Source code for

Abstract Base Classes

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
import typing
from typing import (

import requests
import sqlalchemy
import yaml
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker

from montreal_forced_aligner import config
from montreal_forced_aligner.db import CorpusWorkflow, MfaSqlBase
from montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions import (
from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import comma_join, load_configuration, mfa_open

    from pathlib import Path

    from import MfaArguments, WorkflowType

__all__ = [

# Configuration types
MetaDict = Dict[str, Any]
logger = logging.getLogger("mfa")

[docs] class KaldiFunction(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract class for running Kaldi functions """ def __init__(self, args: MfaArguments): self.args = args self.db_string = None self._session = None if isinstance(self.args.session, str): self.db_string = self.args.session else: self._session = self.args.session self.job_name = self.args.job_name self.log_path = self.args.log_path self.callback = None @contextlib.contextmanager def session(self): if self._session is not None: with self._session() as session: yield session else: db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.db_string) with sqlalchemy.orm.Session(db_engine) as session: yield session
[docs] def run(self): """Run the function, calls subclassed object's ``_run`` with error handling""" try: if self._session is not None: config.USE_THREADING = True else: config.USE_THREADING = False self._run() except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() error_text = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) raise MultiprocessingError(self.job_name, error_text)
def _run(self) -> None: """Internal logic for running the worker""" pass
[docs] def check_call(self, proc: subprocess.Popen): """ Check whether a subprocess successfully completed Parameters ---------- proc: subprocess.Popen Subprocess to check Raises ------ :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.exceptions.KaldiProcessingError` If there was an error running the subprocess """ if proc.returncode is None: proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise KaldiProcessingError([self.log_path])
[docs] class TemporaryDirectoryMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract mixin class for MFA temporary directories """ def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._corpus_output_directory = None self._dictionary_output_directory = None self._language_model_output_directory = None self._acoustic_model_output_directory = None self._g2p_model_output_directory = None self._ivector_extractor_output_directory = None self._current_workflow = None @property @abc.abstractmethod def identifier(self) -> str: """Identifier to use in creating the temporary directory""" ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def data_source_identifier(self) -> str: """Identifier for the data source (generally the corpus being used)""" ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def output_directory(self) -> Path: """Root temporary directory""" ...
[docs] def clean_working_directory(self) -> None: """Clean up previous runs""" shutil.rmtree(self.output_directory, ignore_errors=True)
@property def corpus_output_directory(self) -> Path: """Temporary directory containing all corpus information""" if self._corpus_output_directory: return self._corpus_output_directory return self.output_directory.joinpath(f"{self.data_source_identifier}") @corpus_output_directory.setter def corpus_output_directory(self, directory: Path) -> None: self._corpus_output_directory = directory @property def dictionary_output_directory(self) -> Path: """Temporary directory containing all dictionary information""" if self._dictionary_output_directory: return self._dictionary_output_directory return self.output_directory.joinpath("dictionary") @property def model_output_directory(self) -> Path: """Temporary directory containing all dictionary information""" return self.output_directory.joinpath("models") @dictionary_output_directory.setter def dictionary_output_directory(self, directory: Path) -> None: self._dictionary_output_directory = directory @property def language_model_output_directory(self) -> Path: """Temporary directory containing all dictionary information""" if self._language_model_output_directory: return self._language_model_output_directory return self.model_output_directory.joinpath("language_model") @language_model_output_directory.setter def language_model_output_directory(self, directory: Path) -> None: self._language_model_output_directory = directory @property def acoustic_model_output_directory(self) -> Path: """Temporary directory containing all dictionary information""" if self._acoustic_model_output_directory: return self._acoustic_model_output_directory return self.model_output_directory.joinpath("acoustic_model") @acoustic_model_output_directory.setter def acoustic_model_output_directory(self, directory: Path) -> None: self._acoustic_model_output_directory = directory
