self.following_context, self.replacement) )
[docs] def to_json(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Serializes the rule for export Returns ------- dict[str, Any] Serialized rule """ return { "segment": self.segment, "dialect": self.dialect, "preceding_context": self.preceding_context, "following_context": self.following_context, "replacement": self.replacement, "probability": self.probability, "silence_after_probability": self.silence_after_probability, "silence_before_correction": self.silence_before_correction, "non_silence_before_correction": self.non_silence_before_correction, }
@property def match_regex(self): """Regular expression of the rule""" components = [] initial = False final = False preceding = self.preceding_context following = self.following_context if preceding.startswith("^"): initial = True preceding = preceding.replace("^", "").strip() if following.endswith("$"): final = True following = following.replace("$", "").strip() if preceding: components.append(rf"(?P<preceding>{preceding})") if self.segment: components.append(rf"(?P<segment>{self.segment})") if following: components.append(rf"(?P<following>{following})") pattern = " ".join(components) if initial: pattern = "^" + pattern else: pattern = r"(?:^|(?<=\s))" + pattern if final: pattern += "$" else: pattern += r"(?:$|(?=\s))" return re.compile(pattern, flags=re.UNICODE) def __str__(self): from_components = [] to_components = [] initial = False final = False preceding = self.preceding_context following = self.following_context if preceding.startswith("^"): initial = True preceding = preceding.replace("^", "").strip() if following.endswith("$"): final = True following = following.replace("$", "").strip() if preceding: from_components.append(preceding) to_components.append(preceding) if self.segment: from_components.append(self.segment) if self.replacement: to_components.append(self.replacement) if following: from_components.append(following) to_components.append(following) from_string = " ".join(from_components) to_string = " ".join(to_components) if initial: from_string = "^" + from_string if final: from_string += "$" return f"<PhonologicalRule {} for Dialect {self.dialect_id}: {from_string} -> {to_string}>"
[docs] def apply_rule(self, pronunciation: str) -> str: """ Apply the rule on a pronunciation by replacing any matching segments with the replacement Parameters ---------- pronunciation: str Pronunciation to apply rule Returns ------- str Pronunciation with rule applied """ preceding = self.preceding_context following = self.following_context if preceding.startswith("^"): preceding = preceding.replace("^", "").strip() if following.startswith("$"): following = following.replace("$", "").strip() components = [] if preceding: components.append(r"\g<preceding>") if self.replacement: components.append(self.replacement) if following: components.append(r"\g<following>") return self.match_regex.sub(" ".join(components), pronunciation).strip()
[docs] class RuleApplication(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for mapping rules to generated pronunciations Parameters ---------- pronunciation_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Pronunciation` rule_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.PhonologicalRule` pronunciation: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Pronunciation` Pronunciation rule: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.PhonologicalRule` Rule applied """ __tablename__ = "rule_applications" pronunciation_id = Column(ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) rule_id = Column(ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) pronunciation = relationship("Pronunciation", back_populates="rules") rule = relationship("PhonologicalRule", back_populates="pronunciations")
[docs] class Speaker(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about speakers Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key name: str Name of the speaker cmvn: str File index for the speaker's CMVN stats dictionary_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Dictionary` dictionary: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Dictionary` Pronunciation dictionary that the speaker uses utterances: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance`] Utterances for the speaker files: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File`] Files that the speaker spoke in """ __tablename__ = "speaker" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) cmvn = Column(String) fmllr = Column(String) min_f0 = Column(Float, nullable=True) max_f0 = Column(Float, nullable=True) ivector = Column(Vector(config.IVECTOR_DIMENSION), nullable=True) plda_vector = Column(Vector(config.PLDA_DIMENSION), nullable=True) xvector = Column(Vector(config.XVECTOR_DIMENSION), nullable=True) num_utterances = Column(Integer, nullable=True, index=True) modified = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) dictionary_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=True, index=True) dictionary = relationship("Dictionary", back_populates="speakers") utterances = relationship("Utterance", back_populates="speaker") files = relationship("File", secondary=SpeakerOrdering, back_populates="speakers")