[docs] class DatabaseMixin(TemporaryDirectoryMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract class for mixing in database functionality """ def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._db_engine = None self._db_path = None self._session = None self.database_initialized = False def cleanup_connections(self) -> None: if getattr(self, "_session", None) is not None: self._session.remove() del self._session self._session = None if getattr(self, "_db_engine", None) is not None: self._db_engine.dispose() del self._db_engine self._db_engine = None
[docs] def delete_database(self) -> None: """ Reset all schemas """ if config.USE_POSTGRES: MfaSqlBase.metadata.drop_all(self.db_engine) elif self.db_path.exists(): os.remove(self.db_path)
[docs] def initialize_database(self) -> None: """ Initialize the database with database schema """ if self.database_initialized: return from montreal_forced_aligner.command_line.utils import check_databases if config.USE_POSTGRES: exist_check = True try: check_databases(self.identifier) except Exception: try: subprocess.check_call( [ "createdb", f"--host={config.database_socket()}", self.identifier, ], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) except Exception: raise DatabaseError( f"There was an error connecting to the {config.CURRENT_PROFILE_NAME} MFA database server. " "Please ensure the server is initialized (mfa server init) or running (mfa server start)" ) exist_check = False else: exist_check = self.db_path.exists() self.database_initialized = True if config.CLEAN or getattr(self, "dirty", False): self.clean_working_directory() if exist_check: if config.CLEAN or getattr(self, "dirty", False): self.delete_database() else: return os.makedirs(self.output_directory, exist_ok=True) if config.USE_POSTGRES: with self.db_engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute(sqlalchemy.text("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector")) conn.execute(sqlalchemy.text("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm")) conn.execute(sqlalchemy.text("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_stat_statements")) conn.execute(sqlalchemy.text(f"select setseed({config.SEED/32768})")) conn.commit() MfaSqlBase.metadata.create_all(self.db_engine)
@property def db_engine(self) -> sqlalchemy.engine.Engine: """Database engine""" if self._db_engine is None: self._db_engine = self.construct_engine() return self._db_engine def get_next_primary_key(self, database_table: MfaSqlBase): with self.session() as session: pk = session.query(sqlalchemy.func.max( if not pk: pk = 0 return pk + 1 def create_new_current_workflow(self, workflow_type: WorkflowType, name: str = None): from montreal_forced_aligner.db import CorpusWorkflow with self.session() as session: if not name: name = self._current_workflow = name session.query(CorpusWorkflow).update({"current": False}) new_workflow = ( session.query(CorpusWorkflow).filter( == name).first() ) if not new_workflow: new_workflow = CorpusWorkflow( name=name, workflow_type=workflow_type, working_directory=os.path.join(self.output_directory, name), current=True, ) log_dir = os.path.join(new_workflow.working_directory, "log") os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) session.add(new_workflow) else: new_workflow.current = True session.commit() def set_current_workflow(self, identifier): from montreal_forced_aligner.db import CorpusWorkflow with self.session() as session: session.query(CorpusWorkflow).update({CorpusWorkflow.current: False}) wf = session.query(CorpusWorkflow).filter( == identifier).first() wf.current = True self._current_workflow = identifier session.commit() @property def current_workflow(self) -> CorpusWorkflow: from montreal_forced_aligner.db import CorpusWorkflow with self.session() as session: wf = ( session.query(CorpusWorkflow) .filter(CorpusWorkflow.current == True) # noqa .first() ) return wf @property def db_path(self) -> Path: """Connection path for sqlite database""" return self.output_directory.joinpath(f"{self.identifier}.db") @property def db_string(self) -> str: """Connection string for the database""" if config.USE_POSTGRES: return f"postgresql+psycopg2://@/{self.identifier}?host={config.database_socket()}" else: return f"sqlite:///{self.db_path}"
[docs] def construct_engine(self, **kwargs) -> sqlalchemy.engine.Engine: """ Construct a database engine Parameters ---------- same_thread: bool, optional Flag for whether to enforce checking access on different threads, defaults to True read_only: bool, optional Flag for whether the database engine should be created as read-only, defaults to False Returns ------- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` SqlAlchemy engine """ db_string = self.db_string if not config.USE_POSTGRES: if kwargs.pop("read_only", False): db_string += "?mode=ro&nolock=1&uri=true" kwargs["pool_size"] = config.NUM_JOBS + 10 kwargs["max_overflow"] = config.NUM_JOBS + 10 e = sqlalchemy.create_engine( db_string, **kwargs, ) return e
@property def session(self) -> sqlalchemy.orm.scoped_session: """ Construct database session Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the Session Returns ------- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker` SqlAlchemy session """ if self._session is None: self._session = scoped_session( sessionmaker(bind=self.db_engine, expire_on_commit=False) ) return self._session
[docs] class MfaWorker(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract class for MFA workers Attributes ---------- dirty: bool Flag for whether an error was encountered in processing """ def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dirty = False
[docs] @classmethod def extract_relevant_parameters(cls, config: MetaDict) -> Tuple[MetaDict, List[str]]: """ Filter a configuration dictionary to just the relevant parameters for the current worker Parameters ---------- config: dict[str, Any] Configuration dictionary Returns ------- dict[str, Any] Filtered configuration dictionary list[str] Skipped keys """ skipped = [] new_config = {} for k, v in config.items(): if k in cls.get_configuration_parameters(): new_config[k] = v else: skipped.append(k) return new_config, skipped
[docs] @classmethod def get_configuration_parameters(cls) -> Dict[str, Type]: """ Get the types of parameters available to be configured Returns ------- dict[str, Type] Dictionary of parameter names and their types """ mapping = {Dict: dict, Tuple: tuple, List: list, Set: set} configuration_params = {} for t, ty in get_type_hints(cls.__init__).items(): configuration_params[t] = ty try: if ty.__origin__ == Union: configuration_params[t] = ty.__args__[0] except AttributeError: pass for c in cls.mro(): try: for t, ty in get_type_hints(c.__init__).items(): configuration_params[t] = ty try: if ty.__origin__ == Union: configuration_params[t] = ty.__args__[0] except AttributeError: pass except AttributeError: pass for t, ty in configuration_params.items(): for v in mapping.values(): try: if ty.__origin__ == v: configuration_params[t] = v break except AttributeError: break return configuration_params
@property def configuration(self) -> MetaDict: """Configuration parameters""" return { "dirty": self.dirty, } @property @abc.abstractmethod def working_directory(self) -> Path: """Current working directory""" ... @property def working_log_directory(self) -> Path: """Current working log directory""" return self.working_directory.joinpath("log") @property @abc.abstractmethod def data_directory(self) -> Path: """Data directory""" ...
[docs] class TopLevelMfaWorker(MfaWorker, TemporaryDirectoryMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract mixin for top-level workers in MFA. This class holds properties about the larger workflow run. Parameters ---------- num_jobs: int Number of jobs and processes to use clean: bool Flag for whether to remove any old files in the work directory """ nullable_fields = [ "punctuation", "compound_markers", "clitic_markers", "quote_markers", "word_break_markers", ] def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): kwargs, skipped = type(self).extract_relevant_parameters(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.initialized = False self.start_time = time.time() self.setup_logger() if skipped: logger.warning(f"Skipped the following configuration keys: {comma_join(skipped)}")
[docs] def cleanup_logger(self): """Ensure that loggers are cleaned up on delete""" logger = logging.getLogger("mfa") handlers = logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler): handler.close() logger.removeHandler(handler)
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Setup for worker""" self.check_previous_run() if hasattr(self, "initialize_database"): self.initialize_database() if hasattr(self, "inspect_database"): self.inspect_database()
@property def working_directory(self) -> Path: """Alias for a folder that contains worker information, separate from the data directory""" return self.output_directory.joinpath(self._current_workflow)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args( cls, args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], unknown_args: Optional[List[str]] ) -> MetaDict: """ Class method for parsing configuration parameters from command line arguments Parameters ---------- args: dict[str, Any] Parsed arguments unknown_args: list[str] Optional list of arguments that were not parsed Returns ------- dict[str, Any] Dictionary of specified configuration parameters """ param_types = cls.get_configuration_parameters() params = {} unknown_dict = {} if unknown_args: for i, a in enumerate(unknown_args): if not a.startswith("--"): continue name = a.replace("--", "") if name not in param_types: continue if i == len(unknown_args) - 1 or unknown_args[i + 1].startswith("--"): val = True else: val = unknown_args[i + 1] unknown_dict[name] = val for name, param_type in param_types.items(): if (name.endswith("_directory") and name != "audio_directory") or ( name.endswith("_path") and name not in {"rules_path", "phone_groups_path"} ): continue if args is not None and name in args and args[name] is not None: params[name] = param_type(args[name]) elif name in unknown_dict: params[name] = param_type(unknown_dict[name]) if param_type == bool and not isinstance(unknown_dict[name], bool): if unknown_dict[name].lower() == "false": params[name] = False return params