[docs] class File(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about files in the corpus Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key name: str Base name of the file relative_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path of the file relative to the root corpus directory modified: bool Flag for whether the file has been changed in the database for exporting text_file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.TextFile` TextFile object with information about the transcript of a file sound_file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.SoundFile` SoundFile object with information about the audio of a file speakers: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Speaker`] Speakers in the file ordered by their index utterances: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance`] Utterances in the file """ __tablename__ = "file" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) relative_path = Column(PathType, nullable=False) modified = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) speakers = relationship( "Speaker", secondary=SpeakerOrdering, back_populates="files", order_by=SpeakerOrdering.c.index, ) text_file = relationship( "TextFile", back_populates="file", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete" ) sound_file = relationship( "SoundFile", back_populates="file", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete" ) utterances = relationship( "Utterance", back_populates="file", order_by="Utterance.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", cascade_backrefs=False, ) @property def num_speakers(self) -> int: """Number of speakers in the file""" return len(self.speakers) @property def num_utterances(self) -> int: """Number of utterances in the file""" return len(self.utterances) @property def duration(self) -> float: """Duration of the associated sound file""" return self.sound_file.duration @property def num_channels(self) -> int: """Number of channels of the associated sound file""" return self.sound_file.num_channels @property def sample_rate(self) -> int: """Sample rate of the associated sound file""" return self.sound_file.sample_rate
[docs] def save( self, output_directory, output_format: typing.Optional[str] = None, save_transcription: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Output File to TextGrid or lab. If ``text_type`` is not specified, the original file type will be used, but if there was no text file for the file, it will guess lab format if there is only one utterance, otherwise it will output a TextGrid file. Parameters ---------- output_directory: str Directory to output file, if None, then it will overwrite the original file output_format: str, optional Text type to save as, if not provided, it will use either the original file type or guess the file type save_transcription: bool Flag for whether the hypothesized transcription text should be saved instead of the default text """ from montreal_forced_aligner.alignment.multiprocessing import construct_output_path utterance_count = len(self.utterances) if output_format is None: # Saving directly if ( utterance_count == 1 and self.utterances[0].begin == 0 and self.utterances[0].end == self.duration ): output_format = TextFileType.LAB.value else: output_format = TextFileType.TEXTGRID.value output_path = construct_output_path(, self.relative_path, output_directory, output_format=output_format ) if overwrite: if self.text_file is None: self.text_file = TextFile(, text_file_path=output_path, file_type=output_format ) if output_path != self.text_file.text_file_path and os.path.exists( self.text_file.text_file_path ): os.remove(self.text_file.text_file_path) self.text_file.file_type = output_format self.text_file.text_file_path = output_path if output_format == TextFileType.LAB.value: if ( utterance_count == 0 and os.path.exists(self.text_file.text_file_path) and not save_transcription ): os.remove(self.text_file.text_file_path) return elif utterance_count == 0: return for u in self.utterances: if save_transcription: with mfa_open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(u.transcription_text if u.transcription_text else "") elif u.text: with mfa_open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(u.text) return elif output_format == TextFileType.TEXTGRID.value: max_time = self.sound_file.duration tiers = {} for speaker in self.speakers: tiers[] = textgrid.IntervalTier(, [], minT=0, maxT=max_time ) tg = textgrid.Textgrid() tg.maxTimestamp = max_time for utterance in self.utterances: if not in tiers: tiers[] = textgrid.IntervalTier(, [], minT=0, maxT=max_time ) if save_transcription: tiers[].insertEntry( Interval( start=utterance.begin, end=utterance.end, label=utterance.transcription_text if utterance.transcription_text else "", ) ) else: if tiers[].entries: if tiers[].entries[-1].end > utterance.begin: utterance.begin = tiers[].entries[-1].end if utterance.end > self.duration: utterance.end = self.duration tiers[].insertEntry( Interval( start=utterance.begin, end=utterance.end, label=utterance.text.strip() ) ) for t in tiers.values(): tg.addTier(t), includeBlankSpaces=True, format=output_format)
[docs] def construct_transcription_tiers( self, original_text=False ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.List[CtmInterval]]]: """ Construct output transcription tiers for the file Returns ------- dict[str, dict[str, list[:class:``]]] Tier dictionary of utterance transcriptions """ data = {} for u in self.utterances: speaker_name = u.speaker_name if speaker_name not in data: data[speaker_name] = {} if original_text: label = u.text key = "text" else: label = u.transcription_text key = "transcription" if not label: label = "" if key not in data[speaker_name]: data[speaker_name][key] = [] data[speaker_name][key].append(CtmInterval(u.begin, u.end, label)) return data