[docs] @classmethod def parse_parameters( cls, config_path: Optional[Path] = None, args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, unknown_args: Optional[typing.Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> MetaDict: """ Parse configuration parameters from a config file and command line arguments Parameters ---------- config_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path`, optional Path to yaml configuration file args: dict[str, Any] Parsed arguments unknown_args: list[str] Optional list of arguments that were not parsed Returns ------- dict[str, Any] Dictionary of specified configuration parameters """ global_params = {} if config_path and os.path.exists(config_path): data = load_configuration(config_path) for k, v in data.items(): if v is None and k in cls.nullable_fields: v = [] global_params[k] = v global_params.update(cls.parse_args(args, unknown_args)) return global_params
@property def worker_config_path(self) -> str: """Path to worker's configuration in the working directory""" return os.path.join(self.output_directory, f"{self.data_source_identifier}.yaml")
[docs] def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Clean up loggers and output final message for top-level workers """ try: if hasattr(self, "cleanup_connections"): self.cleanup_connections() if self.dirty: logger.error("There was an error in the run, please see the log.") else:"Done! Everything took {time.time() - self.start_time:.3f} seconds") if config.FINAL_CLEAN: logger.debug( "Cleaning up temporary files, use the --debug flag to keep temporary files." ) if hasattr(self, "delete_database"): if config.USE_POSTGRES: proc = [ "dropdb", f"--host={config.database_socket()}", "--if-exists", "--force", self.identifier, ], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, encoding="utf-8", ) logger.debug(f"Stdout: {proc.stdout}") logger.debug(f"Stderr: {proc.stderr}") else: self.delete_database() self.clean_working_directory() self.save_worker_config() self.cleanup_logger() except (NameError, ValueError): # already cleaned up pass
[docs] def save_worker_config(self) -> None: """Export worker configuration to its working directory""" if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory): return with mfa_open(self.worker_config_path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(self.configuration, f)
def _validate_previous_configuration(self, conf: MetaDict) -> None: """ Validate the current configuration against a previous configuration Parameters ---------- conf: dict[str, Any] Previous run's configuration """ from montreal_forced_aligner.utils import get_mfa_version self.dirty = False current_version = get_mfa_version() if not config.DEBUG and conf.get("version", current_version) != current_version: logger.debug( f"Previous run was on {conf['version']} version (new run: {current_version})" ) self.dirty = True
[docs] def check_previous_run(self) -> None: """ Check whether a previous run has any conflicting settings with the current run. Returns ------- bool Flag for whether the current run is compatible with the previous one """ if not os.path.exists(self.worker_config_path): return True try: conf = load_configuration(self.worker_config_path) self._validate_previous_configuration(conf) if not config.CLEAN and self.dirty: logger.warning( "The previous run had a different configuration than the current, which may cause issues." " Please see the log for details or use --clean flag if issues are encountered." ) except yaml.error.YAMLError: logger.warning("The previous run's configuration could not be loaded.") return False
@property def identifier(self) -> str: """Combined identifier of the data source and workflow""" return self.data_source_identifier @property def output_directory(self) -> Path: """Root temporary directory to store all of this worker's files""" return config.TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY.joinpath(self.identifier) @property def log_file(self) -> Path: """Path to the worker's log file""" return self.output_directory.joinpath(f"{self.data_source_identifier}.log")
[docs] def setup_logger(self) -> None: """ Construct a logger for a command line run """ from montreal_forced_aligner.helper import configure_logger from montreal_forced_aligner.utils import get_mfa_version current_version = get_mfa_version() # Remove previous directory if versions are different clean = False if os.path.exists(self.worker_config_path): conf = load_configuration(self.worker_config_path) if conf.get("version", current_version) != current_version: clean = True os.makedirs(self.output_directory, exist_ok=True) configure_logger("mfa", log_file=self.log_file) logger = logging.getLogger("mfa") if config.VERBOSE: try: response = requests.get( "" ) latest_version = response.json()["tag_name"].replace("v", "") if current_version < latest_version: logger.debug( f"You are currently running an older version of MFA ({current_version}) than the latest available ({latest_version}). " f"To update, please run mfa_update." ) except KeyError: pass if"\d+\.