[docs] class SoundFile(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about sound files Parameters ---------- file_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` Root file sound_file_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to the audio file format: str Format of the audio file (flac, wav, mp3, etc) sample_rate: int Sample rate of the audio file duration: float Duration of audio file num_channels: int Number of channels in the audio file sox_string: str String that Kaldi will use to process the sound file """ __tablename__ = "sound_file" file_id = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) file = relationship("File", back_populates="sound_file") sound_file_path = Column(PathType, nullable=False) format = Column(String, nullable=False) sample_rate = Column(Integer, nullable=False) duration = Column(Float, nullable=False) num_channels = Column(Integer, nullable=False) sox_string = Column(String)
[docs] def normalized_waveform( self, begin: float = 0, end: typing.Optional[float] = None ) -> typing.Tuple[np.array, np.array]: """ Load a normalized waveform for acoustic processing/visualization Parameters ---------- begin: float, optional Starting time point to return, defaults to 0 end: float, optional Ending time point to return, defaults to the end of the file Returns ------- numpy.array Time points numpy.array Sample values """ if end is None or end > self.duration: end = self.duration y, _ = librosa.load( self.sound_file_path, sr=None, mono=False, offset=begin, duration=end - begin ) if len(y.shape) > 1 and y.shape[0] == 2: y /= np.max(np.abs(y)) num_steps = y.shape[1] else: y /= np.max(np.abs(y), axis=0) num_steps = y.shape[0] y[np.isnan(y)] = 0 x = np.linspace(start=begin, stop=end, num=num_steps) return x, y
[docs] class TextFile(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about transcription files Parameters ---------- file_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` Root file text_file_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to the transcription file file_type: str Type of the transcription file (lab, TextGrid, etc) """ __tablename__ = "text_file" file_id = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) file = relationship("File", back_populates="text_file") text_file_path = Column(PathType, nullable=False) file_type = Column(String, nullable=False)
[docs] class Utterance(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about utterances Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key begin: float Beginning timestamp of the utterance end: float Ending timestamp of the utterance, -1 if there is no audio file duration: float Duration of the utterance channel: int Channel of the utterance in the audio file num_frames: int Number of feature frames extracted text: str Input text for the utterance oovs: str Space-delimited list of items that were not found in the speaker's pronunciation dictionary normalized_text: str Normalized text for the utterance, after removing case and punctuation, and splitting up compounds and clitics if the whole word is not found in the speaker's pronunciation dictionary features:str File index for generated features in_subset: bool Flag for whether to use this utterance in the current training subset ignored: bool Flag for if the utterance is ignored due to lacking features alignment_log_likelihood: float Log likelihood for the alignment of the utterance, taking both speech and silence phones into consideration speech_log_likelihood: float Log likelihood for the alignment of the utterance, taking only the speech phones into consideration duration_deviation: float Average of absolute z-score of speech phone duration phone_error_rate: float Phone error rate for alignment evaluation alignment_score: float Alignment score from alignment evaluation word_error_rate: float Word error rate for transcription evaluation character_error_rate: float Character error rate for transcription evaluation file_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` speaker_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Speaker` file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` File object that the utterance is from speaker: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Speaker` Speaker object of the utterance phone_intervals: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.PhoneInterval`] Reference phone intervals word_intervals: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.WordInterval`] Aligned word intervals job_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` job: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` Job that processes the utterance """ __tablename__ = "utterance" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) begin = Column(Float, nullable=False, index=True) end = Column(Float, nullable=False) _duration = sqlalchemy.orm.deferred( Column("duration", Float, sqlalchemy.Computed('"end" - "begin"'), index=True) ) channel = Column(Integer, nullable=False) num_frames = Column(Integer) text = Column(String) oovs = Column(String) normalized_text = Column(String) normalized_character_text = Column(String) transcription_text = Column(String) features = Column(String) ivector_ark = Column(String) vad_ark = Column(String) in_subset = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) ignored = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) alignment_log_likelihood = Column(Float) speech_log_likelihood = Column(Float) duration_deviation = Column(Float) phone_error_rate = Column(Float) alignment_score = Column(Float) word_error_rate = Column(Float) character_error_rate = Column(Float) ivector = Column(Vector(config.IVECTOR_DIMENSION), nullable=True) plda_vector = Column(Vector(config.PLDA_DIMENSION), nullable=True) xvector = Column(Vector(config.XVECTOR_DIMENSION), nullable=True) file_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=False) speaker_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=False) _kaldi_id = sqlalchemy.orm.deferred( Column( "kaldi_id", String, sqlalchemy.Computed("CAST(speaker_id AS text)|| '-' ||CAST(id AS text)"), unique=True, ) ) job_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=True) file = relationship("File", back_populates="utterances", cascade_backrefs=False) speaker = relationship("Speaker", back_populates="utterances", cascade_backrefs=False) job = relationship("Job", back_populates="utterances") phone_intervals = relationship( "PhoneInterval", back_populates="utterance", order_by="PhoneInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", ) word_intervals = relationship( "WordInterval", back_populates="utterance", order_by="WordInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", ) __table_args__ = ( sqlalchemy.Index( "utterance_position_index", "file_id", "speaker_id", "begin", "end", "channel" ), ) @hybrid_property def duration(self) -> float: return self.end - self.begin @duration.expression def duration(cls): return cls._duration @hybrid_property def kaldi_id(self) -> str: return f"{self.speaker_id}-{}" @kaldi_id.expression def kaldi_id(cls): return cls._kaldi_id def __repr__(self) -> str: """String representation of the utterance object""" return f"<Utterance in {self.file_name} by {self.speaker_name} from {self.begin} to {self.end}>"
[docs] def phone_intervals_for_workflow(self, workflow_id: int) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Extract phone intervals for a given :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` Parameters ---------- workflow_id: int Integer ID for :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` Returns ------- list[:class:``] List of phone intervals """ return [x.as_ctm() for x in self.phone_intervals if x.workflow_id == workflow_id]
[docs] def word_intervals_for_workflow(self, workflow_id: int) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Extract word intervals for a given :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` Parameters ---------- workflow_id: int Integer ID for :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` Returns ------- list[:class:``] List of word intervals """ return [x.as_ctm() for x in self.word_intervals if x.workflow_id == workflow_id]
@property def reference_phone_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Phone intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.phone_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type is WorkflowType.reference ] @property def aligned_phone_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Phone intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.phone_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type in [WorkflowType.alignment, WorkflowType.online_alignment] ] @property def aligned_word_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Word intervals from :attr:`` """ return [x.as_ctm() for x in self.word_intervals] @property def transcribed_phone_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Phone intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.phone_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type is WorkflowType.transcription ] @property def transcribed_word_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Word intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.word_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type is WorkflowType.transcription ] @property def per_speaker_transcribed_phone_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Phone intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.phone_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type is WorkflowType.per_speaker_transcription ] @property def per_speaker_transcribed_word_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Word intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.word_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type is WorkflowType.per_speaker_transcription ] @property def phone_transcribed_phone_intervals(self) -> typing.List[CtmInterval]: """ Phone intervals from :attr:`` """ return [ x.as_ctm() for x in self.phone_intervals if x.workflow.workflow_type is WorkflowType.phone_transcription ] @property def file_name(self) -> str: """Name of the utterance's file""" return @property def speaker_name(self) -> str: """Name of the utterance's speaker""" return
[docs] def to_data(self) -> UtteranceData: """ Construct an UtteranceData object that can be used in multiprocessing Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.UtteranceData` Data for the utterance """ from montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes import UtteranceData if self.normalized_text is None: self.normalized_text = "" return UtteranceData( self.speaker_name, self.file_name, self.begin, self.end,, self.text, self.normalized_text.split(), set(self.oovs.split()), )
[docs] def to_kalpy(self) -> KalpyUtterance: """ Construct an UtteranceData object that can be used in multiprocessing Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.UtteranceData` Data for the utterance """ seg = Segment(self.file.sound_file.sound_file_path, self.begin, self.end, return KalpyUtterance(seg, self.normalized_text, self.speaker.cmvn, self.speaker.fmllr)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: UtteranceData, file: File, speaker: int, frame_shift: int = None): """ Generate an utterance object from :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.UtteranceData` Parameters ---------- data: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.classes.UtteranceData` Data for the utterance file: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.File` File database object for the utterance speaker: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Speaker` Speaker database object for the utterance frame_shift: int, optional Frame shift in ms to use for calculating the number of frames in the utterance Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` Utterance object """ if not isinstance(speaker, int): speaker = num_frames = None if frame_shift is not None: num_frames = int((data.end - data.begin) / round(frame_shift / 1000, 4)) return Utterance( begin=data.begin, end=data.end,, oovs=" ".join(sorted(data.oovs)), normalized_text=" ".join(data.normalized_text), text=data.text, num_frames=num_frames,, speaker_id=speaker, )