\d+\.\d+a", current_version) is not None: logger.debug( "Please be aware that you are running an alpha version of MFA. If you would like to install a more " "stable version, please visit", ) logger.debug(f"Beginning run for {self.data_source_identifier}") logger.debug(f'Using "{config.CURRENT_PROFILE_NAME}" profile') if config.USE_MP: logger.debug(f"Using multiprocessing with {config.NUM_JOBS}") else: logger.debug(f"NOT using multiprocessing with {config.NUM_JOBS}") logger.debug(f"Set up logger for MFA version: {current_version}") if clean or config.CLEAN: logger.debug("Cleaned previous run")
[docs] class ExporterMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract mixin class for exporting any kind of file Parameters ---------- overwrite: bool Flag for whether to overwrite the specified path if a file exists """ def __init__(self, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs): self.overwrite = overwrite super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] class ModelExporterMixin(ExporterMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract mixin class for exporting MFA models """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def meta(self) -> MetaDict: """Training configuration parameters""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def export_model(self, output_model_path: Path) -> None: """ Abstract method to export an MFA model Parameters ---------- output_model_path: :class:`~pathlib.Path` Path to export model """ ...
[docs] class FileExporterMixin(ExporterMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract mixin class for exporting TextGrid and text files Parameters ---------- cleanup_textgrids: bool Flag for whether to clean up exported TextGrids """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def export_files(self, output_directory: str) -> None: """ Export files to an output directory Parameters ---------- output_directory: str Directory to export to """ ...
[docs] class TrainerMixin(ModelExporterMixin): """ Abstract mixin class for MFA trainers Parameters ---------- num_iterations: int Number of training iterations model_version: str Override for model version Attributes ---------- iteration: int Current iteration """ def __init__(self, num_iterations: int = 40, model_version: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.iteration: int = 0 self.num_iterations = num_iterations self.model_version = model_version
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize_training(self) -> None: """Initialize training""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def train(self) -> None: """Perform training""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def train_iteration(self) -> None: """Run one training iteration""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def finalize_training(self) -> None: """Finalize training""" ...
[docs] class AdapterMixin(ModelExporterMixin): """ Abstract class for MFA model adaptation """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def adapt(self) -> None: """Perform adaptation""" ...
[docs] class MfaModel(abc.ABC): """Abstract class for MFA models""" extensions: List[str] model_type = "base_model"
[docs] @classmethod def pretrained_directory(cls) -> Path: """Directory that pretrained models are saved in""" from .config import get_temporary_directory path = get_temporary_directory().joinpath("pretrained_models", cls.model_type) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_models(cls) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of available models for a given model type Returns ------- list[str] List of model names """ if not cls.pretrained_directory().exists(): return [] available = [] for f in cls.pretrained_directory().iterdir(): if cls.valid_extension(f): available.append(f.stem) return available
[docs] @classmethod def get_pretrained_path(cls, name: str, enforce_existence: bool = True) -> Path: """ Generate a path to a pretrained model based on its name and model type Parameters ---------- name: str Name of model enforce_existence: bool Flag to return None if the path doesn't exist, defaults to True Returns ------- Path Path to model """ return cls.generate_path(cls.pretrained_directory(), name, enforce_existence)
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def valid_extension(cls, filename: Path) -> bool: """Check whether a file has a valid extensions""" ...
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def generate_path( cls, root: Path, name: str, enforce_existence: bool = True ) -> Optional[Path]: """Generate a path from a root directory""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pretty_print(self) -> None: """Print the model's meta data""" ...
@property @abc.abstractmethod def meta(self) -> MetaDict: """Metadata for the model""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_meta_file(self, trainer: TrainerMixin) -> None: """Add metadata to the model""" ...