[docs] class CorpusWorkflow(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about a particular workflow (alignment, transcription, etc) Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key workflow_type: :class:`` Workflow type time_stamp: :class:`datetime.datetime` Time stamp for the workflow run score: float Log likelihood or other score for the workflow run phone_intervals: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.PhoneInterval`] Phone intervals linked to the workflow word_intervals: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.WordInterval`] Word intervals linked to the workflow """ __tablename__ = "corpus_workflow" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, index=True) workflow_type = Column(Enum(WorkflowType), nullable=False, index=True) working_directory = Column(PathType, nullable=False) time_stamp = Column(DateTime, nullable=False,, index=True) current = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) done = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) dirty = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) alignments_collected = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, index=True) score = Column(Float, nullable=True) phone_intervals = relationship( "PhoneInterval", back_populates="workflow", order_by="PhoneInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", ) word_intervals = relationship( "WordInterval", back_populates="workflow", order_by="WordInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", ) @property def lda_mat_path(self) -> Path: return self.working_directory.joinpath("lda.mat")
[docs] class PhoneInterval(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about aligned phone intervals Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key begin: float Beginning timestamp of the interval end: float Ending timestamp of the interval duration: float Calculated duration of the interval phone_goodness: float Confidence score, log-likelihood, etc for the phone interval phone_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Phone` phone: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Phone` Phone of the interval utterance_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` utterance: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` Utterance of the interval word_interval_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.WordInterval` word_interval: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.WordInterval` Word interval that is associated with the phone interval workflow_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` workflow: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` Workflow that generated the phone interval """ __tablename__ = "phone_interval" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) begin = Column(Float, nullable=False, index=True) end = Column(Float, nullable=False) phone_goodness = Column(Float, nullable=True) _duration = sqlalchemy.orm.deferred( Column("duration", Float, sqlalchemy.Computed('"end" - "begin"')) ) phone_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False ) phone = relationship("Phone", back_populates="phone_intervals") word_interval_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=True ) word_interval = relationship("WordInterval", back_populates="phone_intervals") utterance_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False ) utterance = relationship("Utterance", back_populates="phone_intervals") workflow_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False ) workflow = relationship("CorpusWorkflow", back_populates="phone_intervals") __table_args__ = ( sqlalchemy.Index("phone_utterance_workflow_index", "utterance_id", "workflow_id"), ) @hybrid_property def duration(self) -> float: return self.end - self.begin @duration.expression def duration(cls): return cls._duration def __repr__(self): return f"<PhoneInterval {} ({self.workflow.workflow_type}) from {self.begin}-{self.end} for utterance {self.utterance_id}>"
[docs] @classmethod def from_ctm( self, interval: CtmInterval, utterance: Utterance, workflow_id: int ) -> PhoneInterval: """ Construct a PhoneInterval from a CtmInterval object Parameters ---------- interval: :class:`` CtmInterval containing data for the phone interval utterance: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` Utterance object that the phone interval belongs to workflow_id: int Integer id for the workflow that generated the phone interval Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.PhoneInterval` Phone interval object """ return PhoneInterval( begin=interval.begin, end=interval.end, label=interval.label, utterance=utterance, workflow_id=workflow_id, )
[docs] def as_ctm(self) -> CtmInterval: """ Generate a CtmInterval from the database object Returns ------- :class:`` CTM interval object """ return CtmInterval(self.begin, self.end,, confidence=self.phone_goodness)
[docs] class WordInterval(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about aligned word intervals Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key begin: float Beginning timestamp of the interval end: float Ending timestamp of the interval word_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word` word: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word` Word of the interval pronunciation_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Pronunciation` pronunciation: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Pronunciation` Pronunciation of the word utterance_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` utterance: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` Utterance of the interval workflow_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` workflow: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.CorpusWorkflow` Workflow that generated the interval phone_intervals: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.PhoneInterval`] Phone intervals for the word interval """ __tablename__ = "word_interval" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) begin = Column(Float, nullable=False, index=True) end = Column(Float, nullable=False) _duration = sqlalchemy.orm.deferred( Column("duration", Float, sqlalchemy.Computed('"end" - "begin"')) ) utterance_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False ) utterance = relationship("Utterance", back_populates="word_intervals") word_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False ) word = relationship("Word", back_populates="word_intervals") pronunciation_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=True) pronunciation = relationship("Pronunciation", back_populates="word_intervals") workflow_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False ) workflow = relationship("CorpusWorkflow", back_populates="word_intervals") phone_intervals = relationship( "PhoneInterval", back_populates="word_interval", order_by="PhoneInterval.begin", collection_class=ordering_list("begin"), cascade="all, delete", ) __table_args__ = ( sqlalchemy.Index("word_utterance_workflow_index", "utterance_id", "workflow_id"), ) @hybrid_property def duration(self) -> float: return self.end - self.begin @duration.expression def duration(cls): return cls._duration
[docs] @classmethod def from_ctm( self, interval: CtmInterval, utterance: Utterance, workflow_id: int ) -> WordInterval: """ Construct a WordInterval from a CtmInterval object Parameters ---------- interval: :class:`` CtmInterval containing data for the word interval utterance: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance` Utterance object that the word interval belongs to workflow_id: int Integer id for the workflow that generated the phone interval Returns ------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.WordInterval` Word interval object """ return WordInterval( begin=interval.begin, end=interval.end, label=interval.label, utterance=utterance, workflow_id=workflow_id, )
[docs] def as_ctm(self) -> CtmInterval: """ Generate a CtmInterval from the database object Returns ------- :class:`` CTM interval object """ return CtmInterval(self.begin, self.end, self.word.word)
[docs] class Job(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information about multiprocessing jobs Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key corpus_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Corpus` corpus: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Corpus` Corpus utterances: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Utterance`] Utterances associated with the job symbols: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.M2M2Job`] Symbols associated with the job in training phonetisaurus models words: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word2Job`] Words associated with the job in training phonetisaurus models """ __tablename__ = "job" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) corpus_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), index=True, nullable=True) corpus = relationship("Corpus", back_populates="jobs") utterances = relationship("Utterance", back_populates="job") symbols = relationship( "M2M2Job", back_populates="job", ) words = relationship( "Word2Job", back_populates="job", ) dictionaries = relationship( "Dictionary", secondary=Dictionary2Job, back_populates="jobs", ) def __str__(self): return f"<Job {}>" @property def has_dictionaries(self) -> bool: return len(self.dictionaries) > 0 @property def dictionary_ids(self) -> typing.List[int]: return [ for x in self.dictionaries] def construct_feature_archive( self, working_directory: Path, dictionary_id: typing.Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ) -> FeatureArchive: fmllr_path = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "trans", "scp", dictionary_id ) if not fmllr_path.exists(): fmllr_path = None utt2spk = None else: utt2spk_path = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "utt2spk", "scp", dictionary_id ) utt2spk = KaldiMapping() utt2spk.load(utt2spk_path) lda_mat_path = working_directory.joinpath("lda.mat") if not lda_mat_path.exists(): lda_mat_path = None feat_path = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "feats", "scp", dictionary_id=dictionary_id ) vad_path = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "vad", "scp", dictionary_id=dictionary_id ) if not vad_path.exists(): vad_path = None feature_archive = FeatureArchive( feat_path, utt2spk=utt2spk, lda_mat_file_name=lda_mat_path, transform_file_name=fmllr_path, vad_file_name=vad_path, deltas=True, **kwargs, ) return feature_archive @property def wav_scp_path(self) -> Path: return self.construct_path(self.corpus.split_directory, "wav", "scp") @property def segments_scp_path(self) -> Path: return self.construct_path(self.corpus.split_directory, "segments", "scp") @property def utt2spk_scp_path(self) -> Path: return self.construct_path(self.corpus.split_directory, "utt2spk", "scp") @property def feats_scp_path(self) -> Path: return self.construct_path(self.corpus.split_directory, "feats", "scp") @property def feats_ark_path(self) -> Path: return self.construct_path(self.corpus.split_directory, "feats", "ark") @property def per_dictionary_feats_scp_paths(self) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: paths = {} for d in self.dictionaries: paths[] = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "feats", "scp", ) return paths @property def per_dictionary_utt2spk_scp_paths(self) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: paths = {} for d in self.dictionaries: paths[] = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "utt2spk", "scp", ) return paths @property def per_dictionary_spk2utt_scp_paths(self) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: paths = {} for d in self.dictionaries: paths[] = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "spk2utt", "scp", ) return paths @property def per_dictionary_cmvn_scp_paths(self) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: paths = {} for d in self.dictionaries: paths[] = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "cmvn", "scp", ) return paths @property def per_dictionary_trans_scp_paths(self) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: paths = {} for d in self.dictionaries: paths[] = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "trans", "scp", ) return paths @property def per_dictionary_text_int_scp_paths(self) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: paths = {} for d in self.dictionaries: paths[] = self.construct_path( self.corpus.current_subset_directory, "text", "int.scp", ) return paths
[docs] def construct_path( self, directory: Path, identifier: str, extension: str, dictionary_id: int = None ) -> Path: """ Helper function for constructing dictionary-dependent paths for the Job Parameters ---------- directory: str Directory to use as the root identifier: str Identifier for the path name, like ali or acc extension: str Extension of the path, like scp or ark dictionary_id: int, optional Dictionary ID to construct path for Returns ------- Path Path """ if dictionary_id is None: return directory.joinpath(f"{identifier}.{}.{extension}") return directory.joinpath(f"{identifier}.{dictionary_id}.{}.{extension}")
def construct_path_dictionary(self, directory: Path, identifier: str, extension: str): paths = {} for d_id in self.dictionary_ids: paths[d_id] = self.construct_path(directory, identifier, extension, d_id) return paths
[docs] def construct_dictionary_dependent_paths( self, directory: Path, identifier: str, extension: str ) -> typing.Dict[int, Path]: """ Helper function for constructing paths that depend only on the dictionaries of the job, and not the job name itself. These paths should be merged with all other jobs to get a full set of dictionary paths. Parameters ---------- directory: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Directory to use as the root identifier: str Identifier for the path name, like ali or acc extension: str Extension of the path, like .scp or .ark Returns ------- dict[int, Path] Path for each dictionary """ output = {} for dict_id in self.dictionary_ids: output[dict_id] = directory.joinpath(f"{identifier}.{dict_id}.{extension}") return output
[docs] class M2MSymbol(MfaSqlBase): """ Database class for storing information many to many G2P training information Parameters ---------- id: int Primary key symbol: str Symbol total_order: int Summed order of graphemes and phones max_order: int Maximum order between graphemes and phones grapheme_order: int Grapheme order phone_order: int Phone order weight: float Weight of arcs jobs: list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.M2M2Job`] Jobs that use this symbol """ __tablename__ = "m2m_symbol" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) symbol = Column(String, nullable=False) total_order = Column(Integer, nullable=False) max_order = Column(Integer, nullable=False) grapheme_order = Column(Integer, nullable=False) phone_order = Column(Integer, nullable=False) weight = Column(Float, nullable=False) jobs = relationship( "M2M2Job", back_populates="m2m_symbol", )
[docs] class M2M2Job(MfaSqlBase): """ Mapping class between :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.M2MSymbol` and :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` Parameters ---------- m2m_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.M2MSymbol` job_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` m2m_symbol: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.M2MSymbol` M2MSymbol object job: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` Job object """ __tablename__ = "m2m_job" m2m_id = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) job_id = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) m2m_symbol = relationship("M2MSymbol", back_populates="jobs") job = relationship("Job", back_populates="symbols")
[docs] class Word2Job(MfaSqlBase): """ Mapping class between :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word` and :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` Parameters ---------- word_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.M2MSymbol` job_id: int Foreign key to :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` word: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Word` Word object job: :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.db.Job` Job object """ __tablename__ = "word_job" word_id = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) job_id = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) training = Column(Boolean, index=True) word = relationship("Word", back_populates="job") job = relationship("Job", back_populates="words")